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Iam Proposals?

NeedForSpeedNFS said:
EUROPE???? You mean SOCIALIST mentality 700??? OH!!, I know what you mean, "lets all be in "solidarity" and shut down the country"!! That will show em!! Like the french farmers block traffic with their tractors, or how they shut down the transportation system so the whole country comes to a screatching halt!!! Yea!!! Thats the ticket!!! 700, your a blind stooge to "steel mill" mentality unionism!! You say you know everything?? Let me tell YOU something!! Here in the good 'ole US of A, our economy is based on DEMAND!! Ever hear of a "DEMAND ECONOMY"??? That means we have those "mean, nasty" corporations need to exist, that means those "poor, downtrodden" workers are employed by said corporations. Said workers are forced into "sweatshop" conditions to produce like "slaves" to their "master". Thats how YOU sound!!, though my analogy with the adjectives removed is correct!! Sorry to burst your bubble,700, but the way CAPATALISM works, we have rich people, poor people, and yes, the middle class!!! I can hear you now, the middle class is being crushed!!! Save your breath. You tell me any time in our past history up to present times where ANYONE was EVER employed by a poor man!!! NEVER happened NEVER will !!! YOU want a European style system here?? Take the next flight out of CLT, last I heard U still has some flights going over the pond!! One more thing, I find it quite amusing how you lambast ANYONE who disagrees with you, especially 320. I can just picture you; sitting at your computer with books, charts, articles,all about unionism!!! oh, forgot ,your trusty copy of the communist manifesto!!!You accuse others of not having "facts". YOU, my friend,are very knowlegable, i'll give you that!! But, your constant diatribes are becoming quite boorish!!! WOW!!! I feel better!! GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!
YOU conveniently avoided this.... Dispute it, union stooge
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Typical liberal, Demorat mentality. You may not be a communist, but, you ARE a SOCIALIST!! there is more to education than knowing everything about unionism. You just keep trying to work your way up to the International, and get on their payroll. Then you can really be a productive member of society :down: In our history unions never achieved more than 36% membership!!!, and that was in there heyday. Today, a paltry 12-13%!!! Keep fighting for your cause, good luck!!!
Never responded to this either!! 😀
Your right wing extremism is not worth it since you cant respond to anything relevant to this topic.

Keep up the attacks and insults since you cant refute my postings or use factual information to back up your claims.

Call the EAS.

And I dont think you would be making $28 an hour unless it was for the union.

Keep trying though.
700UW said:
I doubt that, all the IAM leadership will be in CVG till next Friday as it is the IAM once every four years Grand Lodge Convention.
Guess what, professor, executive session on Monday, 20th Sept, meeting with arbitrator!! Mr union doesn't know this???? Also, as you like to say, my "idol", 320, listen for once what he said!!! The company will present to Judge Mitchell things that will not be pleasant for anyone that is left(i'm not included, i'm outa here!!)asking for up to a 20% wage reduction!!! Oh!!! wait!!! thats not possible.... the judge cant do that!!!! A company in BK has to negotiate!!!! LOL Till Monday, 700. 😛
Oh this is ripe. When unions are formed by individuals working in like professions you call it communism. But when airlines join together in organizations like the ATA in order to increase their power. socially and politically. that's ok?
Once again ignorance is bliss.

An Executive Session is between the Arbiter Mr Bloch, the company board member and the union board member (the union board member is not a General Chairman or Grand Lodge Rep).

No General Chairman or current IAM representative are attending the Executive Session as it is for only the Three Board members.

Guess you are wrong once again. Maybe you should do some research before you shoot from the hip.

I would not expect this from you as you right wing conservitives never do the research, shoot first and ask questions later is your mentality.

And the Airbus Decision should be released on September 28, guess you dont know everything, but keep trying.
700UW said:
Your right wing extremism is not worth it since you cant respond to anything relevant to this topic.

Keep up the attacks and insults since you cant refute my postings or use factual information to back up your claims.

Call the EAS.

And I dont think you would be making $28 an hour unless it was for the union.

