For ten years the amfa has been riding the coattails of the IBT. Yes, you are correct. Losing work is any credible union’s concern. Now that you have questioned my femininity/masculinity, I must retreat into the abyss of shame and be quiet now. The sky isn’t blue where you come from. The roll over association amfa, has no power. Maybe if amfa kicks it up an amp or two the toaster will work. Sit amfa. Sit. That is a pet association. Amfa knows well the rollover trick.
One thing you really shouldn't be doing is calling any other so-called "union" or "association" a "pet association" and speaking about how well others know the "rollover" trick while making attempts to defend the TWU.
Nor should you be speaking about what group has or hasn't any power, considering your defense of the TWU. Little and the rest of his twits are in bed with the company - there's very few that won't admit to that, even TWU union officers.
You, CIO, and the rest have nothing to defend as the TWU's own track record speaks rather loudly as to its own actions over the years. Personally, I would be ashamed admitting to defending such a group of thieves and liars. As old Ed Wilson used to say years ago during his presidency of Loacl 514, "Brother - you're believing your own bullshit".
You point to AMP's lack of a track record, yet, at one time, the TWU didn't have one either.
Many defend the TWU because of personal reasons, ie, friendships, social attachments and generally the "what would I do if they disappeared" type of thought. You can make friends without the TWU. You can also get screwed by the company for free without paying dues to a worthless "union" that works harder for AA/AMR than it does for you.
The TWU needs to either go away or straighten itself up rather quickly before a representational election throws its collective arse off the property. It will happen eventually, maybe this time, perhaps another time, but rest assured many have had a belly full of what you are defending - and why?
How about
YOU and your buddies at the hall getting with the program of
"CHANGE FROM WITHIN" as others and, no doubt, yourself have touted for quite some time, or does that only apply to the peons on the floor?
Since you and others don't like the thought of AMP, AMFA or anything/anyone else taking over the representation of AA's Title One and Related, stop and consider why a drive to replace your darling union as representation is takingplace, get off your dead ass and attempt, as others have with little (no pun intended) success, to create an environment that will keep out any credible/viable threat to your favorite union's supremacy. People don't try to effect change simply for the hell of it - they do so because there's a friggin' major problem.
Don't like the problem? Then fix what you've got already (if Little Jimmy will allow it) and change it for the benefit of the membership, or shut the hell up and let others with the 'nads to do something to fix the problem. I'm sure they'll let you know when they're done with the hard work and need a whiner or two for their entertainment.
Don't like the obvious solution? Take three running jumps and go straight to hell - do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.
Your turn - go ahead with the insults and whining.