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P/t Fsa Position In Phl

Light Years,

This is so sad. Once again proving that "Me! Me! Me!" needs to be replaced with "We! Us! Ours!"

Just my thoughts...

Hope you are doing well, my friend!

jcooke said:
OK, sounds pretty similar to the scheduling process when I was working for a large helpdesk. Do they allow people to cover each others shifts if a circumstance exists (for instance, dr. appts, etc)?

Do they hold the training for FSA's in PHL or is it spread out to PIT and CLT as well?

Definitely glad to see they've took delivery of the 20th, although I can't say I've been in one before.

Thanks for the info!


The E-170's are really nice. Lots of room inside. The F/A's I've chatted with up in the jetway love them as well. We've had a couple mechanicals the past fews days. No major problems though. All of the training is done at PHL, with 40 hours in the classroom, and 40 hours OJT. You can get people to cover your shifts, only really after your 90 day probationary period is over. The managers are really cool though. For your first 90 days you pretty much need to be on your best behavior
Jonnyd said:
The E-170's are really nice. Lots of room inside. The F/A's I've chatted with up in the jetway love them as well. We've had a couple mechanicals the past fews days. No major problems though. All of the training is done at PHL, with 40 hours in the classroom, and 40 hours OJT. You can get people to cover your shifts, only really after your 90 day probationary period is over. The managers are really cool though. For your first 90 days you pretty much need to be on your best behavior

Good! Definitely looking forward to coming onboard. Hopefully hear back soon to when training starts - they're doing the BG check process now.

If SWA came into town, I would head over to them in a Heartbeat. A stable Company, that tops out nearly $10 more an Hour than MDA. For that matter, they top out at $5 more than US Mainline rates.....and that is today, who knows what it will be after round 3. If you choose MDA, you will remain there for a Long time. Once your recall to Mainline expires, you will be stuck at MDA.....and that is IF US is still in business at all. I have waited and hoped for SWA to show up locally, and if they do....I will choose them over this sinking ship in a second. I'm sure anyone else that has the chance will do the same. We have nowhere to go but down at US.
If the comany gets it's way we will be taken even lower in wages, and locked in until 2012. What will SWA employees be earning by then??? What will your cost of living be at that time?? Does anyone think the cost of living will drop with your wages here at US? This is a No- Brainer to go to SWA or any OA that is profitable and more stable. It is your choice to remain at MDA in PHL. Take a look at it in the long term. I am willing to bet the MDA top rate won't be able to support you and a family. MDA may be good if you live home with your parents, or as a second job.
deltawatch said:
Wings either jcooke is someone BS-ing or a darn fool!

I'll bite - how do you figure? Because I'd rather work for US over WN? Wings is probably right when he said that MDA's top pay scale wouldn't be able to support a family - not a worry to me. My reasons for working for US are not purely monetary-based. I'm in this for the opportunity to get into the aviation field, earn some free travel, and earn a few bucks.

Hell, I'll be working on some of the newest planes out there for a carrier that I've been flying (and enjoying) revenue flights on for years. And the added perks of flying around the world, what's not to enjoy?


I think we can see why we who are fighting to keep airline jobs something worth coming to are losing the war.

If there are enough jcooke's out there, why even bother to fight?

Jcooke, I hope this doesn't come back to bite you when you have finally found a job you enjoy in the "aviation field," are trying to live a semi-decent existence on your meager salary, and then in a few years someone else comes along willing to do YOUR job for $2.50/hr to get a chance to break into the "aviation field."

Good luck. I have a feeling you will find exactly the job you deserve waiting for you.
jcooke thread is not real, just {edited by moderator} playing games on the board. If he does work for U it's in CCY. Hey are you ready to move to Mobile AL jcooke?
Your reason for working is not based on financial requirements?????
I also enjoy this field very much, but at the same time I need to earn enough to put food on the table. To make a statement like that, you must have hit the Powerball Lottery or something. Why not do the same job at a better Company for more pay???? MDA is nothing more than a Walmart wage Airline from top to bottom, it may even pay less...
wings396 said:
If SWA came into town, I would head over to them in a Heartbeat. A stable Company, that tops out nearly $10 more an Hour than MDA. For that matter, they top out at $5 more than US Mainline rates.....and that is today, who knows what it will be after round 3. If you choose MDA, you will remain there for a Long time. Once your recall to Mainline expires, you will be stuck at MDA.....and that is IF US is still in business at all. I have waited and hoped for SWA to show up locally, and if they do....I will choose them over this sinking ship in a second. I'm sure anyone else that has the chance will do the same. We have nowhere to go but down at US.
If the comany gets it's way we will be taken even lower in wages, and locked in until 2012. What will SWA employees be earning by then??? What will your cost of living be at that time?? Does anyone think the cost of living will drop with your wages here at US? This is a No- Brainer to go to SWA or any OA that is profitable and more stable. It is your choice to remain at MDA in PHL. Take a look at it in the long term. I am willing to bet the MDA top rate won't be able to support you and a family. MDA may be good if you live home with your parents, or as a second job.

