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Union vs Non Union My Response

Now that GM is owned by the government and "UNION", lets give it a few years and see how they're doing.....................if they last that long !
Wonder if they'll give themselves raises, even though the company can't afford it, we know the current government will ! :shock:

Actually no I did not start at NWA in September of 2005, but close. I am not a now proud anti-union voice as you put it, I am anti-unions as they currently exist.

If you know who I am and what I am you are welcome to say so.

Your insinuation is that I am for some reason lesser, I believe that is simply a continuation of a previous AMFA mistake.
You are lesser.

You were unable to qualify for, or land a job at a major until NWA had to dredge the muck to find bottom feeders to replace us.

Let me guess again, you learned how to change tires and brakes out in the desert on mothballed aircraft.

Look ma, I'm an airline mechanic now...how pathetic. 😎

Actually no I did not start at NWA in September of 2005, but close.

Translation: "I started several month before that out in the desert."

Im sure if he knew the "real you" he would feel the same.

Do you know him/her in real life?

Time for the IAM to get off its duff and call for a vote. Union or not lets move on. Get this merger completed and push for pay/bennies commensurate with the worlds largest airline!

Honest question: As an AMT, what do you care if ACS votes for or against representation?

First I doubt , very seriously, that even with the pay-cuts taken at Tech-ops, that you would have made as much selling cell phones or sprinklers !
Second, I personally know 3 people, who took the first severance package offered, when riffing started , to sell items like the ones you listed above and guess what........................a few years later, they're back at Delta...................minus "ALL" their seniority !

The grass is not always greener on the other side ! :shock:

"Just be glad you have a job," "Ma Delta will provide," blah blah blah...

Let me guess again, you learned how to change tires and brakes apply MEL stickers out in the desert on mothballed aircraft.

Fixed your post, Tech. The rest was dead on.
Now that GM is owned by the government and "UNION", lets give it a few years and see how they're doing.....................if they last that long !
Wonder if they'll give themselves raises, even though the company can't afford it, we know the current government will ! :shock:

Our tax dollars at work <_< Were you aware of the 25 thousand dollars bestowed on Chrysler employees toward the purchase of a new car? I know we, the tax payers, cant afford that and neither can Chrysler. I know the UAW has recently taken cuts I wonder how many of the cuts the union members took were mirrored by Rick Wagoner?
Sums it up perfect!

With that said I have worked most my career as an AMT for Delta and a few years as an AMT a major with the IAM as our union. I have enough experience to cast my vote. I imagine this goes for the other AMT's involved.

Time for the IAM to get off its duff and call for a vote. Union or not lets move on. Get this merger completed and push for pay/bennies commensurate with the worlds largest airline!

How about we make sure the airline is on firm financial ground and make some improvements for our passengers and fellow employees before anyone tries to suck the coffers dry? I do not agree we do not need to "move on" we need to move up. We want passengers to crave flying DL to request it first to feel value for their flying dollar so they are willing to pay for it rather than be herded on the cattle haulers like SW. In order for the worlds largest airline to survive you have to fill a whole lot of seats with a whole lot of passengers and they have to want to fly the worlds largest airline again and again. So how about we concentrate on our customers and our airline first? Why cant we work with management for real improvements in employee/management relations?
I think you have just never felt you had an option other than the same old system that has been in use since the 1800's. It really doesnt have to be an us against them mentality. Further history has proven that it doesnt work, let me reference you to the THOUSANDS of out of work UAW members and hundreds of out of work AMFA members and yes the IAM has a lot of out of work members as well.
What some people do not seem to understand is we, the employees, of the worlds largest airline have the most incredible opportunity in recent history. We have the opportunity to actually change the face of American management/employee relations across the country, for the better. To make the kind of progress for the labor movement that the labor movement has not seen since its inception. It will take an open mind and some real imagination and hard work but it can be done.
Any American worker will tell you the company can prosper as can the employees one is not exclusive of the other, but with the current economic and political climate it is going to take a new approach. Are you even open to something new?
You are lesser.

