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TWU vs. AMP Debate Comments

RE: Debate Thread Post #31 by CIO

Local Autonomy is important and AMP constitution is designed to control the members at the national level. AMP constitution also does not consider Chairmans as officers!

I see you only took part of a qoute, miss-leading the facts again?

Stay tuned for more;

In Solidarity

I think that I am understanding your inability to grasp this idea.
You apparently believe that regardless of Constitutional Structure, the "MEMBERSHIP MUST BE CONTROLED".
Given your years of TWU representation, and even given your own FEAR based response to AMP, I can understand where your off target thinking comes from.

But just for a second, even only for a second, try to grasp the idea that the "MEMBERSHIP CONTROLS THE UNION" and then read the AMP Consitution. I believe you are reading with the mindset that the members WILL and.or MUST be controlled and that is why you make such ludicrous claims as the one you made that is quoted above.

If it is not within your grasp to think about the way a union should be operating to begin with, and all you are going to do is view the AMP Constitution as a tool to "CONTROL THE MEMBERSHIP" then of course you will never agree that this idea has merit.

My personal opinion is that it would be a pleasant experience to have union discussions with my co-workers and instead of referencing the union as them and they, we would actually be able to use the terms us and we. Is that concept so far out there for you manipulating, fear mongering, saves us from ourselves thinkers that you will never understand? I am concerned so.

And I will keep asking this question until you answer since you bravely and confidently made the claim that the TWU has the money and training to handle greivances. What is the status of the Presidential Grievance filed over the 100% outsource of CFM56 Engine Work?

Just Sayin...
RE: CIO post #32 Please refer to article 2 of our POS t/a. Definitions, "He" or any other masculine pronoun will be understood to designate any employee, whether male or female.
CIo is really grasping for things to find wrong now! From his post #32:

"So the AMP steering committee and lawyers have reviewed the constitution and agree AMP is prejudice against females or at the very least not allowed to hold certain positions? I also see where you are only allowing the males to be able to change records! This reminds me during the time another union ---- many of you supported---- was attempting to raid the TWU and how they excluded certain classifications, this time it’s the highly skilled Females. So it’s safe to assume this is also true with AMP. But I do give you credit! The copy and paste in other areas of the constitution does mention his/her."

What a waste of bandwidth.... <_<
If you think back to a few years ago local 514 had some pr firm on the payroll duey turnbo and schnake or something close to that. Pittbull I would not waste anymore time and let the cards do the talking. I appears you are debating this pr firm sounds like the propaganda and tatics they used before.
I think its time for a topic change. It has already been determined the AMP, has no leadership only a self appointed steering committee, so the membership would suffer while the AMP found some form of leadership. Their Constitution Structure is set up to minimize the memberships voice in the transaction of business within the AMP the Board of Directors are the ruling body, not the membership! Pittbull has already made notice that the Constitution is incomplete and would require amendments, so they want you to vote for something unfounded and implies a false front. They have no Money and what money they would gather if voted in would not be available to the membership. They would lose all assets of our current Union Halls. They would obtain all open grievances without the experience or money to process them. The folks I've seen pushing the AMP here in Tulsa are people I have never heard of, so what experience do they have with dealing with the company on issues applicable to the TWU membership. From what I've seen and heard so far, I believe the membership would suffer under AMP....Just sayin

Lets talk about some facts, in 2001 we had the highest pay and ALL our own OH, I don't remember the amount of mechs we had but I think 12k sounds right. Now in the middle of the worst recession sense the depression, we still do ALL our own OH, and we have 9300 mechs on the pay roll. The TA was giving up a lot and not getting anything in return, and it was voted down. That seems like democracy to me. No matter what union represents us, it's still the same guys thast make up the union weather it's the TWU or AMP. I'm not apposed to AMP, but I have an open mind to what the TWU has accomplished.

Lets talk about some facts, in 2001 we had the highest pay and ALL our own OH, I don't remember the amount of mechs we had but I think 12k sounds right. Now in the middle of the worst recession sense the depression, we still do ALL our own OH, and we have 9300 mechs on the pay roll.

Duke787, you sound like a guy that knows the facts to me. On the we do ALL out own maintenance front.
Can you tell me the status of the Presidential Grievance of the 100% Outsource of CFM56 enigne work? IIRC there were 15 engines 100% outsourced to Struthers in Wichita, KN

Just Sayin...
"While I am responding before I intended (mostly because if I don’t respond immediately even if I am at work it is somehow assumed I won’t answer), let me take a few minutes off from my busy schedule and my family to deal with some of Pittbull’s points."


You have started this debate several weeks ago and above state that you are answering before you intended. My question is WHEN will you debate the opening issue in this debate? You know, the differences in constitutions?

Why are twu international officers NOT elected by the full membership?

Why are twu international officers NOT able to be recalled by the full membership?

Why did twu international officers NOT take similar cuts in pay and benefits when the full membership did back in '03?

I know you won't anserw so if high speed steel or another twu believer wishes to answer truthfully go ahead.
This Just In...
...New TWU Supporter Slogan _ T-Shirt to follow

Duke787, you sound like a guy that knows the facts to me. On the we do ALL out own maintenance front.
Can you tell me the status of the Presidential Grievance of the 100% Outsource of CFM56 enigne work? IIRC there were 15 engines 100% outsourced to Struthers in Wichita, KN

Just Sayin...
I didn't know that, thanks to this forum ALL mechs can be informed. 😱
As the poster says from Local 514 thats posted around the Maintenance Base in TULE, " We are the new business plAAn". This speaks volumes. PRO Company, ANTI Union. TWU and AA are one in the same, it's time for a change. GO AMP!
I didn't know that, thanks to this forum ALL mechs can be informed. 😱
Glad to see you are starting to think about AMP's way of thinking. The TWU just cares about the INT., and not about the members or whats important to us or this issue would have been resolved by now. It is important to keep work in-house, so why doesn't the TWU think so on this matter of importance. Makes you wonder!
"The membership controls the TWU."

Wow! What will the twu think of next? Please inform everyone reading this quote of truth exactly how the membership controls the twu.

Does the membership elect the appointed officers in the international?

Does the membership have the ability to recall the appointed officers in the international?

Well, I guess the way the twu looks at things is if you say a lie long enough it turns into the truth.

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