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Us Air To Reduce Iam-fsa Positions

Does not work that way, and you know it.

Judge would have to order negotiations, so keep trying by posting your blantant falsehoods, you are sounding more and more desperate with each post.

If the company files an 1113/14 motion the judge by law has to order them to negotiate.

And they can seek to outsource your flying, heck your union has bent over and given the company all the right to outsource flying and they are taking advantage of it each and every day IE RJs.

And SIDA badges can take up to 3 months, I have witnessed it have you?

And why do you keep posting the same diatribe?

Can't find any factual information to post?

Keep trying, but you keep failing.

My friend wants to talk to you.
Why are you obsessed with the IAM?

Are you scared because a union has the gonads to stand up to the company and it might cause you to lose your $200,000 a year income?

You sound very scared and desperate.

Maybe you should concern yourself with your union and keep your nose out of mine, oh wait, they censured you and disavowed you.
Just one more point...

Considering Bruce Lakefield continues to tell employees throughout the system that no single union will cause the company to go out of business and 3 of the 4 largest unions are negotiating new business plan contract changes, could the company actually hope the IAM does not come to the table?

Could the company actually desire to file a motion in court to get rid of all overhaul and many other positions?

Could the IAM actually be giving the company the tools to:

Eliminate all Utility
Eliminate all Stock Clerks
Lay off thousands of mechanics and go down to 800 mechanics.
Eliminate GSE
Eliminate Plant Mtc
Eliminate Heavy Mtc
Eliminate Component shops

In fact, could this be a way for the company to not have to provide IAM members with severance pay, J4J, passes, and recall rights? Furthermore, could this be a way to give other employee groups larger profit sharing checks to get their support for new TA's?

Do Ilike this? "No Siree" and I do not like what is happening to other labor groups as well, but it's something to think about...

There is no question this round of restructuring hurts and is going to hurt employees even more, but maybe the company is setting the IAM up and management could care less if the IAM comes to the bargaining table.


Once again, how many times are you gonna post the same thing?

I think we can comprehend it after one posting.

Can't come up with the truth?

Profit sharing? That is the funniest thing I have heard all day, anyway if you knew other groups contracts there all ready is profit sharing. But let me inform you of something, you have to make a profit to get profit sharing and this management team has shown they are incapable of doing that.

Can the company file a motion for Mesa to do all the flying except widebody?

Yes they can.

And kinda funny if you say the company could care less if the IAM comes to the table, because yesterday Al Hemenway, Director of Labor Relations Ground called the General Chairs to ask them when the IAM is ready to talk?

You just keep digging your own hole deeper and deeper with your false information

See your logic, or lack of it shows.

By the way I will show you when you are wrong as many times as you care to post false information, so you might as well quit while you are behind.
I believe what is truly important is that US Airways provides just a job. Every employee should be prepared to move on, especially those who do not want to participate in the new business plan.

As Davd Bronner said, the restructuring will go forward "with or without employees."

After all -- it's just a job.


So why dont you move on and leave the IAM and its members to make thier own decisions.

Oh you cant cause you are scared that you will lose your $200,000 a year income.

And you have all ready posted it about 10 times about Lakefield, can you come up with something new instead of wasting bandwidth?
It's just a job and those who complain the loudest likely have no other options, which is truly sad. Otherwise why would they be pounding the keyboard so hard, if they had other options? Could it be these people are the one's who are truly scared? "Me thinks so", otherwise they would not be so emotional.

Remember, for those who have other options, other reitrement income, spousal income, other job opportunities, good portfolio management, etc. -- US Airways is "just a job".


If it is just a job why are you obsessed with the IAM?

And you dont know me, I all ready got my options taken care of, do you?

What about your foreign flying job you told the whole board you were taking cause you hated Dave cause he terminated your pension?

Your still here!
USA320Pilot said:
It's just a job and those who complain the loudest likely have no other options, which is truly sad. Otherwise why would they be pounding the keyboard so hard, if they had other options? Could it be these people are the one's who are truly scared? "Me thinks so", otherwise they would not be so emotional.
Hmm, I see you have pounded the keyboard, talking about yourself?
Why leave the country when your family can make more in the USA?