You were unable to qualify for, or land a job at a major until NWA had to dredge the muck to find bottom feeders to replace us.

Let me guess again, you learned how to change tires and brakes out in the desert on mothballed aircraft.

Look ma, I'm an airline mechanic now...how pathetic. 😎

History has proven you wrong. You are simply attempting to perpetrate a myth started by AMFA.

I have never been unable to qualify. I never applied for the majors, I chose a different route. I did not learn to change tires and brakes nor apply MEL stickers in the desert as you attest.

It is a shame that even after all these years you are still unable to admit you were wrong and further that your union, if you were AMFA, did not tell you the truth.
It is a shame that even after all these years you are still unable to admit you were wrong and further that your union, if you were AMFA, did not tell you the truth.
For those of us that don't know the truth 😉 , could you please fill us in on the truth?
Tech2101 has already told you the truth.
Without the strike this individual would not have been qualified to get hired as an AMT at NW, or AA, DL, WN or UA before the strike.

The fact is the, "people", who replaced the striking AMT at NW are LESS qualified and have LESS experience and have LESS honor.

They helped bring down pay and bennies for ALL.
Im sure if he knew the "real you" he would feel the same.

HI POT! OLE' MA Delta's calling the y'all back! There's a charter to be worked! :shock:

I'm also sure if the people on this board knew what you really were..... Well, no they wouldn't be surprised, since they already know.... 🙄
Tech2101 has already told you the truth.
Without the strike this individual would not have been qualified to get hired as an AMT at NW, or AA, DL, WN or UA before the strike.

The fact is the, "people", who replaced the striking AMT at NW are LESS qualified and have LESS experience and have LESS honor.

They helped bring down pay and bennies for ALL.

Exactly!!!! The fact that this thing is trying to justify what he did is beyond sickening! Delta welcome your NEW COUNTERPARTS! :up:
What some people do not seem to understand is we, the employees, of the worlds largest airline have the most incredible opportunity in recent history. We have the opportunity to actually change the face of American management/employee relations across the country, for the better. To make the kind of progress for the labor movement that the labor movement has not seen since its inception. It will take an open mind and some real imagination and hard work but it can be done.
Any American worker will tell you the company can prosper as can the employees one is not exclusive of the other, but with the current economic and political climate it is going to take a new approach. Are you even open to something new?

....not with Dickie leading the charge, it won't................ :down:

I still don't trust anyone who is associated with that POS Lorenzo. That is from my experience at PeoplExpress - my first airline job - then after the Texas Air takeover and the CAL takeover. It got so bad, I had the leave the airline business, get another job, and come back to CAL (after BK2) and start all over. A lot of people have the same feelings that I have, and don't trust this guy. I don't want our wages to slide downward to match another airline in a "race to the bottom". I am glad that I work for a company with a good CEO who can run an airline, and don't have baggage to bring. It took along time to come back from the depths of destruction from that POS and his "consignere". A lot of us will never forget or forgive........

I wish you all the best, but you will find out sure enough if a leopard changes his spots.
Thanks for all the responses, but where is Vimes' response with his truth?
I believe the question was asked to him.... :lol:
For those of us that don't know the truth 😉 , could you please fill us in on the truth?

Groundcontrol, Sure. No one is indispensable. Attempting to tear down other professionals who simply did not chose the same career route you did in a vain attempt to prop up you own self image is not just incorrect but childish to boot. Further it displays an utter lack of respect for your professional counterparts.

The fact that AMFA was aware that the vast majority of replacements were laid off from major airlines and were fully qualified yet AMFA continued to tell its sheepel members they were so outstanding they could not be replaced and the sheepel members continued to believe the lie rather than face the truth. Or..... The lie of omission in that the American public would not sympathize with their ill timed strike or their demands.

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