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Amfa Challenges Twu To Real Debates

It appears the letter has the TWU faithful on this bulletin board and little excited, and yet afraid once again.

I showed the letter to members today, and they thanked me for the information, read it, and said "that sounds like a good idea".

Once again, the TWU leaders that frequent this bulletin board are completely out-of-step with the thinking of the membership.

I have also recieved numerous e-mails from AA Line Mechanics applauding the AMFA offer to include them in this debate matter.

AMFA will win!
Say it ain't so!!!! That letter can't be real. What kind of moron would send out a letter like that and expect a response???.......oh, it is signed isn't it?

O.V. wants NO part of Jim Little (was he even invited???), that is obvious, but the question is why??? Why would he want the backup from his lawyer on the panel.....Seham at that??? His panel would never match up with the TWU's panel, especailly lawyer to lawyer. That Mr. Luby would wipe his beehind with Mr. Seham.....boy would that be ugly!!!! O.V. must have support, he can't do it on his own. That's why he refused to come to tomorrow's debate. True colors are once again showing.................... YELLOW!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Bill said:
Say it ain't so!!!! That letter can't be real. What kind of moron would send out a letter like that and expect a response???.......oh, it is signed isn't it?

O.V. wants NO part of Jim Little (was he even invited???), that is obvious, but the question is why??? Why would he want the backup from his lawyer on the panel.....Seham at that??? His panel would never match up with the TWU's panel, especailly lawyer to lawyer. That Mr. Luby would wipe his beehind with Mr. Seham.....boy would that be ugly!!!! O.V. must have support, he can't do it on his own. That's why he refused to come to tomorrow's debate. True colors are once again showing.................... YELLOW!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Isnt Art Luby the one who told us that we had "iron clad language" with regard to the TWA aquisition?

I'm sure the thousands of AA mechanics who are now on the streets thanks to Arts "Iron clad" language would like to say a few words to Art.

Art Luby is the one who told me that we do not need a better Scope clause, he then asked me not to post any more criticism of the 2001 agreement on the Web.

If Art is so great then how did we get hoodwinked with the "Me Too" clause in 1995?

I saw ART blow back pay for one of our members when he volunteered to do the case for us. We should have let Massi do it. Massi even told Art to cover it but he did not want to, as a result the guy lost back pay.

How did we end up with the most poorly worded, pro company contract in the industry?

We have a member here at JFK who got his job back thanks to Seham, after the TWU washed their hands of him.

After the NMB announces that we are having an election I would love to see these guys go at it!
I heard recently that Art Luby argued against a member who was paralyzed in an automobile accident. The member was on a field trip and Art Luby testified against the member claiming he was not on the clock.