So you have been waiting for six years plus whatever amount of time you may prefer to add in pre-merger for both groups and you still have quite a ways to go with absolutely no guarantee that you will get released to self-help in 1, 2 of 5 more years of NMB mediated talks. That's your plan for ultimate success?
Note to Management: the FAs are perfectly happy staying on their current contracts and receiving no increase in wages for many more years to come . They are far too busy dreaming of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to worry about getting a contract done today. I wonder how many millions in savings that calculates out to, especially using the time value of money formulas?
Do you think the company will still be here then? Many of the east pilots, with the help of USAPA, are trying to burn the place down long before you get your shot which would leave you with nothing to collect. What do you get then? Or, what if the company completes another merger and you get thrown into a situation where a much larger population of FAs prefer to be non-union (DL) or they don't agree with your scorched earth plan? Will waiting for six to ten years with nothing to show for it be worth it then? What if you have to go out on medical or something else happens which ends your career? Will it be worth it then? The point is the future can throw many curve balls at you and completely wreck your plans. Why oh why didn't I invest in Apple back in 1992 when I was predicting to my college buddy that they would not only survive the Microsoft domination but would ultimately over take them as the worlds largest tech company? Knowing what I know now, I see just how big of a mistake I made by not making an investment back then that would have paid off big time for me now. Knowing what the future holds is tenuous to downright impossible for us mortals.
What would be your plan, Callaway? To take the substandard middle finger that the company has offered us? Not gonna happen. There is no guarantee that we will get released into self help but I have a sneaking suspicion we're making progress with this mediator, and I doubt seriously he will entertain 1, 2, or 5 more years of talks. I'm curious what working person here would not be in support of another labor group getting a fair contract. It's not like we're asking for what SWA has, or what AA has, or what Alaska has, but you cannot seriously hold a straight face and say we should just take what they have offered us when I have personal friends here on food stamps. Really. We're not dreaming of a pot at the end of the rainbow, and your little "note to management" is way off base. Spare me trying to turn us against our brothers in USAPA. The pilots have their own battles, but I'm not going to get sucked down that slippery slope. And, sir, to be honest, I really don't have much to show for my "career" here now, even after X number of years, I make less than I did two years after I got hired, and sure get screwed over a hell of a lot more. Am I complaining? No sir, and I choose not to quit, at this point, because there is hope for a better tomorrow, despite the nay-sayers who think we're just a bunch of greedy people who want some pie-in-the-sky. We don't. Just what's fair, and I assure you, sir, that the proposal is NOT fair in the least.
As far as going on a medical, things happen, and have happened, and will happen. All the more reason to have a good contract to support us in times of work and injury and illness. A non union airline, here? Would NEVER happen. We see what this management team is capable of doing - furloughs, displacements, outsourcing, closing bases, hubs, layoffs, giving everything under the sun to any express worker who will work for what they offer, experience and education be damned.... no sir, I have a plan b, am college educated, have other things going on in my life, and have a set of guts as do my colleagues who can and will vote YES when a strike vote is placed before us.
We don't live in fear anymore, kind sir, and we'll keep on keeping on just like we always have. Safety First, Service with a smile, you know... the important stuff.