You have hit the nail on the head, Registered Republicans. Where has the Republican Party helped labor in the United States of America? Most republican hate unions in the first place. Do you remember the Taft Hartley Act? Promoting goodwill within the community makes perfect sense. Who will help to get legislation passed to make a living wage a reality? The union is the community. Have you notice the United States in a recession? Let’s get some laws passed to fix trade deficits. Let’s get some laws passed to make companies that outsource work pay a duty of some kind. We need work back here in the USA. Let’s get some laws passed to get the 2% of the population that has all the big bucks pay some taxes so the burden we are legally forced to pay is shared equally. It is rumored that TCW and The AFL-CIO will unite, but you in all your wisdom know that coalitions are not beneficial to unions. Union participation in community activities promotes unionism throughout the year, not just during election cycles. We are fighting amongst ourselves which is the company’s greatest pleasure. Fix it in house. Do you buy a new car when the tire gets a flat?
Have the AFL-CIO create a Labor Party that doesn't associate with abortion, gay rights, bigger government, bigger taxes, or have Democrats not sign NAFTA Laws, Interfere with Labor Stirikes, and pretend to be Labors friend.
You are one of those that is still hoodiwnked by the single issue of Organized Labor while both current parties are nothing but a bunch of rich men causing much more sacrifice on the middle class, most of which do not belong to unions at all. The Democrats at best should be referenced as a party for the poor and lazy rather than a party for labor. And well the Republicans dont hide their hatred for unions and why not the unions spend every frekin dime they have attacking them. But I don't see where anyone can claim there is a middle class workning man's party anymore.
The 2 party system is broken and they have everyone divided up by single issue poilitics keeping eveything at a stalemate.
If the AFL-CIO would stop kissing the Democrats ass while they hand it to us in the middle class, and form a third party for the working man, we might just actually be able say there is a labor friendly party without telling a lie.
Anyone calling the Democrats Labor Friendly needs to be drug tested. I cannot think of one politician in either party I would call my friend.
You sound as though you forget that Organiced Labor is now only about 12% of the workforce and 80% of that 12% is State, and Federal Government Workers.
You want to get something changed? Have every working man and woman file a W4 claiming expemt from taxes and stop the payroll deduction/theft of your hard earned money. That will get both parties' attention real fast. It would be a revolution without violence and the working man would win.
You dont get it I guess. When the Supreme Court ruled that money was Free Speech when it comes to political campaigning, the working man lost. Working men will NEVER win a game of who has the most money to influence and buy access against the Rich. You have lost before the game began. But if we ALL took our tax dollars away from the already elected, then I believe you would have their ears and friendship real quick.
But what do I know? I am just an uneducated working man waiting and depending on some Union Leader to speak for me, think for me, and protect me from the evil Republican Boogie Man.
Most on your wish list I agree with. I believe the Democrats are holding the whitehouse, and both branches of Congress. How's come those "labor friendly" follks have not passed your labor fiiendly wish list yet? Stop buying the CULT Like fear and babble and look at the facts.
Just sayin...