The arbiter has rendered his decision, that is why he called an executive session to inform the other board members. The other two board members were given his decision a few days ago in a written transcript. So keep trying since you think you know it all.
The decision will be made final on the 28th and released to the union, until then the arbiter and the board members are the only ones to know what was rendered.
And sorry don't need the international, if you knew about me you would know where I work and who for. So keep trying.
And now I am done with you since you cant keep on topic and you have to keep attacking and insulting since I don't have your right wing extremist views. Guess you are a fan of the Patriot Act and other restrictive laws, since you have to insult and attack people who do not think like you.
Keep trying.
The decision will be made final on the 28th and released to the union, until then the arbiter and the board members are the only ones to know what was rendered.
And sorry don't need the international, if you knew about me you would know where I work and who for. So keep trying.
And now I am done with you since you cant keep on topic and you have to keep attacking and insulting since I don't have your right wing extremist views. Guess you are a fan of the Patriot Act and other restrictive laws, since you have to insult and attack people who do not think like you.
Keep trying.