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Iam Proposals?

The arbiter has rendered his decision, that is why he called an executive session to inform the other board members. The other two board members were given his decision a few days ago in a written transcript. So keep trying since you think you know it all.

The decision will be made final on the 28th and released to the union, until then the arbiter and the board members are the only ones to know what was rendered.

And sorry don't need the international, if you knew about me you would know where I work and who for. So keep trying.

And now I am done with you since you cant keep on topic and you have to keep attacking and insulting since I don't have your right wing extremist views. Guess you are a fan of the Patriot Act and other restrictive laws, since you have to insult and attack people who do not think like you.

Keep trying.
700UW said:
The arbiter has rendered his decision, that is why he called an executive session to inform the other board members. The other two board members were given his decision a few days ago in a written transcript. So keep trying since you think you know it all.

The decision will be made final on the 28th and released to the union, until then the arbiter and the board members are the only ones to know what was rendered.

And sorry don't need the international, if you knew about me you would know where I work and who for. So keep trying.

And now I am done with you since you cant keep on topic and you have to keep attacking and insulting since I don't have your right wing extremist views. Guess you are a fan of the Patriot Act and other restrictive laws, since you have to insult and attack people who do not think like you.

Keep trying.
700, one more thing for you, And then I am done with you!! You say I attack and insult??? About the only thing I said that may have been insulting was the word "stooge". Yet, YOU, Mr walking union encyclopedia, are the one who insults ANYONE on these boards who disagrees with YOUR LEFT WING, socialist mentality. What the hell does the Patriot Act have to do with anything?? The "right wing extremist" line must have been used over a half dozen times!!! You can't carry on a normal dialog about ANYTHING, unless it is union related. Like YOU always like to say, if someone is wrong about FACTS relating to the company/union situation, you'll refute them!! Good IF YOU post ANYTHING that is wrong I WILL refute YOU, which I have done many times on previous posts. Everyone on these boards is starting to see you for who you REALLY are..... A MOUTHPIECE,PUPPET, and a BLIND FOLLOWER of the IAM!!!! Look at reality, the ship is taking on water fast, and you haven't gotten to the life boat yet. But, don't worry, when your on the Internationals' payroll, you'll be set for life!!! GOOD LUCK!!, & GOOD DAY!!!!! <_<
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
700, one more thing for you, And then I am done with you!! You say I attack and insult??? About the only thing I said that may have been insulting was the word "stooge".
YOUR LEFT WING, socialist mentality.
A MOUTHPIECE,PUPPET, and a BLIND FOLLOWER of the IAM!!!! . But, don't worry, when your on the Internationals' payroll, you'll be set for life!!! GOOD LUCK!!, & GOOD DAY!!!!! <_<

Yep Keep on attacking and insulting, you have not refuted a darn thing.

Keep up the track record.
700UW said:
Yep Keep on attacking and insulting, you have not refuted a darn thing.

Keep up the track record.
Nice job on the SELECTIVE quoting!!!!LOL.........YAWN......YOUR boring!!!!, NOW GO AWAY!!!! Your so blind to anything that does not involve a union....GOOD DAY!!!!!
You are obsessed and need counseling. Or is it Stalking?

Keep trying.

Oh by the way, when and if you ever buy US Aviation, then you can tell me to go away, but since you don't own it, don't tell me what to do.
700UW said:
You are obsessed and need counseling. Or is it Stalking?

Keep trying.

Oh by the way, when and if you ever buy US Aviation, then you can tell me to go away, but since you don't own it, don't tell me what to do.
Now I need counselling!!! STALKING????? 700 your too much, dude. You better take some anger management classes! Your so damn wrapped up in your own ego, it is just amazing!! Go read the by-laws or something, thats your entertainment!! lol LOL LOL LMFAO!!!!! 😀 😛
jetmech01890 said:
why is it mr moderator we see 700 uw insults theats etc yet he never is banned?
we have a personal vendetta?
why don't you read the rules ace and learn how to either 'ignore' or report a post?
jetmech01890 said:
why is it mr moderator we see 700 uw insults theats etc yet he never is banned?
Thank you jetmech....I second the ? mod??? thing is jetmech, I think 700 has other names on here, thats how he skirts around the rules if he does get banned
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Now I need counselling!!! STALKING????? 700 your too much, dude. You better take some anger management classes! Your so damn wrapped up in your own ego, it is just amazing!! Go read the by-laws or something, thats your entertainment!! lol LOL LOL LMFAO!!!!! 😀 😛

Lets see now you are a online pyschologist diagnosing people? Does the state of PA know you are practicing without a license.

And lets see I post, and a few minutes later you start your tirade of attacking and insulting on this thread and others.

I would say that is pretty much lurking and being obsessed.

And like other posters have said, you don't like it, put me on ignore.

And I am done with you, you have turned this thread into something it was not.

Have a great life. And find someone else to follow around.
delldude said:
we have a personal vendetta?
why don't you read the rules ace and learn how to either 'ignore' or report a post?

ok bud what ever but i do have a reply you sent with a nfew insults in it so may be ii will report you also ACE so you and your biuudy can spend some time toghter in the corn field
Nope 700 does not have other names and I have been sent to the cornfields, I have just learned what the rules are unlike others.

See ya around the hangar.
jetmech01890 said:
ok bud what ever but i do have a reply you sent with a nfew insults in it so may be ii will report you also ACE so you and your biuudy can spend some time toghter in the corn field
ooo,dude you're scaring me......you got wood now or what?
700UW said:
Lets see now you are a online pyschologist diagnosing people? Does the state of PA know you are practicing without a license.

And lets see I post, and a few minutes later you start your tirade of attacking and insulting on this thread and others.

I would say that is pretty much lurking and being obsessed.

And like other posters have said, you don't like it, put me on ignore.

And I am done with you, you have turned this thread into something it was not.

Have a great life. And find someone else to follow around.
YOU are the one obsessed!! why do think my responding is ATTACKING and INSULTING??? Go to your dictionary mr EGO!!!! LOL LOL LOL LMFAO 😛

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