TWU negotiations.........what?

Labor is at a disadvantage under the RLA, companies use it to their full advantage and the only thing labor has is working safe and thats a fine line.

But if you wildcat, you wont have a job to come back too and just look at NWA for how they dealt with a strike, the RLA needs to be changed to level the playing field.
You forgot one very important item,as you seem to be so excited about your giveback overtime rate,that American Airlines would not be able to get a aircraft in the sky,for as just as American got wind of the wildcat,the FAA would step-in and ask American what is your game plan to deal with the AMT' during live flights and they are not working current logbooks or OTS aircraft in the hangers across the nation.And what makes you think that the TWU would passout info picket signs,the TWU is just fine with the current contract and that they know after just what happen in neg's with Title III that a impasse should have been declared.Doing what your paid to do and doing everthing by the book plays directly into the GPM,Maintence manuel's,and who write's these why of course engineering from AA management and Boeing.Your game plan my friend is flawed,having given the company exactly what they what,a safe and reliable aircraft.Wildcatting was taken from the Unions because it disrupted the commerce across the nation.Bob Owens stated that it is against the TWU/ATD bylaw,lets just see if any motion is brought on the floor at the Vegas convention to allow local wildcating in support of it's members to a fair and ontime contract,not the company's lead the current stalling tactic's all the while waiting for a impass to be declared and a cooling-off and then a PEB intervention.American what's to cut your pay even more it what's to get a goal of competative labor rates to take avantage of the empty dock space coming in the next 48 months and use it go after other carriers C-Checks/Mods period.Or it will layoff hundreds of AMT's over the next 1-2 years.Americans fleet size will be down to 1985 levels soon and feels it is over-man now,the FAA is the only thing stopping them right now.If a management team can not run a company profitable quarter to quarter who takes the pain why you do, the working stiff that is working by the book.Do I need to say more,wildcating was a union's right to state to the public and the press that this company action's are untolerable,fair is fair.Or are you worried that American will file BK,what a joke take alook at it's recent cash raising efforts stock offering,restructed loans, no pension funding,aircraft buying spree,worthless stock payouts,huge AA corperate salaries,yes my friend your working by the book on the property is working real well for all of us.Again what say you Bob O?
Is it too hard to understand wildcat strikes are against the laws and against your CBA, go ahead and wildcat and you wont have a job and NW proved there are many AMTs willing to take your job from you.
Wildcatting is from an era when the co. literally busted heads. That world is long gone. If a strike was called without direction you might get 15% support tops. People were alot tougher 70 years ago, and Bob certainly would not call for one on a public forum without knowing who he was talking to. You can be fired for that.
Hell you couldnt get strike support even if it had direction.

Thousands of AMT's have already proven themselves SCAB labor and willing to bust a striking union.

CHAOS from the inside is what will get their attention. But you best not be posting on the internet advocating such action.

Too bad there isn't any real union leadership, instead of the store bought company union dues collectors.
If anyone thinks that any work group is going to get a contract this year, maybe even next year....forget it. Let alone a decent contract at that. If and when the company decides to get serious with negotiations, two years at least will have went by, and there will be no retro.....That will be the savings to the company. And employees hungry for a raise will vote it in while foregoing the work rule and benefit changes the company wants.

And everyone here should really stop and think that what we are hoping for at best is to be restored to levels we were at 6 years ago....How sad! Asking for something we once had.

And we get criticized and mocked and called unreasonable and unrealistic to even ask for restore, let alone more.

The company has the economy and the mediators on its side. All we have on our side is THE BOOK......follow it.
I am aware of the Supreme court ruling's on wildcat strikes,but many lower courts have question Sec.7 and 9.a of the NLRA act "that a wildcat strike brings into conflict sections 7 and 9a of the NLRA"also_One person or persons can not organize/engage in wildcat activties unless the entire union membership vote's on it period.The critical issue was whether the wildcat striker's would be protected to the same extent as striker's authorized by the union to strike. I feel that a motion "to allow TWU Locals both Title II and III to stage certain wildcat protest's during certain times of the day throughout the system should be brought to the convention floor of the TWU convention is needed.It could be quite useful to let it be understood to the company the TWU means business,and are quite fed up with the stalling tactic's being used on all 3 unions now.For what are really trying to say here is do we what to take our wages/benefits/pension/LOA'S,and contract lanuage to a level we have not seen in years?I do remember one TWU International Union official saying to the Dallas press during a briefing after the vote's were counted,after the 2001 restructuring agreement that "American has been given a second chance on life here to doing something great, let's hope they do not squander this opportunity".
You can quote the NLRA as much as you want it doesnt apply to airline workers who are covered under the RLA.

