Calvin the fact is the only reason the TWU got in at AA back in 1946 was because the company did not want to treat their employee's as they should and allow the people who make the company what it is to share in the benefits, that is why all Union exist, Unions are formed out of adversity, so you see Calvin the Mechanics are fighting to change Unions for the exact same reason that they fought to get the TWU in 57 years ago, if the company treated their employee's fairly then there would be absolutly no need for a Union and the same goes for the TWU if the TWU was doing what we hired them to do 57 years ago then there would be no reason to change Unions, but over 53% of us believe that the TWU is not doing what we pay them to do, and we also think that are Leaders are cowards afraid of the membership and Delle, that is why there must be a change now just as there was a change 57 years ago.
Now did you get that or is it over your head.
sheep often have a hard time thinking for themselves.

also Calvin if we are fighting for our livelyhood it won't be won or lost by Mechanics from the same Union debating each other, also most of us are not associate members of AMFA just supporters.
Now did you get that or is it over your head.
sheep often have a hard time thinking for themselves.

also Calvin if we are fighting for our livelyhood it won't be won or lost by Mechanics from the same Union debating each other, also most of us are not associate members of AMFA just supporters.