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Us Air To Reduce Iam-fsa Positions

320pilot is once again reading more in this topic than there is. What is taking place here is the conversion of Mainline FSA jobs in PHL to MDA-FSA jobs. Up to this point the MDA flights were being worked by Mainline in PHL. I would expect this to take place in other Hubs and stations that have a sizable MDA operation in the future. He is a true nay-sayer, trying to beat the IAM membership into seeing things HIS way. Most if not all could care less about protecting his 6 figure job. Until 320boy is sitting in the seat of an EMB170 with his salary below 100k, he will not comprehend any of this MDA or Express stuff. He keeps cheering for everyone to give and give to save his paycheck, while others are near or at poverty level wages. Get Real here, with what the company wants to pay, most can get jobs elsewhere earning the same wage. We all know that YOU CAN'T, and this is why you keep beating the Concession Drum along with the Company. :down:
USA320Pilot said:
Then the company could line up contractors and complete the SIDA badging in short order. To suggest this is a long and tedious and difficult process is wrong.

Again, if it comes to a job action, the company could prepare for this in advance to staff line maintenance functions and schedule heavy maintenance to be done with contractors, and obtain court approval for this action with a pre-packaged bankruptcy motion.
Actually, they can't.

The CBA is in effect until the entire S1113 process is followed. One of the codified "tests" is whether or not the company negotiates in "good faith." Actions such as the ones you describe would never be allowed by a judge, because it would be impossible to subsequently prove that negotiations were conducted in good faith.

If the IAM-M walks, the company will fold. You can try to spin it six ways from Sunday, but it is what it is. It would take roughly 3 days (you don't really think anyone is going to throw DIP money at US to allow it to potentially outlast a work action, do you?).

U-S Airways immediate opportunities for FLEET SERVICE AGENTS.

Open interview sessions on 7/28 & 7/29 at the Sheraton.

These are for P/T positions ONLY.

So the company is hiring in CLT and cutting heads in PHL??? Sounds like they are attempting to secure experienced workers for MAA.....as the openings over there suggest. Talk about forced pay cuts. Absolute scoundrels:down:
The information about CLT MDA FSA opportunities is no different than what my employee group has faced with J4J and its problems. Should the employee groups expect anything else? Especially if a union refuses to participate in the new business plan? of course the company is going to force a contract that is worse than what could have been negotiated and why not if you're management trying to improve profits?

Nobody likes what is happening, but the real enemy is the LCC's and other operators who pay their employees pay and benefits less than US Airways.

Do I like it? No, but I believe the majority of the employees are better off with the company operating than liquidated.

What I find interesting is that if the "concession stand is truly closed" than why all of the message board rhetoric from the "naysayers"? In fact, nobody is trying to "trying to scare, intimidate, threaten" anybody and with the concession stand closed, then management will do what they believe is best to insure the business enterprise continues to operate.

There is no employee or union that is bigger than the company and some may not accept the business plan. For those who do not management has indicated that's o.k. and then they will simply be replaced.

There are about 100,000 furloughed airline employees who would work at US Airways and maybe the one union with the most at risk is the IAM. Why? They can be replaced virtually over night with contract maintenance whether at the depot or line level.

Outsourced maintenance or contractors are available and it’s likely that many employees will not support the "concession stand is closed" concept and work at the company versus witnessing some bitter, angry people walk out the door with nothing.

It does not matter if it’s a pilot, F/A, load planner, dispatcher, accountant, office administrator, or any other employee, we all can be replaced and in anticipation of a job action, the company can line up replacement workers and the airline can continue to operate with the court supporting such action.

SpinDoc’s comments are valid and he offers good advice, which I believe is understood by the silent majority. David Bronner has said the restructuring will go forward “with or without employeesâ€￾ and we are beginning to see more of the pain for those people unwilling (so far) to participate in the new business plan. It's too bad that it's come to this, but as we all know, we all have options.


It's my understanding that the pre-packaged bankruptcy plan does not require DIP financing, could have the support of the ATSB/Bush Administration, and would place labor in the "cross hairs". In fact, PITBull has said the AFA MEC elected to enter into formal negotiations with the company to protect the union prior to entering bankruptcy.

It appears that ALPA, the AFA, and the CWA understand this.

Moreover, financial advisors have let the unions know that in bankruptcy labor will likely take a major "haircut" and exprience even more painful cuts.

Finally, I doubt it would ever come to a job action because each union needs as many dues paying members as they can because each of them are struggling financially too.


First of all there are no J4J provisions, for the IAM the company can still turn you down.

Last time I checked the LCC's did not violate the IAM-M, IAM-R, AFA, ALPA or CWA's contracts.

What I find interesting is a pilot who is not a member of the IAM is obsessed with what the IAM does.

You just can't hire a person, especially a mechanic as you have to have training before you are allowed to touch a plane. And there is SIDA badge issues. Which you seem to keep failing to understand.

Outsourcing cannot happen overnight, like I have said before you have to be trained and have OJT on a US Airways plane before the FAA will allow a vendor to touch it. And if you remember ST MAE had capacity problems and could not even own up to the contract stating they had to have two tracks going at the same time, they could only do one.

Line mechanics for example at CLT there are three employees of Prem Air, who is the only other maintenance provider at CLT. Training and SIDA issues.

