Union Information Meetings


Nov 6, 2005
I was just handed a sheet with information on the next meetings with IBT.

The sheet says:
"We will hold union information meetings to answer your questions about the transition into the CWA contract. We invite everyone to attend and have a voice in your future!"

Location: Courtyard Marriott Downtown 601 S Ash (N. of University, W of Mill) THIS IS A CHANGE OF ADDRESS from original posting
Dates: Tue Jan 17th and Wed Jan 18th
Times: 9am, 11am, 3:30pm, 7pm

If you would like your questions answered, but will not be able to attend, please post your questions here, and maybe we can get someone to take the questions from the board to the meeting.

I HOPE to attend the 7pm meeting on either day, depending on my availability after work.
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I plan to head to the meeting tonight, so if you are in a field station, and would like any questions submitted, post them here please.
I plan to head to the meeting tonight, so if you are in a field station, and would like any questions submitted, post them here please.
Please ask them if they are really looking out for all of our best interests....why can I can a clearer update from CWA than the IBT???
Who voted yes to mess with seniority?
Thanks for posting this!!! I haven't been at work for a few days and this wasn't posted at the ATO Friday.
See some of y'all at 7pm!!!
Thanks for posting this!!! I haven't been at work for a few days and this wasn't posted at the ATO Friday.
See some of y'all at 7pm!!!
I work tommorrow at 5am EST but I hope some of you westies are able to post what occurred at these meetings...I will sacrifice sleep tomnite for this!!! LOL and thanks to all that said they would take our questions with them to PHX since we can not be there...
i just got home from a VERY long day so will only post a couple of things mentioned at this morning's 9 a.m. meeting. i will try to update tomorrow night after work.

it was stated in the meeting regarding that seniority thing (see posts above or on HP Contract thread) that only 35 people were affected (i think they meant 35 people would be moved) but i kept thinking that what sunshine1 was saying couldn't be right...it absolutely is, though. there are employees who transferred to csr from ramp and will get doh seniority back. AND according to the note posted by CWA from tadjr the other thread...IBT will take responsibility for it.

also...trades/sick/vacation/holidays WILL remain status quo until we are at equitable pay scale. i personally don't care about the money as much as my flexibility but we have almost two years to see what happens with this one. per the union rep and negotiators there today, when they met last week with the cwa reps (US agents/neg), it was clear that all agents involved want the HP way of trades. hoping that will give us leverage for a letter of understanding and bring ALL to unlimited trades (with a minimum hours worked)

lastly, the vote thing...not gonna happen. it technically already did when the alliance was voted on. they said that infusing HP into the CWA contract was the fastest and easiest way to move forward as opposed to starting at square one and potentially losing more. i see their point but if they knew we were headed in that direction, i think they should have communicated it.
You should all consider yourselves lucky they were able to do that - the company has been stalling our contract talks for over two years now and at this point they (the company)are giving your group more negociating time than they are the mechanics. The company has put us in a wait and see mode then comes on this board and tells us labor is right on track. The CSR's have not taken a back seat to anyone.
AWA Contract, Im feeling for you. We understand how difficult being pushed aside is and once we settle on the CSR contract many of us will see what we can do to help with your negotiations. After watching the NW disaster we will not stand by and watch anything happen to your group. I could never work for that company and refuse to trvl with them. I think the reason they have dealt with us is that with the CWA contract in place it was probably easiest. I think they knew how poorly we are paid and the type of employees they were getting with the payscale. Also, its hard to consider getting rid of the outsourced agents when we cant keep our rez centers staffed. Customer service has suffered with them and we need to fill planes and keep pax coming back. Not with that type of customer service. Again, we will back all of our co workers in negotiations. By the way, thanx for what you guys do!
I have no bad feelings over it - you folks were far more underpaid than us, you needed the bump in wages much than we did, although we were all underpaid the CSR's were not making a living wage. They were suffering while Dougie prospered from it. Most important of all I have not forgotten that when the merger was first announced the CSR committee gave us a couple of days of thier time to try and make a push on our contract. So there is no ill feelings or resentment here, just trying to point out to some of your folks that they are not the red-headed stepchild in this process. We are all Teamsters and that makes us FAMILY. And that is something that the company hates, when we stand together. So congradulations on the raise sister and good luck on the rest of the process, if there is anyway that I can help just let me know, we are in it together.
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I am at work right now, but I would like to say to anyone who has issues that haven't been addressed, attend the meeting tonight. I was fairly upset about a few things, and getting to ask my questions, and listening to the reasoning behind some of the decsions helped me understand, and while I may not like it all (who will? haha) I do understand better, which helps me not be so angry.
I was fairly upset about a few things, and getting to ask my questions, and listening to the reasoning behind some of the decsions helped me understand, and while I may not like it all (who will? haha) I do understand better, which helps me not be so angry.

