TWU negotiators ready to contact NMB

Oh, so it's not really the company forfeiting their position. It's the union forfeiting theirs. Try getting your story straight next time...

"e", My story is as straight as it's gonna get. Both parties have something at stake in mediation. Seems now we both understand this...
Dear Paul,

It seems as if you are the one still dreaming of twu fairy tales. The t/a was voted down by 2 to 1 BUT this was done with pressure from the international to vote yes. Remember the colored flyer inserted into your ballot envelope? The president in Miami urged everyone to vote yes because he said if you vote no you'll be on strike in 30 days. The twu wanted this t/a because they voted to bring this t/a to the membership. ANY union worth their salt would have seen this t/a as the career ender that it was.

Don't worry about AMP. We'll file just in time for you to wake up and put your feet in your little twu bunny slippers.

Now, where is that debate about the twu constitution being better than AMP's constitution? can't defend the undefendable.

Dearest Ken

Sorry to say I don't have any little twu bunny slippers or I would hop on by. I don't defend the twu. The twu has not shown or done anything for me. I have not been to a union meeting since I don't no when. In all my conversation about the twu I think I have showed my dismay with them. Any time that have talked to a union officall, I feel I would have been better off talking to the wall

p.s. maybe when you make out your christmas list to santa you can ask him to :rolleyes: get you that vote sometime before 2020
Dearest Ken

Sorry to say I don't have any little twu bunny slippers or I would hop on by. I don't defend the twu. The twu has not shown or done anything for me. I have not been to a union meeting since I don't no when. In all my conversation about the twu I think I have showed my dismay with them. Any time that have talked to a union officall, I feel I would have been better off talking to the wall

p.s. maybe when you make out your christmas list to santa you can ask him to :rolleyes: get you that vote sometime before 2020


You don't defend the twu yet it seems as if you are anti-AMP. As for slippers I will add that to my Xmas List right after I ask for patience which I have a short supply of considering I have two small children. We'll have the vote well before 2020. With your signing a card we'll get there that much quicker. :)

Nobody's going anywhere.

The economy is still in the toilet.

Housing starts down. Fear is everywhere that the banking sector has bankrupt America long before this crisis ever began. Unemployment numbers are in double digits, unemployment banks are drying up. Most US households depend on two F/T incomes just to get by.

So who's retiring?

Maybe a hand full of guys who are should have retired after the last contract.

Idle threats, we don't need, right now[/b].

The bean-counters at DFW can read the papers too.
Again, if the TWU is so "ready to go" then why not pick up the phone and tell AMR you're ready to start talking again?...

Because they are not interested in actual rational negotiation, only threats and badmouthing the other side.

These guys think AMP is going to be their savior, but all AMP will do cause the NMB to put their talks on ice until the question of representation is resolved. That could be six month or a year easily, with no guarantee of victory. And they'll keep working on the old contract that entire time.

If I were an executive at AA I'd be laughing my you-know-what off right now.
Because they are not interested in actual rational negotiation, only threats and badmouthing the other side.

These guys think AMP is going to be their savior, but all AMP will do cause the NMB to put their talks on ice until the question of representation is resolved. That could be six month or a year easily, with no guarantee of victory. And they'll keep working on the old contract that entire time.

If I were an executive at AA I'd be laughing my you-know-what off right now.

I can wait for a vote. The old (current) contract is better than that piece of crap the TWU told us to vote Yes on.
If AMP is going to continue the negotiations at least they know what the members want. No surveys needed.
Because they are not interested in actual rational negotiation, only threats and badmouthing the other side.

These guys think AMP is going to be their savior, but all AMP will do cause the NMB to put their talks on ice until the question of representation is resolved. That could be six month or a year easily, with no guarantee of victory. And they'll keep working on the old contract that entire time.

If I were an executive at AA I'd be laughing my you-know-what off right now.


Where have you read that AMP is the "savior"? The whole idea behind AMP is to bring democracy and accountability to a craft union. Period. The twu does not have this so AMP was created.

AMP will cause the NMB to put our talks on ice? Okay, what's the big deal? Since I am directly linked to the outcome of a good t/a with the company, and you are not, allow me to say I am willing to wait, or be put on ice, in order to negotiate a fair contract for my services. I am in no rush to swallow a t/a that has concessionary language that will further harm my craft and profession. If I was in a rush I'd have voted yes to this last POS t/a.

Six months to a year longer? Again I say okay. That much more of a retro check due to AA's not wanting to negotiate. Keep working under the old contract? Well, okay. At least I will not be continuing the watering down of my craft and profession with harmful language that will trickle down to other airlines further harming my craft and profession. AA is starting to make money, as are other airlines, so how will the company cry poor while we are put on ice for this 6 to 12 months you indicate? Without the twu to argue the company's excuses we are better off.


Where have you read that AMP is the "savior"? The whole idea behind AMP is to bring democracy and accountability to a craft union. Period. The twu does not have this so AMP was created.

