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Now Thety Want to Act Like a Union

And your union had nothing to do with the fact this is a 2-3 year process?... Please. Both sides dragged this out.

I know you don't care about economic reality, but you guys exchanged openers in Nov 2007, which is when oil started hitting $80/bbl. Then the sub-prime mortgage crash hit, Obummer got elected, and the economy stayed in the crapper. You hung Conley out to dry for telling the truth about the possibility of negotiating meaningful wage increase when there is record unemployment and record foreclosure rates...

View attachment 8822

Interestingly, both sides seemed to get busy coming to an agreement when oil prices stabilized... Why is that?

I'm not going to waste my time doing this, but I'd be curious to know what was gained in the last TA versus the openers that were exchanged.

How much "negotiating" was really going on, and how was just posturing/kabuki theater?

For the record it is all posturing/kabuki theater. nice chart by the way I could not help but wonder how much money was made/lost on the almost vertical line in the middle of it!

You should note that the twu does not realize outside forces such as 9/11, Iraq War,global financial mreltdown or the spike in oil prices has anything to do with our contract. how dare you say it does!

as far as Conley goes he is just a unelected mouth piece we have a million of them try not to read to much in to what he says!!!!
And your union had nothing to do with the fact this is a 2-3 year process?... Please. Both sides dragged this out.

I know you don't care about economic reality, but you guys exchanged openers in Nov 2007, which is when oil started hitting $80/bbl. Then the sub-prime mortgage crash hit, Obummer got elected, and the economy stayed in the crapper. You hung Conley out to dry for telling the truth about the possibility of negotiating meaningful wage increase when there is record unemployment and record foreclosure rates...

View attachment 8822

Interestingly, both sides seemed to get busy coming to an agreement when oil prices stabilized... Why is that?

I'm not going to waste my time doing this, but I'd be curious to know what was gained in the last TA versus the openers that were exchanged.

How much "negotiating" was really going on, and how was just posturing/kabuki theater?
Mr. E, it would appear that you're making a rather biased assumption - ie, that is the TWU and its owners, the AMR Corp., are basically honest in their dealings with us, the rabble.

These many "agreements" arrived at, all within 2 weeks of each other after 2+ years of supposed "negotiations" were a joke and a bad one at that. It is rather comical, however, that the company and their pets, the TWU, actually believed the older guys would screw the younger group as had been done for years prior. Now they have the gall to ask "what's wrong?" with what we did for you?

If there any timing with respect to oil prices, it was in order for the conspirators to imply a better deal wouldn't be had because the price of fuel is rising. This is in line with the drama taking place on the courthouse steps in 2003 - that was movie material!!

Now we're back to playing "As the Turbine Turns" again. More drama from both sides for our benefit. I truly hope we are getting better at recognizing this screenplay than we have been in the past, have grown a set of 'nads, and decided that having principles are important and very much a part of the union culture instead of the "Screw yer buddy" mentality practiced by the employees of years past.
Let's be honest here. You guys who are working so hard for AMP and making comments on here. Are they paying you to do that? TWU has gone beyond where I thought they would go with the strike authorization, and still some of you are not happy.

Now don't get me wrong. I have no special love for TWU. But as I have said before, I don't see what AMP is going to do for us that TWU isn't.

You need to back away from the TWu kool-aid!
The only way the TWu has "gone beyond" where you thought they would, is kicking and screaming while being dragged back to the bargaining table. If it were up to "Mr." little, the POS contract would've passed and he could continue to put his feet up on his desk. (which he probably is doing anyway) 😛h34r:
Jim Little has come out with some changes to the negotiating committee before getting back together with AA later this month. The surveys for local 514 are due back by the third. This will give our local time to review and list by priority the recommendations from the membership. Jim Little is correct! Now is not the time to get distracted by outside and inside influences. Be firm and tell these individuals who are trying to destroy our profession from within to get lost.

I want to thank Jim Little for coming to Tulsa and talking with the shop stewards and now standing firm on his commitment to make changes.

In Solidarity
It's to late!!!!!!!!! The TWU has already helped in destroying the profession. Everyone at AA is standing together. Getting rid of the CANCER that is the TWU, and forming its own union that represents and has a stake in themselves.
In all my years of working/watching the negotiations in this industry...I am absolutely convinced the corporations are playing the unions like violins. And the experienced aircraft mechanics are the recepeints of the collusion between the commerical airlines/manufacturers.
The companys simply want the most cost effective way to achieve operations. The unions simply want the most headcount they can possibly maintain(to maximize revenue). Thus, the two together work up a deal they figure the members will "bite" on.

The AFL-CIO unions have absolutely FAILED the aircraft mechanic in this industry-in every way.
I bet they laugh there asses off behind closed doors at us. They probably can't believe how long they've played us for chumps.
The more I think about the history of the A/P mech & the screwing weve taken, the more frustrated and angered I get.

The other thing I notice is...while there seems to be an uproar now over the TWUs inept negotiations...AA and the TWU knows what it will take to appease TULE(again, the swing vote-they're just glad to have a job in Tulsa & they BOTH are keenly aware of this)..and will eventually come back with something that TULE will bite on, and...viola, a new contract is sold!

You guys need a new bargaining agent, NOW. But I don't know about changing representation during negotiations.
I don't know why it is that you guys soften up after they throw you a couple of bucks. Then all talk about changing unions ends
I saw this same thing back in 2000, was it? I sure hope you guys see it through this time!
Reminds me of the battered wife syndrome...jezzzz. Wish I was there to sign a card...
Jim Little has come out with some changes to the negotiating committee before getting back together with AA later this month. The surveys for local 514 are due back by the third. This will give our local time to review and list by priority the recommendations from the membership. Jim Little is correct! Now is not the time to get distracted by outside and inside influences. Be firm and tell these individuals who are trying to destroy our profession from within to get lost.

I want to thank Jim Little for coming to Tulsa and talking with the shop stewards and now standing firm on his commitment to make changes.

In Solidarity
never got a survey anyone else