Two different laws, National Labor Relations Act and Railway Labor Act.

Once again Wildcat Strikes are against your contract and against the RLA, and your treading a thin line, I wouldnt talk about it anymore as AA sued the to get ISP addresses to discipline employees who called for slowdowns.
You can quote the NLRA as much as you want it doesnt apply to airline workers who are covered under the RLA.

Two different laws, National Labor Relations Act and Railway Labor Act.

Once again Wildcat Strikes are against your contract and against the RLA, and your treading a thin line, I wouldnt talk about it anymore as AA sued the to get ISP addresses to discipline employees who called for slowdowns.
Not to worry about any sort of twu led job action, hasn't happened at AA since 1969. The twu is about on the same level as the iam, toothless and corrupt. This is called "Company Unionism". The only thing the twu hasn't yet done is instruct it's members to perform struck work like the iam did at NWA to assist the company in breaking the AMFA strike.

There more than likely will not be an airline strike today unless management is assured a win in the end. If the "scab" plan is not in place, then a PEB will employed to stop any job action. Only unions have to follow Labor Laws and the RLA during job actions, airline management does not.
700UW, I disagree,American Airline employee's are indeed covered by both the NLRA and the RLA acts.Your threat's of termination for what I believe is a fundamental flaw in both the NLRA and the RLA act's will not stop me from speaking my mind on this subject it is after all a free country to speak one's own mind ,and again you twist my words,as to try to set someone up for termination,while I just stated (as in my last posting) "that a motion should be brought forth on the TWU convention floor to allow Title II and Title III to allow locals the authorization to wildcat".Sec 7 states in it's lanugage that the whole repeat whole union membership must vote on it.My postings have been all a long to encourage the TWU leadership and it's membership/leadership to change it's by-laws and constitution. This is not avocating a wildcat strike,unless it is approved by all of the membership.You should be ashame of yourself,for your action our totally unwarrented.I will quote the Teamster's website definition on wildcat "A strike taken without authorization,although NOT NESSARILY ILLEGAL they are not nessarily protected by the NLRB.I have been trying to speak about a change in the by-laws of the TWU to allow the authorization from the TWU leadership to it's locals to authorize a limited wildcat,not repeat not repeat use this forum to encourage employees from American Airlines to random walk off the property.Quit twisting my words as to try and set someone up.Instead I believe it is time for a change,in the TWU Consitiution.Remember this is a democracy,not a corporation run society.People do have the right to speak about change without the threat of harassment from anyone person,or corporation's.
Your posts are difficult to follow, however summing it up, no one is setting you up. You certainly have the right to free speech. However, just like you can't cry "fire" in a crowded movie theater for the hell of it, you can't as an employee or elected union official call for an illegal job action just because you think it's allright. The co. is private property, you agree as an employee to abide by the rules. You are free to leave if you don't want to follow them. The union has to obey the law as well.
Truth be known, organized labor made some of the greatest gains when disregard for law and order were the norm by workers demanding better conditions. However SCABS were not so common or tolerated in those days either. Now we are just a bunch of pansies talking tough while in reality fearing the worst. That is why we sit on our hands while company negotiators laugh at the free extension of concessions they are enjoying.

Strike is not even in the cards so stop risking contracting medical typing syndromes discussing that which will never happen.

Until the Union Leaders stop their dependence on Politicians/Law Makers and continue along with fear of disregarding the Law for the good of the middle class, we will sit here under the company friendly Railway Labor Act and pretend we pay two hours pay per month for real union advancement of the middle class and improvements in our status in this society. Instead we fund political campaigns and company unionism.

Reading this dicussion while knowing the truth turns my stomach and make my eyes roll back in my head. It is the same mentality that leads Local 514 members to place so much emphasis on slogans on t-shirts. Appionted cowards of the TWU that are making 3 to 4 times what the workers are making are not going to show up one day with a set of balls to lead us into something different that would actually advance our position. Now go get your beans and rice and prepare a meal for your family.

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