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Freshwater Responds To Santorum's Comments


Not sure what you mean, as I have no DC money to lose (I was 46 at termination). I do feel really bad for all the senior people who listened to the RC4, only to lose the notional money...something they would not have lost with a pre_CH11 agreement. That is very sad, I really mean that.

In fact it is criminal, IMHO.

BoeingBoy said:

I think UYH's personal agenda just slipped out....

"What about all the senior people who just lost what left of the retirement due to no deal."

That big DC plan pension, with a large chunk of it in "Davey Dollars" may have been a factor in someone's attitude - the company avoiding BK was just the vehicle to personal gain.

BoeingBoy said:
I've always heard that one shouldn't need to tell everyone how great they are - their actions speak much louder.


Jim, your right. Those with the least amount of self esteem shout the loudest about themselves and shamelessly self promote. I dont know you, but I sincerely doubt that you do! What ever happens, good luck to you and your family.

USA320Pilot said:

My son had his surgery and nobody is keeping you at the company. Show some courage and quit if you "had enough". But, I believe it’s wrong for people to contribute to the failure of the company if they do not want to work in the LCC environment.

Furthermore, I believe it’s better to have a job while looking for a job. There is no sensible argument to suggest otherwise.


Here we go again. He tells everyone else to quit except THE GREAT ONE HIMSELF. This is getting old. Very old. If they furlough out of seniority the last laugh will be on the company and hopefully USA320. Savy

If you've employed since 3/31/03, you do have DC money - maybe you're confused with the termination of the DB plan....

"something they would not have lost with a pre_CH11 agreement"

And you really believe that anything that the company wanted to eliminate would have not been lost with a pre-Ch11 agreement? I can probably find some swampland to sell you. The company left themselves plenty of loopholes in the proffered 1113 letter to take anything they couldn't get through "negotiation".

mlt said:
USA 320 thinks they might furlough out of seniority and I'm certain he is salivating. This is right up his alley. After all he slithered across a picket line to secure his first job and had super-seniority for a short time.

Does anyone know anything about ALPA's by-laws? How is it possible that a pilot who crossed an ALPA picket line and then allowed to join the same union that he had betrayed? How is it possible that a pilot who betrayed his union and fellow pilots is permitted to hold a proxy (even if it was only for one meeting)? How is it possible a pilot who loses his pension and in a snit writes the potential unthinkable consequences of pilot distraction is allowed to fly an airplane (I'm sure we all remember that thread)?

May God have mercy on your soul!
MLT , What a wonderful post. I almost forgot all of his prior indiscretions. Yes, he reflects well upon himself, his union, his fellow employees . Savy
mlt said:
USA 320 thinks they might furlough out of seniority and I'm certain he is salivating. This is right up his alley. After all he slithered across a picket line to secure his first job and had super-seniority for a short time.

As much as USA320Pilot's labor views are very different than mine, for the record, he IS NOT a scab. Its a shame that your fact paints him in a light that no one should be wrong viewed under. This can be verified by looking at the US Master Pilot Scablist.

mlt said:
USA 320 thinks they might furlough out of seniority and I'm certain he is salivating. This is right up his alley. After all he slithered across a picket line to secure his first job and had super-seniority for a short time.

As much as USA320Pilot's labor views are very different than mine, for the record, he IS NOT a scab. Its a shame that your fact paints him in a light that no one should be wrong viewed under. This can be verified by looking at the US Master Pilot Scablist.

USA320Pilot said:
I could be furloughed out of seniority like others, but last month I received two letters of commendation for reporting to work for every scheduled event, not using any sick time for the past six months, and for outstanding performance by rescuing and flying a broken airplane with a serious fuel problem.


OMG!!!!!!! From one Airline Pilot to another.....you are one pathetic individual!!!!! Rescuing an airplane!!!! HAHAHAHAHA brother, I have not laughed that hard in a long time. You were just doing your job you reject.......just like every other pilot out there!!!!!!

I will probably be banned from the board for this post but I could not let it lie any more......

This guy is an embarassment to the piloting profession. Most of his posts just further his own political or personal agenda but this one take the cake. 99.9% of all professional pilots out there have several engine failures and emergencies under their belt (The last .1% just have not been flying long enough!)....only the complete rejects would call attention to "Commendations" for coming to work and not being sick!!!
Look up in the sky, faster than a speeding bullet its a bird, its a plane its...................USA320! Savy
Deteriorating thread drift...wasn't this thread about Freshwater's rebuttal to Santorum?
USA320Pilot said:
Do not "shoot the messenger", ALPA's advisors have said there could be out of seniority furloughs. I'm just repeating their comments.


Can these sages ALPA has hired point to one other instance at an ALPA property where this has occured including the dismissal of certain employees without cause?

There are other senerios that could result. There might be one big spot landing contest to determine the new pilot roster. Maybe a bathing suit contest. Hey ask the ALPA advisers about that one. I'd better go schedule a wax job.
PineyBob said:
And you know what Fred Freshwater can die anyways HE Choses, just allow the other 27996 that same choice
They willingly gave that up when they voted in ALPA and when they chose not to participate actively in the union. The RC4 are courageous men who are working within the rules, not genies in a lamp.
Furthermore, I now understand the company may seek out of seniority furloughs and if granted by the court, we could see people like Mwereplanes, the RC4, and others leave US Airways employment. This should not be unexpected because ALPA's advisors told the MEC we could expect out of seniority furloughs to help further lower unit costs.

It appears that you, and ALPA advisors, approve of this despicable course of action, but I want to give you the opportunity to clear things up.

Do you approve of out-of-seniority furloughs ( a fancy term for termination )?

What about just cause?

What about contractual rights to due process?

Because it seems to me, you've already drawn up an enemies list.

Be careful about the blowback.
USA320Pilot said:
I could be furloughed out of seniority like others, but last month I received two letters of commendation for reporting to work for every scheduled event, not using any sick time for the past six months, and for outstanding performance by rescuing and flying a broken airplane with a serious fuel problem.

I doubt I would get furloughed out of seniority.

How many flights were cancelled, delayed or forced to operated with reserves because the pilots you flew with became sick after flying with you?

Why do I think this "serious fuel problem" may have existed with your knowledge when you picked up the airplane? Who did you rescue it from, some other pilot who was unwilling to fly it with that problem?

That ought to earn you a letter or two!
mlt said:
USA 320 thinks they might furlough out of seniority and I'm certain he is salivating. This is right up his alley. After all he slithered across a picket line to secure his first job and had super-seniority for a short time.

Does anyone know anything about ALPA's by-laws? How is it possible that a pilot who crossed an ALPA picket line and then allowed to join the same union that he had betrayed? How is it possible that a pilot who betrayed his union and fellow pilots is permitted to hold a proxy (even if it was only for one meeting)? How is it possible a pilot who loses his pension and in a snit writes the potential unthinkable consequences of pilot distraction is allowed to fly an airplane (I'm sure we all remember that thread)?

May God have mercy on your soul!
I am 100% against 320 on just about EVERY issue. But let us get one thing clear. He has NEVER scabbed or even intended to. I was with him 20 years ago, and he supported the ALPA stance at UAL from the gitgo. You are either uninformed or a liar. Greeter.