US Airways Makes Case for Merger With American

And just think, according to the east scabs, majority gets to decide seniority so they should have no problem with that.
You indeed have a fetish for scabs, clowns, and gerbils. Professional help is available. At the very least you could mask your symptoms.:lol:
You indeed have a fetish for scabs, clowns, and gerbils. Professional help is available. At the very least you could mask your symptoms.:lol:
What's the problem, you don't think the majority should dictate seniority?
Hey, add some "list correction" language so that any furoughs come from the LCC side for a 10 year period, and I'm in!

Where do I sign?

No problem, whatever you want. Remember usapa says majority decides, so have fun with it.
Hey, add some "list correction" language so that any furoughs come from the LCC side for a 10 year period, and I'm in!

Where do I sign?


Shocking! Can one suppose then, that "some" slight resistance towards any happy fantasy of slotting by current position, or ahem, "career expectations" exists within the American tribe?
Exercise caution lest you crush any cherished west dreams as to just how joyously your group would/will embrace them........or anyone, for that matter.

Perhaps worth additional consideration is the fact that, according to west notions of "fair and equitable", DO of course understand that all of American's furloughed count for absolutely NOTHING whatsoever?....and that any that "bring a job" to the circus must supplant them on a combined list?

I neglected to mention those that, in the event of an eventual transaction, will feel themselves "entitled" to jump on top of you and yours because they "saved" you all ;)
should I assume that is yet another area that you are an expert at?
Not an expert but a pilot who knows what he's up against.

Unlike the easties who are spoon fed everything, most here on the west make the effort and educate ourselves on topics that directly impact our careers.

And I've done my share of merger and negotiations work both at the table and as a SME.

Good enough?
And I've done my share of merger and negotiates work both at the table and as a SME.

"negotiates work"? matter....should be no problem to have American fall instantly into the palm of your hand then.....
You obviously don't know AAs demographic.
In the past four years, about 1,000 AA pilots retired early so they could get their lump sum option for their A plan and so they could use the 60 day look-back valuation for their B plan. That has left AA with very few 60-65 year olds and has "youthenized" the APA list (to use a "Michael Scottism"). In fact, AA might be light on 55-60 year olds as well. Since no such inducement for early retirement has existed for US East pilots over the past few years, I have to assume that the average age at US East is substantially higher than the average age at AA. And I'd be willing to bet some serious money that the APA pilots at AA would not willingly entertain a DOH integration.

As I've posted before, the arbitration would probably consider the Nic list as the official list of US Airways and would combine that list with the AA list in some fair and equitable fashion that would no doubt enrage the US East pilots, might annoy the US West pilots and wouldn't make the AA APA natives all that happy. In other words, a fair integration.
In the past four years, about 1,000 AA pilots retired early so they could get their lump sum option for their A plan and so they could use the 60 day look-back valuation for their B plan. That has left AA with very few 60-65 year olds and has "youthenized" the APA list (to use a "Michael Scottism"). In fact, AA might be light on 55-60 year olds as well. Since no such inducement for early retirement has existed for US East pilots over the past few years, I have to assume that the average age at US East is substantially higher than the average age at AA. And I'd be willing to bet some serious money that the APA pilots at AA would not willingly entertain a DOH integration.

As I've posted before, the arbitration would probably consider the Nic list as the official list of US Airways and would combine that list with the AA list in some fair and equitable fashion that would no doubt enrage the US East pilots, might annoy the US West pilots and wouldn't make the AA APA natives all that happy. In other words, a fair integration.
Post of the year.

In the past four years, about 1,000 AA pilots retired early so they could get their lump sum option for their A plan and so they could use the 60 day look-back valuation for their B plan. That has left AA with very few 60-65 year olds and has "youthenized" the APA list (to use a "Michael Scottism"). In fact, AA might be light on 55-60 year olds as well. Since no such inducement for early retirement has existed for US East pilots over the past few years, I have to assume that the average age at US East is substantially higher than the average age at AA. And I'd be willing to bet some serious money that the APA pilots at AA would not willingly entertain a DOH integration.

As I've posted before, the arbitration would probably consider the Nic list as the official list of US Airways and would combine that list with the AA list in some fair and equitable fashion that would no doubt enrage the US East pilots, might annoy the US West pilots and wouldn't make the AA APA natives all that happy. In other words, a fair integration.
Arbitrators merge certified seniority lists that they receive from the respective bargaining agents.
Seniority arbitration has nothing to do with pay scales, that would be negotiated between the company and the union.
Seniority arbitration has nothing to do with pay scales
Pay attention 700. If a seniority integration went to arbitration and the arbitrator decided that pay was a fair integration method he/she could certainly produce a combined list ordered by pay. It's unlikely that an arbitrator would decide to do it by pay, but there's not a thing preventing it.