Keep trying though.
I posted what YOU like to refer to as FACTS!!!! Even re-posted them for your convenience!!! YOU.......YOU 700 have not replied FACTUALLY to anything I posted, just the same old diatribe!!!... I'm a "right-wing conservative", My "idol,320, Your boring, and sound like a broken record!!! Everything I posted was FACT, and deals with REAL LIFE, not your FANTASY world of a great society, where every working man lives the high life,,,,your dreaming!!!!

by the way.....I make more than $28/hour, i'm an Inspector on midnights!!! And, if that was meant to be a sarcastic remark, I have one of my own.... When your on the street, go clean an office building for $7.50/hour!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!
Once again you fail to realize you are wrong, you fail to refute anything and you do even know what an executive session is.

Keep trying to insult and attack to hide your lack of knowledge.

Facts? What facts? You do not even know how an executive session works.

Keep trying.

And remember I am on the inside, you are on the outside.
700UW said:
Once again ignorance is bliss.

An Executive Session is between the Arbiter Mr Bloch, the company board member and the union board member (the union board member is not a General Chairman or Grand Lodge Rep).

No General Chairman or current IAM representative are attending the Executive Session as it is for only the Three Board members.

Guess you are wrong once again. Maybe you should do some research before you shoot from the hip.

I would not expect this from you as you right wing conservitives never do the research, shoot first and ask questions later is your mentality.

And the Airbus Decision should be released on September 28, guess you dont know everything, but keep trying.
How am I wrong 700?? I merely said they were meeting on Monday, 20th Sept with the Arbitrator....You love trying to turn things around.. Try again, stooge
Do you feel mature or like a big man by calling me a stooge?

Here is your post:

(700UW @ Sep 18 2004, 05:28 PM)
I doubt that, all the IAM leadership will be in CVG till next Friday as it is the IAM once every four years Grand Lodge Convention.

NeedForSpeedNFS Posted Today, 09:11 PM
Guess what, professor, executive session on Monday, 20th Sept, meeting with arbitrator!! Mr union doesn't know this???? Also, as you like to say, my "idol", 320, listen for once what he said!!! The company will present to Judge Mitchell things that will not be pleasant for anyone that is left(i'm not included, i'm outa here!!)asking for up to a 20% wage reduction!!! Oh!!! wait!!! thats not possible.... the judge cant do that!!!! A company in BK has to negotiate!!!! LOL Till Monday, 700.

Like I said the IAM Leadership will be in CVG, no IAM representative IE GC or GLR will be attending the executive session, it is only for the board members.

Can you understand that or shall I get my son's crayons to draw you a picture?
DCD said:
Oh this is ripe. When unions are formed by individuals working in like professions you call it communism. But when airlines join together in organizations like the ATA in order to increase their power. socially and politically. that's ok?
DCD, No offense, but get with the program.... You have to read much further back in my dialog with 700... He thinks i'm a "right-wing consevative"... I think he is a SOCIALIST. Don't just look at one post. GOOD DAY!!!!
When I was in California, the government would hand out a synopses booklet of the propositions that were up for vote. There would be a "For" argument, an "Against" argument, a rebuttal to the "For" argument and a rebuttal to the "Against" argument.

At first, I conscientiously reviewed the various lines of reasoning, but finally it dawned on me that I was always in agreement with the argument that made the least use of multiple exclamation points.

Discovering that was a huge timesaver.
700UW said:
Do you feel mature or like a big man by calling me a stooge?

Here is your post:
Like I said the IAM Leadership will be in CVG, no IAM representative IE GC or GLR will be attending the executive session, it is only for the board members.

Can you understand that or shall I get my son's crayons to draw you a picture?
Well, no I dont feel more of a man for calling you a stooge, but you are!! What I was saying, 700, is they are meeting on Monday in executive session, everyone presents their final arguments before the arbitrator(1 rep each,for company, and union) then the arbitrator should render his decsision. I think thats pretty easy!!
700UW said:
And remember I am on the inside, you are on the outside.
Oh!!!!!! 700..... I digress!!!!!!! I'm soooo sorry.....I forgot, you are shooting to get on the Internatinal payroll... that way you can FEEL really important!!!!! You know what??? With your skills and knowlege, you'll be right where you belong!!!!!LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛 CAPITAL L, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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