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AMFA Informational Meeting in PHX

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The IBT thought the same, they got card signed and an election and lost.
I there is one key thing that amfa is forgetting about, and I wont mention it till after its all said and done.
700UW said:
The IBT thought the same, they got card signed and an election and lost.
I there is one key thing that amfa is forgetting about, and I wont mention it till after its all said and done.
Please don't tell us anymore. We don't want to hear about it. This is about AMT's and related at USAir in PHX. PLEASE start your own topic on why the AMT's should stay with the IAM. You get in on every topic AMFA related and post nothing but negative posts. We don't want to hear it. Fact is the guys at USAir and AA are not happy with their current representation. This is why they are showing up at meetings and signing cards. This is a collective drive between both companies. We all are on the same page. We want the IAM and TWU out and no part of the Alliance. The signing of cards and attendance at info meetings proves this.
This is a nice picture to look at, but not a fun place to be.
Please keep it on topic...
1AA said:
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Did some asking around and the meeting yesterday was successful.
Guys showed up,asked questions and signed cards. The IAM had a couple of guys there but they were not AMT's and were not educated on the issues. All shifts showed up. Some guys took cards with them for others to sign. From what I was told is that no one is happy with the IAM and are more upset over the Alliance. They do not want the alliance and do not care for the TWU. We at AA feel the same. We do not care for the IAM and the Alliance. Glad to see we are all on the same page. So now many of us had face to face contact with each others respective airline and can agree on the same issues. We need to move forward to remove the IAM/TWU and the alliance. Now before some pro TWU or IAM asks how many cards were signed? I do not know. But cards were signed and taken for others to sign. That says plenty.
Thx 1AA for the update.  Glad to hear it went well.  Look forward to more meetings in the future.  Good luck guys, now is the time to get this done.  Great job to all involved...
1AA said:
So now many of us had face to face contact with each others respective airline and can agree on the same issues.
That space is where all progress is made. I hope that trend continues.
1AA said:
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Did some asking around and the meeting yesterday was successful.
Guys showed up,asked questions and signed cards. The IAM had a couple of guys there but they were not AMT's and were not educated on the issues. All shifts showed up. Some guys took cards with them for others to sign. From what I was told is that no one is happy with the IAM and are more upset over the Alliance. They do not want the alliance and do not care for the TWU. We at AA feel the same. We do not care for the IAM and the Alliance. Glad to see we are all on the same page. So now many of us had face to face contact with each others respective airline and can agree on the same issues. We need to move forward to remove the IAM/TWU and the alliance. Now before some pro TWU or IAM asks how many cards were signed? I do not know. But cards were signed and taken for others to sign. That says plenty.
From what I was told 100+ plus were signed I don't know how many are stationed there so what percentage that is a guess???
What ever numbers are being collected from the USAirways guys they should be released to us all so we can see just how much interest is being generated from the info that is being told to the US mechanics. JMHO.
We either have the cards or we don't the association has filed so it now or never
FWAAA said:
For a thread about a union that represents only mechanics and related (AMFA), you, a fleet service clerk, have posted a lot of replies.   At last count, you've posted 16 times out of 81 replies, or nearly 20% of the posts in this thread.   That's substantially more than any other person, including some actual mechanics represented by AMFA.   Even quite a few more than the resident IAM booster.
They just want to make sure that the industrial unions maintain dues across the 'association'. Nothing to do with serving the membership as they know what's best for them. AMFA scares the **** out of them, always has, always will.
B) xUT
700UW said:
Funny thing is FWAAA never states what they do, if I remember correctly that person isnt even an AA employee.
And WeAA, they cant debate with facts, so they try to shut down those who actually use facts and know what they are talking about.
AMFAinMIA is the biggest one, he constantly posts that I shouldnt post, no one should post unless they are an elitist mechanic wanting AFMA.
WeAAsles said:
When I'm not welcome somewhere is when I usually want to be there even more. Even my mom used to call me a pest, can you believe it? I used to poke her on the arm all the time when I was little saying Mom Mom Mom, all the time. Drove her nuts.

But no they don't like facts and they hate anyone who puts them out there including some in there own class and craft who refute them.

Sorry guys FSC or not I'm just not a fan of BS no matter who's selling it. Tell everyone the mistakes AMFA has made besides the things you like about them and maybe I'll back off a little. Let's hear some of the fine print shall we?
You re the two biggest frauds on this thread.
B) xUT
Ok, so prove your accusation, you all have to attack because you can't refute the facts and yoou don't like the reality of the situation.
What accusation? The one where you have nothing to do with US or the IAM and no dog in this fight, yet post more here than anyone else?
IF, I were looking to join a union, AMFA would be the only one that might persuade me.
That's not what I asked.

I'll try again: If/when AMFA launches a drive on the DL property, will we see you advocating for it?

Not on a fishing expedition, or looking to play "gotcha." Just curious is all.
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