I would like to comment regarding what I just read...
] what "fighting for" really boils down to is simply caring..
No in today's union environment it boils down to greed
you need to read what you wrote, and then again, and then think about what you wrote..(really think about that comment) especially regarding pay and benefits...(equal pay in the workplace)
You are correct I worded that very poorly. Equal pay should not be based on gender, religion, skin color, heritage, or any other host of things; however that does not mean pay is equal across the board, In my opinion. The union mentality rewards nothing in the way of skill and/or job performance, rather it chooses to reward seniority as if it were magic, seniority is not magic there are PLENTY who have contributed nothing but have hidden out successfully for years under the guise of union protection.
happy people treat others in a caring manner most of the times in all situations, human beings treat others like they should be treated regardless of employment status or place of employment and I hope you understand what that means.
Well, in a perfect world; however many employees treat customers and/or their fellow employees is a rather unpleasant manner when they are unhappy with their jobs. That is a simple truth. It is also a simple truth that that is part of the reason why companies go to extremes to make their employees happy with their employment situations or why companies do things to alleviate stresses for their employees. Although attitude is a choice unfortunately not everyone see it that way.
not relevant?
As in, not part of yours nor my job description. If you or anyone is so upset with whom ever is running a company take it to the shareholders and do something about it but it is not part of the job. If your job is to fly a plane it matters not who is making corporate decisions only that your plane is safe and clean and ready to fly. If you are a mech and you fix planes then its your job to make sure that airplane is safe for the flight crew and the passengers. If you are a flight attendant its your job to see to the safety of your fellow crew members and your passengers. No these are not complete job descriptions by any means but its the gist of it.
that suggest the idea of teamwork from the top to the front line, working together as a team doesnt matter.
Absolutely not what I intended to convey and I think that was pretty clear! I look forward to Delta's team approach and hopefully it can be expanded upon. If we all functioned as a team then there would be so much less discord, but the current union mentality does nothing to encourage a team approach rather is attempts to snuff it out. There do seem to be an awful lot of armchair CEO's who have not put the time or money into the education or experience required to reach upper management, yet their hobby seems to be defecating on our management yet doing nothing about it but attempting to satisfy some personal financial desires to one up another work group
anyone who works at a company is considered an employee, that includes 'upper management'
That is true or should be true, although genuine lines of distinction have been drawn by the unions
but then you went ahead and gave a suggestion. what I think you might be very surprised to realize is how many people, Flight Attendants, truly do view the big picture especially future success for all...(and keep that close and a priority)
yes I did. Most of the flight attendants I know or have met have been extremely nice even during the strike, not all. It goes right back to that team approach.
just because one person views a situation (or personal opinion) in one manner does not necessarily equate "utter unforgivable gall".
No I stand by that statement. As an FAA licensed AP I am entrusted with the safety of flight crews and passengers NOTHING AND NO ONE should EVER compromise that and personally I take a very very dim view of anyone in aviation who does not put the safety of the flight crew and the passengers first, they would have no business in aviation. Fortunately the people I work with at NWA/DELTA do put our flight crews and our passengers safety FIRST AND FOREMOST AT ALL TIMES