Well clearly you limit your employment around your local airport. Other people base thier employment around what type of flying they'll do, how senior they'll be or how far thier travel benefits will get them. Some are looking to move up in the industry, some are looking for an interesting job for a couple years while they go to school. How do you know what people's situations are?

By the way, recall to mainline never expires, nor do travel benefits while furloughed, at least for F/As. And have you ever thought about the fact that some people may not actually care to go back to mainline? Some may like the fact that they work on a beautiful airplane thats easy to work, are part of major growth, hold blocks and will have holidays and weekends off for the first time in thier adult life. That may just be worth the $2.11 paycut from mainline starting pay.

Everyone has thier own reasons for the employment they choose. I think all of us (particularly those who feel they've made poor decisions) should keep the unsolicited career advice to themselves.
Why dont you guys stand outside the interview locations and try and turn people away. Again, who determined the pay rates?


I dont remember anyone offering ideas to save the junior folks. I dont remember anyone telling the company American Eagle contracts were unacceptable. I dont remember anyone fighting for at least Comairs, or even Piedmonts contracts for MDA. In fact, I dont remember anyone giving a s*it about MDA or furloughees until the first E170 showed up, with a new scapecgoat for people to sneer at.

I guess all of the furloughed people should stay on unemployment to protect the dignity of the mainline employees. I guess if they dont show up they can hire even lower paid new employees, that'll show em!!!

"Go to Southwest". Youre a furloughed F/A that lives in PIT or PHL. I guess you should go to WN and be based in BWI if you're lucky, have no way to commute home, and no way to go anywhere decent on your time off... with all due respect, not everyone is older with family and you cant hold that against people... and make that little bit more to sit on the bottom of a huge seniority list in your ugly polo shirt. Hmmm, which option sounds better to you?

"Go to another airline" Um, ok, lets see ATA (if they are hiring), Air Tran, Spirit, JetBlue if they'd call, and avery other Express carrier. Figure in being junior again, starting from the bottom again, unpaid training again, endless reserve again and moving again... compared to seniority at MDA... pretty much the same amount of money. Or do people really think that the other airlines have US Airways type contracts? <_<

"Do something else." YOU do something else! 🙄

Furloughed people coming to MDA have thier own reasons for coming. Please respect them and thier situation and keep your still-paid-much-more mouth shut. If you havent been made to sit in an unemployment office watching videos about how to fill out fast food applications, or hugged your friend who just had her wings taken way two months after 9-11, or paid $500 to get a cavity taken care of, then you dont know thier situations and maybe you shouldnt be giving advice on them. <_<

New hires off the street have thier reasons for coming to MDA. Please respect them and keep in mind that they've never voted on a contract or concession in thier lives. Who has, over and over? You were a hopeful new hire once too. I wonder if anyone peed on your parade at the time? Is everyone from your new hire class still working there, on here bitching that it didnt end up the career you wanted it to be?
Light Years said:

I dont remember anyone offering ideas to save the junior folks. I dont remember anyone telling the company American Eagle contracts were unacceptable. I dont remember anyone fighting for at least Comairs, or even Piedmonts contracts for MDA. In fact, I dont remember anyone giving a s*it about MDA or furloughees until the first E170 showed up, with a new scapecgoat for people to sneer at.

The CWA has been trying to do something about Piedmonts pay for several years. They have had an organizing push going for that reason. Like deltawatch said this poster is an imposter anyway, just playing with you. No one in there right mine would take a job with MDA instead on Southwest.
For the weeks that I've been at MDA, I have never heard one person complain about their job. We're just happy to be there and we have fun while working. Heck, I know a lot mainline guys who are working with us for a temporary time who want to stay. I have friends at work who are going to St. Croix, Grand Cayman, and all other places on their days off just for the night! You can't get that working with SWA.
When you were hired
were you required to join the I.A.M. ?
or will you in the future be required to join the I.A.M. ?
Not too sure but I believe its all the same unions for each work group. Even if it was separated from the mainline onto its own certificate it stays union.

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