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TWU vs. AMP Debate Comments


Thanks for joining the forums here and taking interest in the debate between AMP vs TWU. Since it appears the deabte has slowed to a crawl while we await CIO's next post, I have few questions of you since I was never able to talk directly with you during campaign season.

Regarding TWU Appointments - I believe that I once heard you saying that Jim Little had offered you an appointment to and International position when you were holding elected Local 514 Officer position. I remember you saying that since Dennis Burchette had left for his second appointment that you chose to not take Little's offer. Is this true or false and was this offer near or during the TWU Constitutional Convetion?

Next regarding Local Union Finnaces -

Can you explain how the deal went down over the hiring of a company to scan and shred Local 514 Documents? Was the company that was hired a company owned by Al Ball the appointed Local 514 I.T. person and how much was this company paid to do the work? Were employees of this frim relatives of Local 514 Union Officers? I was told the company was paid $170,000.00 from the Local Treasury. Is that true?

Also along those lines. Was the company or person hired to mow and keep up the Local 514 lawncare a relative of yours?

These unanswered questions are what cost you in the recent election and I was never able to ask you directly to explain. Please do so now. Thanks

Now one more question - How many total individuals involved in "working together", I.T. Services, Grievance handling, Organizing, or Public Relations are appointed and unelected at Local 514 and how much per month appx does this cost the Local per month?

It sure would be nice to have someone that was on the inside of the secret society to honestly answer these questions of the membership.
You make the Vice president the president and appoint a lower postion or you have a election. the problem is the TWU does not have a history of this, generally someone steps down and appoints his replacement. now please don't waste our time with a comparison to the electorial college, Jim Little as the setting president has the power to appoint { there is that word again} the heads of the committee's that decide on how the business of the convention will progress, if he does not want a resoultion to come to the floor it is not coming.

I think it is ironic that you came on here saying you voted for Jim and now you admit he was unopposed tell me how or why do you have a vote if he is unopposed. there are several countries around the world that elect leaders as you did Jim but there not considered democratic!

By the way did also vote in Gless, Videtich, Conley or any ATD position or did they run unopposed?

Thanks for admitting that it is a drunk-fest sorry you could not attend.

Re: Post #16 CIO


I have read through the AMP constitution a couple of times and I can't seem to get over the amount of times I see where the governing control of the AMp is not truly in the hands of the membership. What can you tell us about Article V Section 2. A.B. of the AMp constituion? I don't see where the membership has any voice in the business of the AMp.....Also on the topic of appointments, what is up with Article XI A. and E.?

The members have no voice on committees of the AMp or the ability to "RECALL" committee members under E..... :blink:

Thanks for joining the forums here and taking interest in the debate between AMP vs TWU. Since it appears the deabte has slowed to a crawl while we await CIO's next post, I have few questions of you since I was never able to talk directly with you during campaign season.

Regarding TWU Appointments - I believe that I once heard you saying that Jim Little had offered you an appointment to and International position when you were holding elected Local 514 Officer position. I remember you saying that since Dennis Burchette had left for his second appointment that you chose to not take Little's offer. Is this true or false and was this offer near or during the TWU Constitutional Convetion?

Next regarding Local Union Finnaces -

Can you explain how the deal went down over the hiring of a company to scan and shred Local 514 Documents? Was the company that was hired a company owned by Al Ball the appointed Local 514 I.T. person and how much was this company paid to do the work? Were employees of this frim relatives of Local 514 Union Officers? I was told the company was paid $170,000.00 from the Local Treasury. Is that true?

Also along those lines. Was the company or person hired to mow and keep up the Local 514 lawncare a relative of yours?

These unanswered questions are what cost you in the recent election and I was never able to ask you directly to explain. Please do so now. Thanks

Now one more question - How many total individuals involved in "working together", I.T. Services, Grievance handling, Organizing, or Public Relations are appointed and unelected at Local 514 and how much per month appx does this cost the Local per month?

