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TWU vs. AMP Debate Comments

As the poster says from Local 514 thats posted around the Maintenance Base in TULE, " We are the new business plAAn". This speaks volumes. PRO Company, ANTI Union. TWU and AA are one in the same, it's time for a change. GO AMP!

Those posters really showed 'em. About as effective as the other slogans and tshirts the stooges come up with.
Wait until company calls Little's bluff on a 30 day cooling off period.
Eoleson came up with that figure for his assumption of the Political persuation of our membership, I think he drew that conclusion from the vote.

No, it had nothing to do with the vote, and it's not just "your" membership... it's all work groups, including those unskilled "bagsmashers", "space waitresses" and "skygods" (some of the more endearing terms used by mechanics over the past seven years to describe their peers...)...

Not everyone working for AA treats unionism their second religion, and frankly, religion is more likely to drive one's political leanings... So I guesstimated based on the number of pilots (who are the most likely to vote R) and added in some weighting for people who clearly align more with the conservative agenda than they do with liberals.
Is this the man behind the curtain


:lol: 😀 :lol:
A couple years ago, I got on the New York State website that has the listings for those who hold/held state teaching certificates and, just for grins, put in Little's name. Now, I may have erred somewhere in my input (James C. Little), but Little Jimmy was not on that list. The site has a rather nice search function.

Granted - searching for this now is akin to closing the barn door after the cow got out but those who care to look for themselves can find the info on this NY State website:


Interestingly enough, the site cites the fact state records weren't computerized until 1983, so those 1982 and older probably won't be listed. Logic (that nasty little item that assists us in thinking for ourselves) would have it his certificate would be listed since his undergraduate degree (supposedly) was awarded in 1994 (according to the testimony shown) and no state I'm aware of would issue a teaching certificate to someone who does not hold at least a bachelor's degree, so, his certificate should be listed on the New York State Education site if he, in fact, actually has one.

(visual - Arte Johnson dressed as the German {Laugh In} saying "Very Interesting")
... it's all work groups, including those unskilled "bagsmashers", "space waitresses" and "skygods" (some of the more endearing terms used by mechanics over the past seven years to describe their peers...)...
Well none of those "endearing terms" as you called them are as harsh as what Crandall reportedly called the Flight Attendants when they went on strike.

Most who use those terms think more like you than I , we dont pick our membership, the company does, so we cant be held responsible for everything that every member says or does.
"While I am responding before I intended (mostly because if I don’t respond immediately even if I am at work it is somehow assumed I won’t answer), let me take a few minutes off from my busy schedule and my family to deal with some of Pittbull’s points."


You have started this debate several weeks ago and above state that you are answering before you intended. My question is WHEN will you debate the opening issue in this debate? You know, the differences in constitutions?

Why are twu international officers NOT elected by the full membership?

Why are twu international officers NOT able to be recalled by the full membership?

Why did twu international officers NOT take similar cuts in pay and benefits when the full membership did back in '03?

I know you won't anserw so if high speed steel or another twu believer wishes to answer truthfully go ahead.

Read the constitution to see how the membership elects the convention delegates, in turn elect the International Officers. International officers are elected at the conventions:


Go here to see how a member can be brought up on charges if they are valid If you read several other areas of the constitution you will see it is well covered: http://www.twu.org/international/article_con/article_xix_-_discipline/

Recall: I believe section 16 and 17 will cover your concerns: http://www.twu.org/international/article_con/article_xi_-_conventions/

If you go here you will see how the International pay is calculated. Read section 10 it is simuliar thru-out the constitution:


In Solidarity;
Read the constitution to see how the membership elects the convention delegates, in turn elect the International Officers. International officers are elected at the conventions:


I ARTICLE XV - Local Union Elections

SECTION 1. The term of office of Local officers and Executive Board members shall be three (3) years except that the International Administrative Committee shall have the authority to approve a by-law provision establishing, or maintaining, a two-year term for the officers and Executive Board members of any Local which petitions and submits satisfactory reasons for such approval, and except further such term may be extended for good cause shown to four (4) years where the law permits. Elections under this section shall be by a plurality of the secret ballot votes cast.

