The information about CLT MDA FSA opportunities is no different than what my employee group has faced with J4J and its problems. Should the employee groups expect anything else? Especially if a union refuses to participate in the new business plan? of course the company is going to force a contract that is worse than what could have been negotiated and why not if you're management trying to improve profits?
Nobody likes what is happening, but the real enemy is the LCC's and other operators who pay their employees pay and benefits less than US Airways.
Do I like it? No, but I believe the majority of the employees are better off with the company operating than liquidated.
What I find interesting is that if the "concession stand is truly closed" than why all of the message board rhetoric from the "naysayers"? In fact, nobody is trying to "trying to scare, intimidate, threaten" anybody and with the concession stand closed, then management will do what they believe is best to insure the business enterprise continues to operate.
There is no employee or union that is bigger than the company and some may not accept the business plan. For those who do not management has indicated that's o.k. and then they will simply be replaced.
There are about 100,000 furloughed airline employees who would work at US Airways and maybe the one union with the most at risk is the IAM. Why? They can be replaced virtually over night with contract maintenance whether at the depot or line level.
Outsourced maintenance or contractors are available and it’s likely that many employees will not support the "concession stand is closed" concept and work at the company versus witnessing some bitter, angry people walk out the door with nothing.
It does not matter if it’s a pilot, F/A, load planner, dispatcher, accountant, office administrator, or any other employee, we all can be replaced and in anticipation of a job action, the company can line up replacement workers and the airline can continue to operate with the court supporting such action.
SpinDoc’s comments are valid and he offers good advice, which I believe is understood by the silent majority. David Bronner has said the restructuring will go forward “with or without employees†and we are beginning to see more of the pain for those people unwilling (so far) to participate in the new business plan. It's too bad that it's come to this, but as we all know, we all have options.