It sure would be nice to have someone that was on the inside of the secret society to honestly answer these questions of the membership.

Thanks for asking me and not just accusing. I'm on here for serious questions, not to play kindergarten name-calling. I'm okay with not winning. I have more time to spend with my beautiful daughter now and focus more on the Veterans Committee. Shelby and the new board have my complete support and I will do anything to make the transition easier for them.

1. The position that I was considering was a staff media position within the International. It was not a position that had any say in members affairs. Similar to that of the staff at local 514. Those positions are hired by the President both locally and internationally.

2. The scanning rumors were pretty far fetched but you have some points correct. I looked at several companies to come in and do scanning for our files. All the companies were outrageously priced or wanted us to box up our members personal files and ship them to a foreign country for scanning. I had asked Al to check into the cost of doing it in-house. He didn't want to tackle it but I was very persistent. He finally took on the scanning project and created a business with a tax ID to pay the employees. It ended up costing him more to create it and pay the employees than the local gave him due to taxes and such. In the very beginning, yes, some boy scouts were used (one being his son) for the scanning. The total cost of the local was $167k while the next lowest bid I took was $247k (this one was to ship them overseas). The digital files are the best thing ever in my opinion... ease of use. If we would have used another company, we would have heard about that too.

3. The lawn-caregiver is no relation to me. I have no idea where this even started. Someone asked me if he was my husband... I told them, I can't even get my husband to mow our own yard! I mow. 🙂

4. Your questions about the Working Together, I can not answer. I do not deal with that at all. I'm sorry. Our grievances are dealt with by the executive board officers and Gary Elias. We have one IT person at the local (Al). We have Volunteer Organizers is all I am aware of. Gary and Al would be the only expense from all of those positions (their hourly rate).

I hope this helps. If not, feel free to ask.

What is the name of the Al Ball company? Did the Executive Board approve this expenditure?

What is the name of the lawn care service?

And on the lost time unelected, what about Jay Potter, and Brad Mueller (sp?), were these folks on Union Business lost time and about how mcuh over the last 3 years has this UB cost the Local?

What is the name of the Al Ball company? Did the Executive Board approve this expenditure?

What is the name of the lawn care service?

And on the lost time unelected, what about Jay Potter, and Brad Mueller (sp?), were these folks on Union Business lost time and about how mcuh over the last 3 years has this UB cost the Local?

Hey informer, I see you're back from the "100 acre wood"....fishing again huh?
Jenni I guess that some of the problems that you just mentioned with the 514 local is common place over the years for this local. The officers of this local have run over the membership over the years and their morals have been very questionable. The officers like Dennis Burchette that beat his wife and sleep with other members fiances,Gary Yingst that lost his flight benefits along with his wife for having a fight in first class on their way to Hawaii,not to mention that she locked herself in the first class on landing and refused the order of the flight attendant to take her seat. Oh yes and their was never a police report filed I wonder why and how much that coverup cost the membership. Yes this is only a couple of the moral slip ups by the 514 officiers that have been corrupted by Int and the company,but the fact that you mention the name Gary Elias he is another one of the TWU finest that was sleeping with another members wife that happens to be a secretary at your local, yes this is the truth and you can check with him. As you know he is married and he caused the divorce of this man and woman and created a broken home for their two children(one that was an infant at the time) Is this the kind of person that you want to represent you or be around your family ? NOT ME

What is the name of the Al Ball company? Did the Executive Board approve this expenditure?

What is the name of the lawn care service?

And on the lost time unelected, what about Jay Potter, and Brad Mueller (sp?), were these folks on Union Business lost time and about how mcuh over the last 3 years has this UB cost the Local?

MATH Media

We write the check to the individual. I can't remember his first name right now, I think his last name is McClane (sp?)

The local does not pay Potter or Muellers wages.
MATH Media

We write the check to the individual. I can't remember his first name right now, I think his last name is McClane (sp?)

The local does not pay Potter or Muellers wages.