I have read the TWU constitution how the members elect the delegates thru a plurailty of votes that is to say you anly need to be the top vote getters you do not have to get a majority of the people voting to become a delegate and then as was the case in the last convention you get there and Jim Little and all of the intl leadership plus all of the ATD leadership run unopposed so no vote is even needed. not sound like the members had a voice to me!

Go here to see how a member can be brought up on charges if they are valid If you read several other areas of the constitution you will see it is well covered: http://www.twu.org/i...x_-_discipline/

Who was talking about bringing members up on charges the questiion was about the removal of intl officers we all know the members get the short end of the stick!!

If you go here you will see how the International pay is calculated. Read section 10 it is simuliar thru-out the constitution:


ARTICLE V - Powers and Duties of the International President

SECTION 10. The International President shall perform all such other duties as pertain to his/her office. He/she shall receive Seventy-Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($72,500) per annum, payable weekly in equal amounts, and when performing duties away from the International Office he/she shall receive his/her expenses, which shall be subject to the approval of the International Executive Council. The salary of the International President shall be adjusted as of the first day of January 1983 and on the first day of each January by the weighted average percentage increase in wages or salaries received by the Union membership during the fiscal year ending on the preceding August 31st in bargaining units of Five Hundred (500) or more.

This is my favorite of all, when we took the concessions in 2003 The intl boys/girls did not have to take pay cuts, you will notice it does to say if the weighted average is negative that he will take a pay cut. Now when we got some of the concession back the intl was given raises beacuse the weighted average went up, so basicly the intl got 2 raises one for the first time we got the money and then again when we got it back, what a scam. So to summarize it benifits the intl for us to take pay cuts and then recover some of the cuts, because they get a raise every time we do but it does not cost the company money TWU at its finest.
Read the constitution to see how the membership elects the convention delegates, in turn elect the International Officers. International officers are elected at the conventions:


Go here to see how a member can be brought up on charges if they are valid If you read several other areas of the constitution you will see it is well covered: http://www.twu.org/international/article_con/article_xix_-_discipline/

Recall: I believe section 16 and 17 will cover your concerns: http://www.twu.org/international/article_con/article_xi_-_conventions/

If you go here you will see how the International pay is calculated. Read section 10 it is simuliar thru-out the constitution:


In Solidarity;

Is this the new debate forum? :blink:
Is this the new debate forum? :blink:
I believe CIO is lost, it appears he/she (got to cover both genders) doesn't know which thread to post on. Have not heard from in a while, maybe the INTERNATIONAL told him to zip it.
With all your insider info, please tell me why the international exempted themselves from the same pain that the rest of us lowly dues payers were forced to accept?
You know, CIO, the same pain Little and Co. say AA executives exempted themselves from...

Is it necessary to post Gless, Videtich, Conley and the rest of the international gangs' salaries here CIO?
Did you get to vote on their positions? Their pay? The secretaries making $100k plus?

I will trade the TWU dictatorship for a much simpler constitution where EVERY officer is elected and no lifetime appointments.
That too me alone is worth it!

You are quite a mouthpiece for the TWU.

Don't shoot the messenger dude, it never ceases to amaze me, the person comes in here with a differing opinion, one that is supportive of the current organization. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, but why should the conversation denigrate to calling names?

From Wiki: (slang) A lawyer for the defense

I mean thats just horrible to call someone a "lawyer". Oh wait, we're going to use them, I mean use "professional" "negotiators" to negotiate our agreements. BTW, where can I get my BS degree in "Professional Negotiator"?
Don't shoot the messenger dude, it never ceases to amaze me, the person comes in here with a differing opinion, one that is supportive of the current organization. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, but why should the conversation denigrate to calling names?

From Wiki: (slang) A lawyer for the defense

I mean thats just horrible to call someone a "lawyer". Oh wait, we're going to use them, I mean use "professional" "negotiators" to negotiate our agreements. BTW, where can I get my BS degree in "Professional Negotiator"?

CIO is defending the laurels of the TWU and I am countering those opinions. Does CIO not remember Jim Little admitting that if the 2003 concession contract had been turned down, he had constitutional authority to over ride and reject that vote?
ONE PERSON having that sole authority to override the will of the membership?

Even the President of the United States is subject to the checks and balances system we enjoy in this country. I expecting nothing less from my union.

And please, forget about changing the TWU constitution....

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