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AMFA Informational Meeting in PHX

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Come back when you can actually post a fact and debate, so far you have not refuted anything, keep following me from thread to thread, you truly are a yoyo.
yoyodyne said:
Don't let the facts get in your way.

Good of you to finally agree with 700. I see that progress is attainable after all.
Glenn Quagmire said:
The biggest mistake we made was not letting NWA lock us out. Had we done CHAOS, they would have locked us out and we could have won the media war.

I understand why the AMTs wanted to take the high road (for lack of a better term), but NW had no intention of ever playing fair.
We do not need to debate the AMFA strike on NWA again here. We have clubbed that horse numerous times.

If you feel the need to read it again, I suggest using the search function on this site.

I would also ask that 700 and 787823 cease and desist with your "who's on first" routine. I would wager that well in excess of 30% of your collective posts are at each other saying the same thing...over...and...over...again...and...again...

While I am at it, Yoyo, can you just say "I really like the way my job is here because of x, y, and z, and I don't want a Union because of x, y, and z?

If all did what I said above, u think we could end this entire conversation.

Good luck, huh?
I want to wish all who attend the meeting tomorrow the best and ask as many questions as you wish. You will not be disappointed.
WeAAsles said:
Dude you really want cards take my advice, get straight and get real. Sell what you believe are the strengths of your product but own up to its past failures. You do that and people may give you another shot? Otherwise were all old enough to know the hard sell and even with our glasses have learned to read the fine print.
Actually I have owned up to the past AMFA mistakes.  At NWA pacifically as you pointed out.  If you have been in tune you would know this.  The NWA/AMFA issue was 2 fold.  Yes AMFA waited too long to strike, they gave the co way too long to prepare.  But, AMFA also showed they were the only union to strike instead of the onslot of unions always agreeing to concessions and selling them to the membership for a yes vote.  If you have been around long enough you would know I have stated these facts in the past.  I have been straight and I have been real, I am not selling anything.  When will you learn that the TWU has been selling their members out for the last 3 plus decades to concessions after concessions?  When you have a good reason for that then maybe, just maybe someone will listen to you.  Until then pack sand and go away, you have nothing for the membership to continue to support the constant concessions after concessions the TWU has continuously provided for their membership.  You, sir, is the one that needs to get a clue...
1AA said:
With comments like this you wonder why we ask you to mind your own business and leave. Unfortunately you can't help yourself. You have to make sure everyone reads your posts. Get a life, will you?
A fantastic option available to all is the ignore option which will provide all with this post instead of 700's post;
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1AA said:
I want to wish all who attend the meeting tomorrow the best and ask as many questions as you wish. You will not be disappointed.
Yes 1AA.  I too encourage any and all questions at this meeting.  Matter fact I would encourage questions about the NWA strike.  Ask all the questions you can.  But most important, ask about the internal workings of the AMFA union, and who will actually be in control of the union.  As 1AA said, you will not be disappointed.  All fence sitters, I highly suggest to attend, write you questions down, and ask them all, they will take the time to answer them...
swamt said:
Actually I have owned up to the past AMFA mistakes.  At NWA pacifically as you pointed out.  If you have been in tune you would know this.  The NWA/AMFA issue was 2 fold.  Yes AMFA waited too long to strike, they gave the co way too long to prepare.  But, AMFA also showed they were the only union to strike instead of the onslot of unions always agreeing to concessions and selling them to the membership for a yes vote.  If you have been around long enough you would know I have stated these facts in the past.  I have been straight and I have been real, I am not selling anything.  When will you learn that the TWU has been selling their members out for the last 3 plus decades to concessions after concessions?  When you have a good reason for that then maybe, just maybe someone will listen to you.  Until then pack sand and go away, you have nothing for the membership to continue to support the constant concessions after concessions the TWU has continuously provided for their membership.  You, sir, is the one that needs to get a clue...
EVERY Union in the airline industry has been selling concessions since Jimmy Carter signed the Airline Deregulation Act on October 24, 1978. I'll give AMFA credit that they tried to go against that tide but they brought a knife to a machine gun fight. Should they have put up that fight? Only the individuals who were a part of that fight can decide the answer to that question.
That is why the AMT's should have a say which union should better represent them based upon their current representation. This is why the meeting is going on today so the guys and gals can get the information first hand. I encourage all that can attend to go and ask questions. That is the purpose of informational meetings. I am sure more will be held throughout the system in the coming weeks. CLT and PHL and Tulsa are probably on the list.
Did any grave yard shifters go to the informational meeting?  Heck they are probably still there.  Looking forward to any updates...
For someone who claims they have nothing to do with the IAM, your sure seem to have a vested interest!
Mechanics at US, need their own union and do not need to be lumped in with the rest of the workforce!
southwind said:
For someone who claims they have nothing to do with the IAM, your sure seem to have a vested interest!
Mechanics at US, need their own union and do not need to be lumped in with the rest of the workforce!
Careful now, you are fixing to be called an elitist for supporting a craft union.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Did some asking around and the meeting yesterday was successful.
Guys showed up,asked questions and signed cards. The IAM had a couple of guys there but they were not AMT's and were not educated on the issues. All shifts showed up. Some guys took cards with them for others to sign. From what I was told is that no one is happy with the IAM and are more upset over the Alliance. They do not want the alliance and do not care for the TWU. We at AA feel the same. We do not care for the IAM and the Alliance. Glad to see we are all on the same page. So now many of us had face to face contact with each others respective airline and can agree on the same issues. We need to move forward to remove the IAM/TWU and the alliance. Now before some pro TWU or IAM asks how many cards were signed? I do not know. But cards were signed and taken for others to sign. That says plenty.
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