Not soliciting the support of the dealers, bus drivers, fleetservice or stores, garners the one craft nothing. But with the support of the other groups just maybe your agenda might prove to be received more favorably. We all have to stand together. Our strength is in our skill not in our numbers. Remember that one? History is a great teacher. The future is an unknown. What happened to other airlines in the past, I don’t want to see happen here to the members of The TWU in the future. The benefit of splintering a union makes no sense what so ever. AMP has no power. Is there support from other unions? Where does the AFL-CIO or CTW stand on this? The following is an offering to the before asked.
Elite: a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence *members of the ruling elite* *the intellectual elites of the country*
"Other Airlines of the Past"? Are you talking about TWU at Eastern and Pan Am Airlines and AirCal, the IAM at Nothwest, Alaska, and TWA, or AMFA at Northwest?
So...I guess what you are saying is that since the TWU has the support of dealers, bus drivers, fleetservice, stores, and gamers. Along with the entire AFL-CIO, then one must assume that what we have been experiencing within the Airline Industry must be the TWU's and apparently even your idea of a successful agenda. Yet that is what causes TWU Members to get fed up and start card drives to remove the TWU. Never forget these drives come from within the membership, not from outside. Almost sounds like an oxy-moron when I read your postings. You are not in favor of change because you fear change. Then you must just admit that you are really a TWU supporter and enjoy industrial unionism without accountability. How's that working for you?
Freeloader - The term "Freeloader" in everyday speech refers to the economic free rider problem, the act of refusing to do work without valid excuses/reasons for being noncontributing to the work being finished.
More generally, the term refers to a "mooch" or a schnorrer.
Ride Coattails - To sponge, mooch, free load, skate by, or do absolutely nothing but watch while somebody else does all the work and still somehow try to take at least partial credit for something you had no hand in.
Both of the above also known as Appointed TWU Officer or Staff personel.