We develop opportunity by applying persistence to the possibilities. Opportunity is all around us. If we seek it, we will find it, but it certainly will not come by pounding a keyboard complaining about the state of the airline industry and US Airways.

Those who complain the most are likely the one's without other meaningful options, otherwise they would not have so much emotion. Why complain and scream on the message board, if there truly was other meaningful opportunities?

I believe it's better to not wait for the ship to come into port, but instead swim out to it.

Regardless, I find it interesting that the IAM maybe playing right into the company's hand and the union could become irrelevant. Do I like it? "No Siree", but it could be happening and it's interesting.


You never learn.

You can live in fear like a coward if you want, I prefer to die with dignity.

And I guess if folks like Martin Luther King and Ghandi did not speak up the world would be a very differant place.

But I dont expect you to get it.
Speaking for myself, I would rather take my chances with the Judge than trust this management to keep their word on another agreement after they violated the 1st concession agreement. Sorry, its just how I feel!
totobird said:
700UW give it a rest. All the guy did was post something from the Union Web Site.

Why is it that you hate his posts so much but you are the first to run and read them everytime ?
We all know why he posts this crap non stop and then says he doesn't like it, which I don't believe for a second, this guy is overcome and totally obsessed with trying to get people like 700 and myself to run to our union leaders and beg them to give more so he can keep his job. People have been thrown in the cornfield or thrown off completely because of this guy who signs his posts with the bogus signature of "respectfully" making a mockery out of the word.

I am with 700 all the way when it come to this poster!
If the IAM's position does not change, expect the heat to be turned up on the IAM with more and more jobs eliminated and/or transferred. The IAM is giving the company no choice but to make the union irrelevant to the process.

I do not like this anymore than anybody else, but costs must be brought down across-the-board or the company will fail, thus the IAM is forcing management to take this action.

It's too bad but its the IAM and its members choice to not participate in the new business plan (so far) and Bronner is doing what he said, the business plan is moving forward "with or without" employees and the company will be forced to:

Eliminate all Utility
Eliminate all Stock Clerks
Lay off thousands of mechanics and go down to 800 mechanics.
Eliminate GSE
Eliminate Plant Mtc
Eliminate Heavy Mtc
Eliminate Component shops

As one IAM member first told us in this thread. Nobody, nobody likes to see people lose pay and benefits or their job, but there are people in this industry at LCCs, RJ operators, and even at US Airways with MDA, that are willing to work for pay and benefits less than what US Airways currently offers. The big difference is work rules, which is one of US Airways' Achilles Heals because it contributes to US Airways not being able to put more aircraft in the air.

For this company to compete it needs to maximize the block hours flown per day and do it with LCC employee-to-aircraft ratios. Thus, if any union does not want to participate in the new business plan expect the company to apply as much pain as possible to get their attention or make them irrelevant to the process.

Again, it's every union’s choice on whether or not they want to participate in the new business plan, but any union who does not participate should expect for the plan to move forward “with or withoutâ€￾ employees that could eliminate the positions above, either in or out of court. I believe it’s too bad, but it’s a union choice that is permitted and there will be more "pain".


USA320Pilot said:
Eliminate all Utility
Eliminate all Stock Clerks
Lay off thousands of mechanics and go down to 800 mechanics.
Eliminate GSE
Eliminate Plant Mtc
Eliminate Heavy Mtc
Eliminate Component shops
Again, it's every union’s choice on whether or not they want to participate in the new business plan, but any union who does not participate should expect for the plan to move forward “with or withoutâ€￾ employees that could eliminate the positions above, either in or out of court. I believe it’s too bad, but it’s a union choice that is permitted and there will be more "pain".


How many times are you gonna repeat my post?

Can't think of something original or are you afraid of me debuking you all the time?

And if you say it is every union's choice, why are you obsessed with the IAM and trying to scare, intimidate, threaten and post false information to try and make yourself right when you are proven wrong over and over and over? That is not normal.

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