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P/t Fsa Position In Phl

Light Years,

Thanks so much for your Insightful Posts as always. You are so correct about the various reasons one may want to pursue a job at MidAtlantic. Clearly, it's not for the pay. Those folks that choose to return should not be made to feel badly for it, simply because Mainline F/A's look down on it.

As you said, many of us considering a return to MAA were not given a vote or a chance to give Input regarding the contract. It was voted into existence by F/A's far more Senior than myself, many of whom thought it would never affect them but now realize otherwise.

Better pay and benefits would certainly be wonderful, however, our reasons for pursuing this job are obviously not solely contingent upon Monetary Value. Happiness, Quality of Life and simply doing a job I love is enough to make me yearn every day of my life to leave my thankless, stressful but far more financially-lucrative occupation.

It's not always all about the $$$. Don't hate us Junior F/A's for accepting what you would not. Remeber that you played a part in creating this "new reality".
OK... points taken... but...

Didn't someone say the position jcooke wants so badly is paying SEVEN DOLLARS PER HOUR???

All for the thrill and glamor of being with "the airlines..."


I guess my larger point is that everyone here is screaming about management wanting to lower pay and bennies so much, just to "bust unions" and generally be mean and nasty.

But, if people are still not only willing but EAGER to work for such wages, WHY BLAME MANAGEMENT? If you were management, wouldn't YOU be trying to cut pay as much as possible while still attracting motivated applicatnts, which we apparently have with jcooke (assuming s/he is legit)? It would be irresponsible NOT to! It just encourages them that they are doing the right thing by seeking further drastic cuts. Obviously (in their minds), y'all are STILL paid way too much if people are willing to do your job for $7/hr.
I see the happy smiling faces of my fellow airline workers every day on the bus. Spirit starting at below $8, Airtran about the same, Evergreen contracting for BA at $10/hr part time/no bennies. There are various reasons why people will accept the jobs they do. Some dont need to work for the pay because the hubby/wife is the "bread winner" or they might still be living at home and want something "Fun" to do before they get a "real job". Who knows?
Anyway, if he wants the job and he likes the job, good luck to him. Sooner or later he will have to decide for himself just like the rest of us if he is willing to continue to work for the pay MAA is offering. I guess we'll know in a few years if the turnover rate at MAA is high that there either was a problem or the company is getting just what they want. Someone to work on the cheap for a little while and not becoming a drain on the company with seniority and expectations.
FWIW I just turned down a mechanics spot in phl for MDA that payed 13 an hour. :down: Even the WO are paying better than that. :blink:
Light Years said:
Well clearly you limit your employment around your local airport. Other people base thier employment around what type of flying they'll do, how senior they'll be or how far thier travel benefits will get them. Some are looking to move up in the industry, some are looking for an interesting job for a couple years while they go to school. How do you know what people's situations are?

By the way, recall to mainline never expires, nor do travel benefits while furloughed, at least for F/As. And have you ever thought about the fact that some people may not actually care to go back to mainline? Some may like the fact that they work on a beautiful airplane thats easy to work, are part of major growth, hold blocks and will have holidays and weekends off for the first time in thier adult life. That may just be worth the $2.11 paycut from mainline starting pay.

Everyone has thier own reasons for the employment they choose. I think all of us (particularly those who feel they've made poor decisions) should keep the unsolicited career advice to themselves.
For CWA and IAM-FSA, recall expires in 4 years. The difference in pay may be $2.11 to start, but over $6 at top rate. If I choose not to commute or move for this company, that is my choice.
And if some people choose not to commute or move to work for the airline you wish you did, thats thier choice. Different Strokes, Willis.
That is what the airline industry, and the US economy, has come to. If your husband/wife/partner has a good job, or you are living at home with your parents you can afford to take what is offered.

If you are trying to support the husband/wife/partner or kids you can't. There is a limited supply of management positions that pay more. Should the rest live in poverty, or off some one else.

People who believe unions have passed their time are fighting against the American worker. They want to strip them of their ability to be paid a living wage.

The only way workers in this country can defend their livelihood is to unite. The people attacking, and seeking to divide, unions offer no alternative to them.

Solidarity, not Republicans, brought down Communism that only benefited the elite.
Dog Wonder said:
The only way workers in this country can defend their livelihood is to unite. The people attacking, and seeking to divide, unions offer no alternative to them.


I agree. Divisions (in this case literally as well as figuratively) can only be created when one group sells out another.
All I've gotta say is wow, some of you guys are just unbelievable.

You question who I really am, if I'm a fake or just a corporate lurker. Here's who I really am.

I'm 24, currently working in the IT industry. I make enough at my current job to support myself without any problems. I travel solely for leisure and have flown 95% of my flights in the past three years on US because they have been reliable and the fares have been reasonable.

I am also a huge aviation buff. I've taken a large interest in commercial aviation which started approximately 1-2 years ago and have had the desire to further expand on this.

I'm interested for the FSA position for a number of reasons. It will allow me to continue my interest in aviation and the airline industry from a completely different angle, including hands-on experience. Secondly, I am looking forward to having the travel benefits at my hand. I love to fly and experience different places around the world. Thirdly, it will give me some extra income which although I'm not counting on (as this will be a second job for me) I don't take in vain. I'm actually planning on saving that money for when I do decide to make a family of my own.