Ditto! I am really glad I took the time to go alst night as it cleared up QUITE a few things for me and also my coworkers today. (I passed on what I learned to them.) I was pleasantly surprsied that I learned more than I thought I would. I've decided I'll go to things like this more often. Thanks for psoting the info yesterday, it was also good to meet you last night. You were as vocal as you promised! LOL!!! :D
I am at work right now, but I would like to say to anyone who has issues that haven't been addressed, attend the meeting tonight. I was fairly upset about a few things, and getting to ask my questions, and listening to the reasoning behind some of the decsions helped me understand, and while I may not like it all (who will? haha) I do understand better, which helps me not be so angry.
so what was all that was addressed...please share to us easties but former westies that could not attend!
As promised I went to Local 104s mtg for CSRs in Tempe and so here I am. First, For agents in Rno I was advised mtgs will be set up for this week or the week after, contact your stewards for dates and spread the word. I asked about field stations and was advised you need to contact your local for info and to request mtgs. Please be persistant, vocal and advise all to try to attend. Knowlege is power. Dan Smith and the negotiating team were in attendance but I was disappointed with the number of CSRs, although other mtgs did have a higher attendance, this mtg had only a handful. The reason for the association was that two different unions would have had to have had a vote and each would have needed 50 percnet plus 1 to hold the union certificate. IBT agents approx 3500 and CWA approx 5500 agents. Not included are approx 4000 furloughed agents with voting rights. Not voting is considered a "no vote" and it was considered close to impossible to obtain current addresses and fons for these furloughed agents. The end result would have been neither side winning and the agents having no representation. I asked why did the company agree to the association because they would have benefited from this scenario. Answer, the company needed seamless service and this was to their benefit. It was not communicated to CSRs that the agreed upon association would displace any vote. Dan Smith agreed it was not and advised he was sorry for this-(not sure whether they knew this) but based on the above scenario it was still better than a run off, resulting in possible no representation. That said IBT will not vote on final transition agreements. Please, give negotiators your opinion. It will be your only way to have your say. Dues, no one knows when dues will need to be paid-to be determined. Fencing for west side begins 31Jan06. Company date of hire will stand for agents in a CSR capacity prior to this date. That said, the next item on the agenda is seniority integration. A list is being compiled of current CSRs and seniority. It will be avail and you must make sure your seniority is correct-forms for disputes will be mailed. The transition agreement states no stapling of workgroups, therefore, IBT and CWA will be mtg to work out the seniority integration. Both sides want the best for their membership but agree there needs to be a compromise. Someone will not be happy, again, its a compromise situation. Basically, many issues have not been addressed yet and are still on the table. It was explained to me while Dan was holding a 2 inch thick copy of CWA agreement they are going to meet with CWA and company to go thru every paragraph, agree or try to change what they dislike. Alot of work still needs to be done. We were advised there is profitsharing(LOL) but no one was clear on what that entailed(I am keeping a list of items to ask in the future.) The trade issue is still not resolved, again will try to get answers as soon as I can. They did state although these issues have not been resolved, there are no changes to vacation, trades, etc until 2008. Grandfathering CSRs with 3 weeks of vacation after 5 yrs vs CWA 10yrs will not happen. CWA contract has more floating holidays and it looks like this will be the final result. A loss for some agents. Part time agents may receive sick pay-still on table. Currently, west side has none so anything would be a plus. Part time is eligible for family medical benefits per CWA contract but they had nothing concrete on cost and heard it was astronomical-will look into that(any west side answers?) There is nothing that requires HP to schedule all part time CSRS 5 days a week currently. If they create new bid with these hours, it would be for operational need only. IMO, its to try to get rid of senior agents that would make more money in the future. A cost saving for the company, but employees again are not valued. This can be ammended in the contract and if this affects you let Dan Smith and team know how you feel. Once all of these areas have been negotiated anything not agreed upon will go to an arbitrator, I believe in June. A hard copy of final contract will be distributed when it is all resolved. Certification pay for Rez agents will be discontinued. Flight Fund, and DST(net support desk) will receive pay based on years of service. Not sure about RA(QM), I believe they was given up in the bk contract. How the company will try to entice agents to these groups with all the extra work and less flexibility is beyond me. Some will move for the challenge or boredom but I dont think it will be enough agents to keep the desks manned properly. I wonder about that. I hope this gives you an insight into the negotiations, if I am wrong or you feel things need to be clarified please post. Some things were a little legalese(?) and I dont want to mislead anyone, there is alot in these contracts and stil alot be be negotiated. I think that is why communication has been slow. Still not excusable, but as things are finalized more information will be forthcoming. Drifterreno will pm directly re your situation. As always thanx for all that you do and to our VFF thanks for your continued support!