EUROPE???? You mean SOCIALIST mentality 700??? OH!!, I know what you mean, "lets all be in "solidarity" and shut down the country"!! That will show em!! Like the french farmers block traffic with their tractors, or how they shut down the transportation system so the whole country comes to a screatching halt!!! Yea!!! Thats the ticket!!! 700, your a blind stooge to "steel mill" mentality unionism!! You say you know everything?? Let me tell YOU something!! Here in the good 'ole US of A, our economy is based on DEMAND!! Ever hear of a "DEMAND ECONOMY"??? That means we have those "mean, nasty" corporations need to exist, that means those "poor, downtrodden" workers are employed by said corporations. Said workers are forced into "sweatshop" conditions to produce like "slaves" to their "master". Thats how YOU sound!!, though my analogy with the adjectives removed is correct!! Sorry to burst your bubble,700, but the way CAPATALISM works, we have rich people, poor people, and yes, the middle class!!! I can hear you now, the middle class is being crushed!!! Save your breath. You tell me any time in our past history up to present times where ANYONE was EVER employed by a poor man!!! NEVER happened NEVER will !!! YOU want a European style system here?? Take the next flight out of CLT, last I heard U still has some flights going over the pond!! One more thing, I find it quite amusing how you lambast ANYONE who disagrees with you, especially 320. I can just picture you; sitting at your computer with books, charts, articles,all about unionism!!! oh, forgot ,your trusty copy of the communist manifesto!!!You accuse others of not having "facts". YOU, my friend,are very knowlegable, i'll give you that!! But, your constant diatribes are becoming quite boorish!!! WOW!!! I feel better!! GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!