I am only one of many, many people that US is hiring. The amount of people that are accepting the positions at the rate they're offering either says people are desparate for jobs or that what they're offering is within some type of valid range. I don't look at the offer as purely a monetary basis, rather I value the travel benefits very heavily in addition to the wages provided. WN may offer 10+ to start but they don't fly the places that I like to travel.

I've had one bad union experience before working in the telecom industry because the bad eggs caused a work environment so negative that I eventually left and have not regretted leaving one bit. But I will also say that I think unions do have their places and can benefit the masses of workers in some situations.

It seems that some of the people here that are worried that I may take their job or I may be promoting less work wages by taking a less-paying job; This is untrue. You guys that have been working in the industry probably for long times and may have helped serve me when I've been a passenger. I give you props for that and wish the best of luck if you decide to stick fighting for better wages or if you do decide to venture onto other opportunities.

The more people that are willing to work for less, hurts everyone in the long haul. What if they get Pilots to fly for 20K a year at MDA, just because they want to fly??
If they will do that at MDA, they will certainly do it at mainline to sit in a 737 or 319. This is just where we are headed here, with kids and housewives taking Airline Jobs. The Company no longer want's career people, but instead a revolving door of employees at low rates of pay. If things were like this when I started, I would have chosen another field to work in. The Airlines are no longer a good career, UNLESS you are at SWA or even JB where you have a future and a shot at a decent wage. I believe that JB tops at near $20 for C/S and Ramp agents. With this company it's condition, I would not move accross town for another Job with them. Why move to another station, only to be handed a furlough notice...or even to have them close up completley?
jcooke said:
All I've gotta say is wow, some of you guys are just unbelievable.

You question who I really am, if I'm a fake or just a corporate lurker.

Golly, I don't question it at all!

Heck, us guys and gals are just pleased to hear from another aviation buff.

Shoot, the managers are really cool, and we get to fly for free. And since none of us look at this as a real career, its a great way have fun at work, while looking for a real job!

Be sure to take in a trip to CCY on your days off! It's a gosh darn really neat place with super cool people who are really smart! You'll come away inspired and really motivated by the "people"-people that work there. My best pal, Jerry, is a really cool guy who has fun at work every day! He's not really had much airline experience, but he's an aviation buff, and loves thinking up new ways to surprise airline employees! He's a hoot! Sometimes they even make up really cool role-playing games, where they create new characters and manipulate the sheeple! Oh, he cracks me up...

Keep us informed on your groovy new fun job, you crazy kid, you!

Heck, you make it so appealing, I'm thinking of applying!
Dilligas said:
Keep us informed on your groovy new fun job, you crazy kid, you!

Heck, you make it so appealing, I'm thinking of applying!

Hey kid get a job that pays and buy a ticket to the Islands, ticket prices are cheap when you plan 30 days out. Then you'll have some pocket money when you get there.

Space positive is much better than setting around SJU for a week waiting for a non-rev seat to open up.

Why work at the airport 5 days a week for 7 bucks an hour to get 4 or 5 space avaliable seats to the Islands. You could buy them for $1000.00, then wear shorts and flip flops on the flight and give the crew a hard time on the way down.

Oh wait, I forgot they only give you 1 week vacation per year. Your're not going to have time, in fact you said you have to work two jobs, that'll really cramp your style!
Dilligas said:
Golly, I don't question it at all!

Keep us informed on your groovy new fun job, you crazy kid, you!

Heck, you make it so appealing, I'm thinking of applying!

I must say Dill even I think your satire is thicker than my own, which has a molasses-like consistency, yours is funny too!

Welcome to the new world that has been happening all around us and where kids are thrilled to be part of it ignoring the fact that their low wages are making wealthy men really wealthy.

Ever hear of dog eat dog? It's been around awhile and just now catching up with the once sacred airline jobs.

When I was hired at U I was told I would never have to work again, and it turned out to be somewhat true because whether you bust A-z-z or lay back you still collect a check. I knew back then this is too good to be true and prepared for it, like the good boy scout I once was and when the woes fell upon the U workers, just like they did the mill workers, and factory workers, and on and on I was ready having my house in order.

I remember telling a young mechanic who had three children when he told me he was purchasing a forty thousand dollar Suburban that it was in my opinion a mistake given U’s shaky situation. He did buy it then received his lay off notice and went on to file bankruptcy, then worked at a diaper factory and lost that job too.

Tough times are here and have always have been for a lot of folks, for proof drive thru any inner city with their hoods.

The employees I know at U are very intelligent and will fare well, U is not the end all and life doesn’t start and end at U!
cavalier said:
When I was hired at U I was told I would never have to work again, and it turned out to be somewhat true because whether you bust A-z-z or lay back you still collect a check. I knew back then this is too good to be true

Cavalier seriously, what do for this company? I have busted my butt on a afternoon customer service shift in a medium size city for years. I think I can count my easy days on two hands. Most of them were right on a holiday, while the rest of the world was home eating turkey.

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