Does not work that way, and you know it.
Judge would have to order negotiations, so keep trying by posting your blantant falsehoods, you are sounding more and more desperate with each post.
If the company files an 1113/14 motion the judge by law has to order them to negotiate.
And they can seek to outsource your flying, heck your union has bent over and given the company all the right to outsource flying and they are taking advantage of it each and every day IE RJs.
And SIDA badges can take up to 3 months, I have witnessed it have you?
And why do you keep posting the same diatribe?
Can't find any factual information to post?
Keep trying, but you keep failing.
My friend wants to talk to you.
Judge would have to order negotiations, so keep trying by posting your blantant falsehoods, you are sounding more and more desperate with each post.
If the company files an 1113/14 motion the judge by law has to order them to negotiate.
And they can seek to outsource your flying, heck your union has bent over and given the company all the right to outsource flying and they are taking advantage of it each and every day IE RJs.
And SIDA badges can take up to 3 months, I have witnessed it have you?
And why do you keep posting the same diatribe?
Can't find any factual information to post?
Keep trying, but you keep failing.
My friend wants to talk to you.