Scabs can not run an operation as it was proved at Eastern and proved during the IAM strike in 1992, the company grounded all the F28s, F100s, DC-9s and MD-80s as they could not support the fleet and flights. There were thousands of flight cancellations. Don't you remember the secret agreement what your union made, to cross the picket lines and every single trip will get paid regardless if flown or cancelled?

Spin Doc has been proven wrong, just look at Eastern.

So once again, please post the facts and not assumptions.
A pre-packaged and well planned bankruptcy filing, which is currently being prepared by the Seabury Group, FTI Consulting, the law firm of Arnold and Porter, could have a replacement work force in place before a job action. This and the national union’s requirement to have as many dues paying members as possible, especially in today's environment, make the chance of a job action actually happening remote. Will the union cut off its own head due to anger and bitterness by the vocal minority? Will union members default on the mortgages and not be able to put food on the table stand in their way?

The U.S. airline industry has tens of thousands of furloughed workers. Many experienced workers cannot get a job at an LCC or at other companies and everybody knows this.

Any labor group that does not participate in the new business plan and does not obtain a S.1113/S.1114 letter will likely get whacked, which is why PITBull said the AFA elected to enter into formal negotiations with the company. Apparently the AFA understands that the plan will go forward "with or without employees" and that's why they are trying to protect their jobs with the best possible deal going forward.

Finally, what I find interesting is that this topic started with company news and then it was hijacked by the normal hijackers. Interesting...


I hope scot does not get me in trouble for this.

A prepackaged bankruptcy does not mean a thing, according to the law, sections 1113/14 the COMPANY MUST NEGOTIATE WITH THE UNION BEFORE A JUDGE CAN RULE ON THE MOTION.

I have told you this and so has cluebyfour.

Why do you keep posting the same wrong information?

And a prepackaged bk is still a fantasy, not reality. And it did not work well for TWA when they filed prepackaged.

And if you believe the thread why hijacked why do you continue to respond and post false information?
700UW said:
Don't you remember the secret agreement what your union made, to cross the picket lines and every single trip will get paid regardless if flown or cancelled?

Spin Doc has been proven wrong, just look at Eastern.

So once again, please post the facts and not assumptions.
I sure remember the secret agreement, along with the media rub of calling the U mechanics Neanderthals.

I also remember the pilots doing the same thing at Eastern and we all know what that accomplished, and if you don’t let me expound: It didn’t matter that the pilots didn’t stand with the IAM at Eastern and it won’t matter at U either.

All the hollow threats by the management hacks on here are just that, threats and scare tactics because they are the ones that are REALLY scared knowing how pissed off the IAM is and what will result from it.
USA320Pilot said:
SpinDoc’s comments are valid and he offers good advice, which I believe is understood by the silent majority.
SpinDoc understands what is needed to survive. You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. This is why I have given up on the naysayers (Delldude,700UW,Cavalier,AP Tech and Pitguy). I have faith in this management team and the silent majority that will assist the company with the required concessions. It is imperative that the silent majority (IAM) members advise their local leaders that now is the time to bargain with the company.

I still have faith that Pitbull will see the light. I look forward to reading your novel. :unsure: There is a growing movement within the AFA to do whatever is needed to survive. We have the best frontline employees in the industry and everyone wants to keep their jobs.

The facts are plain and simple and Mr Bloch will open your eyes to this, you have violated the IAM contract, the AFA contract and the ALPA contract. You have threatened to violate the IAM-ramp contract.

The employees do not trust management because instead of you focusing on taking on the LCCs you have declared war on the employees, who if you dont remember are the people keeping this company going through all the gloom and doom.

Wall Street has no confidence in this management, look at the stock price. Standard and Poors has no confidence in this management, look at the bond ratings and the continuing black cloud of the credit rating being downgraded once again. GECAS is running scared because of the financing of the EMB170s, why did they address ALPA to get LOA 91 ratified?

And where is the money going from the sale/leaseback of the 170s?
Funny US takes a loan out to buy a plane, has to pay the loan terms, then they sell the plane and lease it back, so now they have a loan payment, a lease payment and the funds of the sale usually go into the general treasury. So how does it make sense to pay double for one plane?

Maybe if you stopped the assualt on labor that this management has chosen to do, discipline, most of it worthless is being issued daily, and honored the contracts that you agreed to and treat the employees with respect and dignity, you might get some cooperation.
Hawk said:
SpinDoc understands what is needed to survive. You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. This is why I have given up on the naysayers (Delldude,700UW,Cavalier,AP Tech and Pitguy).
Salutations Sir Hawk

The silent majority has already spoken.

I believe Pitbull has seen the light and it sure puts your team is an awful position having all your dirty deeds exposed for what they truly are in that light.
I say just let the Law decide. I fully support the IAM's stance. We have a contract. Let the arbitrator decide the future of maintenance.There is no way the company is gonna have mainline do the overhauls if it doesnt have to, Unless the pay is so cheap its not worth it.The only jobs being lost are too MDA. If ALPA would stop giving away scope it would be nice. Maintenance doesnt need J4J. there may not be any mainline level jobs out there, but there are a ton of MDA level jobs, so whats to lose? Theres nothing the IAM could do that would save the company and be worth it to the members.The IAM gave this company huge concessions. Some of the biggest in history. I say let a judge decide if they werent enough. The people that are left have been prepared for 3 years to lose thier jobs.I think they are ready for a fight.

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