"With that new union that has no established report with the company, experience of negotiating a contract, experience of arbitrating a case or has established coalitions between the other unions on the property, the position you assume is one of vulnerability and most of all weakness. That craft union mentality doesn’t work here at AA because we all rely so much on each other."
Report with the company? Oh, you mean the one like the twu has with the company?
Company: Hey twu. We need to remove A&Ps from the back shops. Oh, we also need you to accept life changing concessions to sAAve the company from filing bk. And while you're at it we don't want to give back or "snap-back" anything we take. Oh, and we will also drag our feet for 2 years while we pretend to "negotiate".
twu: No problem! We can't be voted out of office so we'll do what you want and just put a catchy slogan on it. How about "shAAred sAAcrifice"?
Company: That will work just fine.
No thanks kukuy.
Experience negotiating a contract? You mean like the way the twu does?
twu #1: Hey guys. How do we peddle this pos t/a?
twu #2: Hey! Let's put a flyer insert in all the ballots urging a yes vote?
twu #3: Hey! Great idea #2. Let's make it in color too!
No thanks kukuy.
Experience in arbitrating a case? You mean like the one in Tulsa regarding outsourcing engine work?
twu #1: Hey! What do we do with this grievance over the engine work being outsourced?
twu #2: SSHHH!!! Ignore it and it will go away.
No thanks kukuy.
Craft union mentality doesn't work here?
Thank you for insulting my profession.
No thanks kukuy.
Electing a strong negotiator should be on every members mind when those ballots are mailed to their homes. The negotiator you elected evidently was not strong enough to promote your prospective. File your charges or vote him/her out next election.
I elected my LOCAL negotiator and will indeed file a charge or vote him/her out next election. I will do the very same thing for all the international officers that were elected by the membership.
Oh, wait a second! You neglect to mention that international officers can not be voted out next election. So what's it going to be kukuy? Full democracy or just half democracy? A CRAFT union wants to know.
What in the informational flyer is not true? Be specific. “The decision is now in the membership’s hands” sounds like a persuasive push to ratify or is it to reject? Making the noise about international officer’s elections, you failed to mention what campaign strategy you employed to remove or elect new candidates. Was the reception from the transit and dealer locals open to your proposals? Are your charges on the recording secretary’s desk? All of the work classifications depend on each other so closely at AA and any other airline with our business model. Respect for the worker, from the day laborer to a doctor, must be on every union man’s/woman’s mind and heart. I am in this discussion to prevent the following from happening to the TWU members here at AA. You stand alone you die alone.
O. V. Delle-Femine:
I am in receipt of your letter dated July 27, 2005, in which you requested that the IAM
encourage our members to stand with AMFA. You have acknowledged in your letter that there
are philosophical differences between our organizations and memberships.
I am surprised by your request in that since 1962 AMFA has preached that a Mechanic
does not need the assistance of “unskilled” workers such as myself or many of the people I
represent. When you urged the nearly 10,000 Northwest Mechanics (at the time) to join your
craft organization in 1998 you declared their strength lies in their skill, not in the numbers of the
Machinists Union. You must still believe this to be true because as recently as in a July 26,
2005 news article your Assistant National Director Steve MacFarlane said, “Strength in numbers
doesn't necessarily mean strength……..
In your July 27th letter you requested that we encourage our members to stand with
AMFA, thereby recognizing that whether or not someone stands with your organization is an
individual choice. However, it would be very difficult for any IAM member to stand with your
organization knowing full well that if AMFA wins, the IAM members lose, because AMFA, the
institution, is fighting for IAM members to pay more in sacrifices than is currently proposed by
Northwest Airlines.
Our members can rest assured that whatever action the IAM takes will be in the best
interests of its members.
Robert Roach, Jr.
cc: Buffenbarger
Executive Council