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US Airways CEO: We don’t have to merge, but maybe it makes senseRead more here: http://www.charlotte

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Well, Mr. Parker, if that's a prerequisite, USAirways will never merge with American (or anybody else, for that matter.) American Airlines employees are not blind, nor stupid, any more than the Delta employees of 2006 were. And US Airways employees are not ready for you to again work you "merger magic" on American while the US/AW merger, still lingering after nearly 7 years, is yet years away from completion. (That's at least partially your fault due to your nearsighted, miserly, arrogant, insulting "Kirby proposal.") The US Airways employees have no desire to impose the "Tempe Brain Trust" on our colleagues at American Airlines. They have enough problems right now without throwing you into the mix.

Employee allies on either side? Fuggedaboudit!
Sounds like Parker already has your cooperation:


The operations discussion was an easy one. On time percentage is way up, baggage mishandling is way down, and complaints are way down as well when looking back toward the dark days of 2007. This year, thanks to benign winter weather, things have been going even better. On January 31, US Airways hit an all time record for the airline with 96.1 percent of flights arriving on time. The airline also has already had more days without a cancellation in 2012 than in any previous FULL year.
agreeed NYC BUS... actions speaker louder then words....
MGMT has nobody supporting their actions.

So are these your actions speaking crazystnic? :lol: :lol:


The operations discussion was an easy one. On time percentage is way up, baggage mishandling is way down, and complaints are way down as well when looking back toward the dark days of 2007. This year, thanks to benign winter weather, things have been going even better. On January 31, US Airways hit an all time record for the airline with 96.1 percent of flights arriving on time. The airline also has already had more days without a cancellation in 2012 than in any previous FULL year.
Me (and about 1700 of my closest friends) too!

You and your friends set the standard low, worked for squat, and dragged the rest of us down for years. Your crappy model became the lowest and final standard. Congrats
You and your friends set the standard low, worked for squat, and dragged the rest of us down for years. Your crappy model became the lowest and final standard. Congrats
Coming from a guy who thinks LOA93 isn't so bad.

Ya, your post pretty much means nothing.

And remember, you are and have been bottom for MANY years now.

Congrats to you.

And great union you guys put in place.
Why should the airline employee’s support the Pilot Equitable Treatment Act if there is noting in it to address the rest of the airline employee’s retirement.It is hard to get support when just a select few get protection
Sorry, not asking for non-pilot support. The bills are to correct the PBGC rules to account for the mandatory retirement age and maximum benefits allowed for pilots. Rampers and gate agents don't have a mandatory retirement age.
So, if you are not a pilot with a terminated pension, disregard my post.
Did American Airlines Thrust Itself Into US Airways’ Arms?

AMR's bid to scrap union contracts might have set up suitors

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, Parker said he had learned an important lesson from US Air’s failed attempt at a hostile takeover of Delta in 2006. “You need to have allies, particularly the employees,” he said. “You need labor to be excited about the transactions.”

Click here to read the story.
Because it's all about the pilots, always has been. Didn't you know that they are the only ones that make the airline happen.
The rest of us are just standing on the sidelines collecting a paycheck
I've heard my coworkers say we pilots generate all the revenue.
I've heard my coworkers say we pilots generate all the revenue.

Now if you're in PHX you've proved my theory that the sun and heat have effected their brains and thinking.

When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss....

The brain (Mgmt) said. "I should be Boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions."

The feet (pilots) said, "We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go."

The hand (F/A's) said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money."

And so it went on and on with the heart, the lungs and the eyes, until finally the #### spoke up(insert your Non Pilot group here) . All the parts laughed at the idea of #### being the Boss. So the #### went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work.

Within a short time, the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered. Eventually, they all decided that the #### should be the Boss, so the motion was passed. All the others parts did all the work while the Boss just sat and passed out the shite.

Moral of the story.....
You don't need brains to be a Boss....#### will do!

There is a lesson here. Not sure what it is.
Why should the airline employee’s support the Pilot Equitable Treatment Act if there is noting in it to address the rest of the airline employee’s retirement.It is hard to get support when just a select few get protection
Can someone refresh my memory?

Back in USAir BK one or two, didn't the company take the underfunded pilot DB plan monies and make the F/A DB plan whole?
Did American Airlines Thrust Itself Into US Airways’ Arms?

AMR's bid to scrap union contracts might have set up suitors

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, Parker said he had learned an important lesson from US Air’s failed attempt at a hostile takeover of Delta in 2006. “You need to have allies, particularly the employees,” he said. “You need labor to be excited about the transactions.”

Click here to read the story.
What the author doesn't understand is that the 1113 filing is part of the process..

Slow news day.
Well, Mr. Parker, if that's a prerequisite, USAirways will never merge with American (or anybody else, for that matter.) American Airlines employees are not blind, nor stupid, any more than the Delta employees of 2006 were. Fuggedaboudit!
You get it.

I spend every trip bringing my fellow employees up to speed as to why this is a bad combination for AA.

Got debt? http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/03/28/us-airways-set-for-a-rough-ride.aspx
Thanks. Err, No thanks!
I'm sure all of your preaching will pay off. Be sure to catch the creditors too.....
At the end of the day it won't be decided by the likes of us on a message board,so no real point in getting worked up about something none of us have any control over.

Said it before and I'll say it again, I think this is a done deal and they are just waiting for the ducks at AA to get lined up before they go ahead with the "Reveal" and start the talk of synergy and the like.
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