TWU non support of the IAM

Sep 12, 2009
TWU supoort of the IAM is nonexistant. MIA sent AA mechanics to CUN to US metal.  I hope at no US mechs would road trip to repair AA metal until one operating certificate and stteled contractss.
As far as working on each others metal? From what I have heard is that AA can touch USAir metal but not the other way around. Why is this? IAM and TWU should be working together on this. After all they want this Alliance thing to keep the dues flowing so they should earn their keep and protect their work. IMHO I am convinced the IAM is a worse union than the TWU and we all know how bad the TWU is. The two unions are creating bad blood between AA and USAir. This will spill over when a single carrier is completed. It will only be worse as the finger pointing will continue. Both unions are dividing the membership and now they are dividing the two work groups even more. I believe AA should work on AA and USAir should work on USAir on field trips.
daytonpacemaker said:
TWU supoort of the IAM is nonexistant. MIA sent AA mechanics to CUN to US metal.  I hope at no US mechs would road trip to repair AA metal until one operating certificate and stteled contractss.
If the plane goes AOG outside of the US, they can farm the work out.
1AA said:
As far as working on each others metal? From what I have heard is that AA can touch USAir metal but not the other way around. Why is this? IAM and TWU should be working together on this. After all they want this Alliance thing to keep the dues flowing so they should earn their keep and protect their work. IMHO I am convinced the IAM is a worse union than the TWU and we all know how bad the TWU is. The two unions are creating bad blood between AA and USAir. This will spill over when a single carrier is completed. It will only be worse as the finger pointing will continue. Both unions are dividing the membership and now they are dividing the two work groups even more. I believe AA should work on AA and USAir should work on USAir on field trips.
The only way anyone at an AA station is going to know what the rules and policies are with regards to working on either companies a/c is for the IAM/TWU to put out something. They have an agreement to work together, that is what this association is correct.???  Well just how far are they going to take it?
The company is going to work within the guidelines agreed on with (the unions) as to who will handle the trips. There is NO REASON we need to get into a battle with one another we are working on getting all the mechanics of both companies to be in one union at one company. So why would we want to cause dissention between one another.
When it comes to making money both airlines mechanics have taken many concessions and are looking to keep the money coming in to their families. Not many are going to turn down money.
If you have not worked for the IAM and only worked for the TWU then your opinion about which is worse is incorrect. The IAM at one time was strong but not so much any more. The TWU is not the worst the IBT is that. IAM-TWU-IBT as far as the industrial unions in our industry. MHO....
Email your Local's/District Lodge President Both IAM/TWU mechanics, ask whats the deal. Getting into a pissing match here is not going to solve anything.
Morally which way it should be is up to each individual.  The TWU has said it will support the IAM but how far that goes is the question????
For the IAM guy's our Local is 591. email the Southeast region VP. and the Locals President. ask them what's their feelings and why AA mechanics are doing USAirways work. I am sure they would feel the same way you guys do if some one was doing our work. Have them answer this question. 
From my understanding MIA has sent 3-4 trips to work on USAirways metal.
How many if any has USAirways sent to AA aircraft? 
It's time for us to work as one in my opinion to rid the New AA of the TWU/IAM alliance.
This is just an example of what these two unions will do to keep us at one another so they can just keep the dues coming. 
Sign an AMFA card and lets send them both packing. Haven't We  ALL  had enough of these two unions???
TWA was IAM, what happened there when the transition was occurring?
I remember TWU represented AMT's going out on field trips working on their
metal. IAM knew it but did nothing or was incapable of stopping it. So as far as I see it both the TWU and IAM suck at representing their members. IBT??? Well that is another loser union. Look at UAL/CAL but I am not going to drift from the topic anymore. We should all do each owns work and thats that. AA metal by AA AMT's and USAir metal by USAir AMT's.
OK, with that Happy Mothers Day!!!! :D :D
1AA said:
As far as working on each others metal? From what I have heard is that AA can touch USAir metal but not the other way around. Why is this? IAM and TWU should be working together on this. After all they want this Alliance thing to keep the dues flowing so they should earn their keep and protect their work. IMHO I am convinced the IAM is a worse union than the TWU and we all know how bad the TWU is. The two unions are creating bad blood between AA and USAir. This will spill over when a single carrier is completed. It will only be worse as the finger pointing will continue. Both unions are dividing the membership and now they are dividing the two work groups even more. I believe AA should work on AA and USAir should work on USAir on field trips.
Has the AMFA drive stalled?  Do you think sAA mechanics will reverse their support of the TWU and get AMFA enough cards? Is the IBT active or are the sAA mechanics finally wise to how they botched things up?
Tim Nelson said:
Has the AMFA drive stalled?  Do you think sAA mechanics will reverse their support of the TWU and get AMFA enough cards? Is the IBT active or are the sAA mechanics finally wise to how they botched things up?
"NO" our AMFA drive has not stalled, We are still hopeful that we will again reach the required amount of cards to submitt to the NMB when the time comes. We are also hoping that the USAirways guys will sign as well so that we can work toward a JCBA. Getting the intergration of both work forces done, this will shorten the the unknown for us all. Have you had enough of the IAM and its lies? Let's not let AA come between us with work/feildtrips/pay/benefits/holidays.
 The longer we fight just like the CAL/UAL guys are doing we will be on our own self induced pay freeze. AA will love it and the TWU/IAM alliance
will as well since the dues will just keep rolling in. The IBT has been fighting at UAL for 6+ yrs. Still have not intergrated work forces.
Do you the Mechanics at US want this?  Merging with the McKaskil Bond will give us all a fair joint seniority list. Merged by Occupational/Classification
which are the same just different terms used at each carrier. We have a Title 2 group so your facilities/utility/automotive group will be merged with them.
Still represented by AMFA. Oh and we can't bump them just because so Don't let the IAM/TWU tell you different.
I understand you are running for an IAM slot, at US but that is a District slot? Is it for a ramp rep position. What?
The aircraft mechanics at US need to realise we the AA mechanics want nothing to do with this Alliance.
Sign an AMFA card and lets work together to join both US/AA mechanics under one union, represented by mechanics.
Remember contact the TWU Local 591 and Your district IAM lodge for the Field trip rules with US and AA aircraft. No reason to voice
any personal opinions here. Stay strong ......
AMFA at AA 2014
You have got to be kidding!  Can't believe someone would have this phrase in their constitution:
"Notwithstanding the above, in the event the master agreement has been 
approved pursuant to the provisions of this Article, but the members covered 
by a supplement or rider do not approve the employer’s last, best and final 
offer, as determined by the master negotiating committee, and the 
supplemental or rider negotiating committee reports that the members have 
rejected the supplement or rider because of a provision in the ratified master 
agreement, then the master negotiating committee shall have the authority to 
declare the master agreement and all supplements and riders to be in effect."
Was it not the TWU who pulled something like this in 2003, or maybe it was 1993 or maybe both.  Didn't Little Jimmy over rule a membership vote and pass a contract on his own and agaist the membership's wishes??   This just makes the TWU and the teamsters as equals in my mind.  Time to fire them both wherever they represent mechanics.   Does anyone have more info on this?  Is the UPS contract a done deal now? And if so what was their last and final offer?  We all know the second one was worse than the first one and now it looks like Hoffa and Hall are now forcing it to the membership,  WOW!  Typical teamster action...

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