I was busy working 12 hours per day along with my fellow workers keeping thousands of people working and keeping an airline flying safely.
... Not to mention setting the labor movement back 50+ years.
I was busy working 12 hours per day along with my fellow workers keeping thousands of people working and keeping an airline flying safely.
1857! Wow please move into this century. Its 2009 you may need to update your calendar and your thought process. Times have changed and not always for the better.
Havn't been on this board for a while. It was getting sleepy. I see things have changed. I'm just going to add my two cents.
I would like a union. Currently as a DL AMT I have an at will contract with DL. That means they set the terms and can change them whenever without out any imput from me or my agent. Within the labor laws they can change my work hours, my work location, my pay, my healthcare, and my retirement. I'm sure there are more, that's all I can think of right now. I know they can do these things, they have done all of these things to me in the last 10 years.
I had three choices. Accept it, strike, or quit. Yes, I could have gone on strike. It would have been fired most likely and been the only one outside the hangar with a sign so that was a non option. I really couldn't quit either. Tough to explain that one when you get home. "Today they took away my pension. I showed them, I quit." That left me with the accept option. I'm 100% sure if I had taken the quit option and gone to work selling cell phones or sprinkler systems, things at home would be better. I don't think I would enjoy those jobs though. That is why I choose accept.
If we AMT's at DL had been union, I'm sure we would have given up some of the same things we have given up. With a union we would have had a collective voice. I would have had a contract that could only be changed if the company and my agent agreed. Yes, I know in Chpt 11 the judge has the final say. Yes, I also think AMFA did a poor job at NW. Looking back they should have struck at the first offer rejection. Instead they waited until NW had all the dregs of the AMT world lined up.
Let's get back to the 'At will contract'. For you anti union folk this is the way to go. I ask you this. Would you buy a car with a contract where the lender could change the payment for any reason they see fit, but your only recourse was to give up the car? How about a home loan where the bank could raise your rate anytime. You pay the mortgage on time but times are bad for the bank, so up goes the rate. If you don't like it, move out. Sounds absurd, but that is exactly the type of contract your income is tied to.
So you're a mechanic for NWA currently? If thats true, then my everyones time has been wasted on this post......
Lot of Union plants too !![]()
12 hours, well give a cookie to old Vimes. I don't have much to say here that hasn't been said by the rest. I just wanted to thank you for giving us and the world your all. Congrats.
Let me guess...
You started as a mechanic at NWA in September of 2005, and now are a proud anti-union voice...
We all know who and what you are.
... Not to mention setting the labor movement back 50+ years.
I see and we are on the same team, right?
Your insinuation is that I am for some reason lesser, I believe that is simply a continuation of a previous AMFA mistake.
not really.
in general, it is important to read opinions from different angles.. so it appears to the reader in another way.. helping form balanced perspectives.
Im sure if he knew the "real you" he would feel the same.So for me personally, it makes perfect sense not to want to speak to these individuals personally.
I choose not to go beyond any talk that doesn't pertain to work related, no matter how "Nice" or "Cool" the person appears. All they do is further weaken our industry, ranks, and pay/benefits. So for me personally, it makes perfect sense not to want to speak to these individuals personally.
I had three choices. Accept it, strike, or quit. Yes, I could have gone on strike. It would have been fired most likely and been the only one outside the hangar with a sign so that was a non option. I really couldn't quit either. Tough to explain that one when you get home. "Today they took away my pension. I showed them, I quit." That left me with the accept option. I'm 100% sure if I had taken the quit option and gone to work selling cell phones or sprinkler systems, things at home would be better. I don't think I would enjoy those jobs though. That is why I choose accep