And the Executive Board approved MATH Media?

Thank You Jenni, it is refreshing to have a TWU supporter answer questions in a direct and honest way. Enjoy your stay here. Maybe we can get this representation issue resolved and put behind us soon.
And the Executive Board approved MATH Media?

Thank You Jenni, it is refreshing to have a TWU supporter answer questions in a direct and honest way. Enjoy your stay here. Maybe we can get this representation issue resolved and put behind us soon.

informer, you crack me up with your "warm and fuzzy post"....LOL

You can get this same information by attending monthly membership meetings....

Be sure and bat your eye's informer...hahahah...geeesh :lol:
informer, you crack me up with your "warm and fuzzy post"....LOL

You can get this same information by attending monthly membership meetings....

Be sure and bat your eye's informer...hahahah...geeesh :lol:

You make it clear why she is treated different than you are. I am happpily married for 32 years and secure in my relationships. She is actually working to answer the questions asked of her. However she still has not answered if the Executive Board voted to approve MATH Media @ $167K

Maybe you should vote to have her replace CIO over on the debate Forum. By the way, I like you too man!
Re: Post #16 CIO


I have read through the AMP constitution a couple of times and I can't seem to get over the amount of times I see where the governing control of the AMp is not truly in the hands of the membership. What can you tell us about Article V Section 2. A.B. of the AMp constituion? I don't see where the membership has any voice in the business of the AMp.....Also on the topic of appointments, what is up with Article XI A. and E.?

The members have no voice on committees of the AMp or the ability to "RECALL" committee members under E..... :blink:

Section 2. Meetings
The Board of Directors shall convene for the transaction of business at least twice a year on a date and at a location determined by the National Director. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the National Director or will be called within fourteen (14) days upon the written request of thirty percent (30%) of the Board of Directors. There shall be no restrictions on business conducted at any meeting of the Board of Directors, provided, however, that no business shall be acted upon without:
A. Ten (10) days notice of the agenda in writing to all members of the Board prior to such meeting; or
B. Approval of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Board of Directors.

I am not quite sure what you think is wrong with this first it says the board will meet at least twice a year and a special meeting can be called if the requirments are satisfied, as far as Section A goes this would be the normal course of business by which you put out a agenda as to topic's to be discussed Section B would be in case of a emergency meeting where there is not time to satisfy sec A and remember these are the president and vice president plus title 2 & 5 line and overhaul reps. All of these people are elected by the members and can be recalled where do you see the problem. these very same people run the business today they just do it locally.

As far as section VI goes I have no idea what you see as a problem reread it and help me out I wiil answer but if you read the whole section it seems self explanitory to me.
And the Executive Board approved MATH Media?

Thank You Jenni, it is refreshing to have a TWU supporter answer questions in a direct and honest way. Enjoy your stay here. Maybe we can get this representation issue resolved and put behind us soon.

Yes. The entire executive board signs to approve all the financial documents through the month.

Thank you for asking. I think we could use your warm and fuzzy, eye-batting on our side. Come to a meeting!
... snip
I'm a Little fan though. I believe he is a very good leader that allows the locals and committees to make their own decisions. What is your tiff with Jim?
... snip
My "tiff" with jim -

He doesn't advertise his numerous degrees anymore as he once did - why? Is it because of where they were from?

New York State Teaching Certificate - Not according to New York State - I checked about two years ago. His name was not in their registry.

The internet is wonderful, isn't it? It's absolutely amazing how much information can be had with a few keystrokes.

You can be a fan of his if you like. I'd sooner take a salaried job with AA.
My "tiff" with jim -

He doesn't advertise his numerous degrees anymore as he once did - why? Is it because of where they were from?

New York State Teaching Certificate - Not according to New York State - I checked about two years ago. His name was not in their registry.

The internet is wonderful, isn't it? It's absolutely amazing how much information can be had with a few keystrokes.

You can be a fan of his if you like. I'd sooner take a salaried job with AA.


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