AMP will cause the NMB to put our talks on ice? Okay, what's the big deal? Since I am directly linked to the outcome of a good t/a with the company, and you are not, allow me to say I am willing to wait, or be put on ice, in order to negotiate a fair contract for my services. I am in no rush to swallow a t/a that has concessionary language that will further harm my craft and profession. If I was in a rush I'd have voted yes to this last POS t/a.

Six months to a year longer? Again I say okay. That much more of a retro check due to AA's not wanting to negotiate. Keep working under the old contract? Well, okay. At least I will not be continuing the watering down of my craft and profession with harmful language that will trickle down to other airlines further harming my craft and profession. AA is starting to make money, as are other airlines, so how will the company cry poor while we are put on ice for this 6 to 12 months you indicate? Without the twu to argue the company's excuses we are better off.


What? With all the hell you've raised over the years about "Snap Backs" and now you wanna wait? WTF? And too boot, you think AMP has an impact on what is going on? Pffffttt :blink:

I work at the largest Maintenance Base in the World and all AMP activity has been squashed... :lol:

So now your saying the TWU negotiating team is ready! Amazing, why did it take them 2 1/2 years to get ready?

Why did the TWU pass out survey's to find out what the membership wanted?
We filled out survey's back in 2008 before the process started. why didnt the negotiations team just pull them back out and re-read them? or why didnt they just stick to them in the first 2 1/2 years of negotiating???

I'll give the TWU some credit, at least they removed the local president's that voted yes on the last T/A that would of sold the membership down the river once again!!!! or is that not accurate??

Well, we will see what the new team will do and im so glad that they are finally ready after 2 1/2 years of wasted time.

BTW, If the membership owns the TWU why doesnt the full membership have the ability to vote in and recall all TWU officers????

If the new and improved team does not deliver what will you say then???? what will you do then??

The bottom line is the TWU is corrupt and has sold the membership out on more than one occassion and the time for change is long overdue. There is no such thing as change from within when talking about the TWU. We have been trying that for 20 plus years with zero succsess.

We need a union with full accountability ,of the members, by the members and for the members. We need the ability for the full membership to vote in and recall all union officials. We need term limits for the national officers, just like the APA (pilots union) We need the national officers pay and benefits tied directly to the memberships pay and benefits up or down. We dont have any of that with the TWU and we never will.

The only thing the TWU is interested in is collecting union dues.
Six months to a year longer? Again I say okay. That much more of a retro check due to AA's not wanting to negotiate.

Unlikely, Ken. If the process is delayed six-twelve months due to a representation change, how is that the company's fault to make up for?
What? With all the hell you've raised over the years about "Snap Backs" and now you wanna wait? WTF? And too boot, you think AMP has an impact on what is going on? Pffffttt :blink:

I work at the largest Maintenance Base in the World and all AMP activity has been squashed... :lol:
After reading many of your posts, many of us are starting to believe that you are almost proud of the fact that we at AA have taken Industry Leading Concessions. What gives? Is it unfair to ask for our wages and benefits that we had negotiated almost 9 years ago?
My only hope is that you are either AA management or TWU Intl speaking under an alias. Are you an AMT? Why wouldn't you want to have a union in place that can recall any and all officers?
Unlikely, Ken. If the process is delayed six-twelve months due to a representation change, how is that the company's fault to make up for?


I do not think the company says, "Aw, man! We have to wait another 6 months??!! Darn!" And this is followed by a chuckle or two.

The company has purposely dragged their feet because they wanted a concessionary contract that would last 8 to 10 years but they knew if they asked for that even the twu would have to act like a union and ask for SOMETHING resembling a "snap-back". But AA knew the employees would riot so they chose a nice round number like 5 and in dragging their feet turn the 5 into an easy 8 or 10.

AA doesn't want to negotiate in good faith. Period. This t/a we voted down was not good faith by any stretch of the imagination. The twu is happy to go along with the company because the twu is just an extention of AA.

Now, if there was actual face to face meetings where the membership could witness and see that efforts were being made then I agree with your comment. Otherwise, I believe my first sentence rings true.
what was the out come of the meeting with the NMB yesterday 10/22/10

or is that secret
No political clout, no community clout (as in labor alliances) and last but not least no financial backing to mount a legal fight, is what you are peddling to the membership. You keep saying democracy and accountability will be Amp’s mantra; democracy and accountability are there in the TWU’s constitution. But because you have no patience and because you can’t do due diligence to recall an official and because you can only comprehend instant gratification, you push to decertify the TWU. Maybe you should be certified. You didn’t have the power to make any change while in office maybe because your views were not the consensus. With the country and the company in the financial situation that they are in, you believe in the illusive Snapbacks that were not gained by your beloved AMFA. You honestly believe that AMP can do it. There is a price to be paid for full retro pay. Maybe you see contracting out all the overhaul facilities, stores or facilities maintenance to get that retro pay. Without the TWU, all the overhaul facilities, stores and facilities maintenance would be gone. Evidently the loss of livelihoods is the best solution for the enhancement of the remaining few according to you.
TWU in lower case is child’s play.
What CLOUT does the twu have? and by the way, when has the twu used our dues money for leagal counsil in negotiations? Once again, thanks for your support!