TWU negotiations.........what?

I'm making a copy of this to keep in my wallet to show EVERYONE I work with and spread the good news. And I'm e-mailing it to friends across the system. I WANT A DESCENT CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!

I don't usually point out mistakes in posts, but the irony in this one was just too rich. :D

I assume you meant to say "I want a DECENT contract."

A "descent" contract would seem to be what you have - one that goes down. Your contracts have been in descent mode for decades. :D

Seriously, though, don't set the bar so low. You don't need a decent contract, you need a superior contract.
I don't usually point out mistakes in posts, but the irony in this one was just too rich. :D

I assume you meant to say "I want a DECENT contract."

A "descent" contract would seem to be what you have - one that goes down. Your contracts have been in descent mode for decades. :D

Seriously, though, don't set the bar so low. You don't need a decent contract, you need a superior contract.

My temporary lack of proper grammar notwithstanding, you fools in Centerport know of which I speak! Don't try to crucify the messenger after he already got the message out. This seed has been planted and you can flame all that you want ( You corporate ?????? ) We're just NOT going to subsidize your PUPS, Bonuses, and whatever you want to call it anymore! The call to action has been raised. Even if we have to wildcat to prove our resolve. WAIT AND SEE, just don't be surprised.
Don't worry BigDawg we aren't going to vote out one brother this time. This is just a part of AA's very old and worn playbook. We know the move and this time we're going to tackle them!
You should say TWU/AA playbook. The International is just as much a part of it all as the company.

Jim Little once told the members of 562 "You never want to vote down a TA because the company would never sweeten the pot, they will move things around but they wont put in any more money". The man is useless. As far as the International is concerned they wanted us to accept the companys first concesionary propsal back when oil was at its peak. They already have their TA, now they are playing games with the committee, in order to get them to bring it back. If Little and the other International reps want to keep their AA paychecks they have to get another concessionary deal in place.
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  • #664
why doesn't the TWU form another company/union committee maybe that will solve all our problems!
why doesn't the TWU form another company/union committee maybe that will solve all our problems!

The TWU rejected the latest of garbage proposal from the company again. I wonder how long Little will allow this to go on before he starts twisting the arms of the local presidents to get them to change their position. I am sure by now he already told them they will never have a future with the international.
The TWU rejected the latest of garbage proposal from the company again. I wonder how long Little will allow this to go on before he starts twisting the arms of the local presidents to get them to change their position. I am sure by now he already told them they will never have a future with the international.
I was told that the International pulled all the Presidents out and had a seperate meeting with them last week. All the Presidents are paid by the company, perhaps Little threatened that if they didnt bring the proposal back that the company payments would be cancelled. For many of the 21 Presidents there would not be enough money in their Locals to pay them, their Locals would either have to send the Presidents back to the floor or be liquidated and the membership transferred to a larger Local.
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  • #667
what was the vote tally with the negotiating committee on turning down the last proposal by the company? Who voted for it?
what was the vote tally with the negotiating committee on turning down the last proposal by the company? Who voted for it?

I had heard it was a unanimous reject, even though the Pres out of 561 was napping and several were preoccupied with other reading materials............
I was told that the International pulled all the Presidents out and had a seperate meeting with them last week. All the Presidents are paid by the company, perhaps Little threatened that if they didnt bring the proposal back that the company payments would be cancelled. For many of the 21 Presidents there would not be enough money in their Locals to pay them, their Locals would either have to send the Presidents back to the floor or be liquidated and the membership transferred to a larger Local.

Why would Little threaten the Local Presidents? Aren't the Local Presidents suppose to vote the way their respective local memberships want them to vote and not the way the international wants them to vote?

Will the international ever realize , "It's the membership, stupid!"

ANYTHING other than full return of what was stolen from us plus adjustments for inflation + a raise will be rejected by the membership. Unless of course the international accepts the contract on our behalf again. :angry:
Why would Little threaten the Local Presidents? Aren't the Local Presidents suppose to vote the way their respective local memberships want them to vote and not the way the international wants them to vote?

Will the international ever realize , "It's the membership, stupid!"

ANYTHING other than full return of what was stolen from us plus adjustments for inflation + a raise will be rejected by the membership. Unless of course the international accepts the contract on our behalf again. :angry:
If you look back at "The Vermont Plan", which the company threatened to have put in place if we did not grant all the concessions and what we got the only thing that was significantly different was "$3.1 million of company paid Union Business". Eliminating these payments to union officials-which are not reported on the LM2, LM-10 or LM-30s would either force several Presidents back on the floor or force the International to consolidate the AA workforce into larger locals.
The TWU rejected the latest of garbage proposal from the company again. I wonder how long Little will allow this to go on before he starts twisting the arms of the local presidents to get them to change their position. I am sure by now he already told them they will never have a future with the international.

When are we going to collectively realize that snap back is not going to happen right now? The sooner we accept that and move on we can secure a contract that isn't another huge step backwards. APA and APFA are dreaming with their wage demands. I think this is the best we're going to get right now. We all have the sh*t luck of negotiating at the worst possible time. That's why I want to go short contract and get my raise when the company is making money again.
you get nothing now go back to your hole and do your job.

Any more posts like that and you can start serving coffee to jim Little and thats after you wash his car.
When are we going to collectively realize that snap back is not going to happen right now? The sooner we accept that and move on we can secure a contract that isn't another huge step backwards. APA and APFA are dreaming with their wage demands. I think this is the best we're going to get right now. We all have the sh*t luck of negotiating at the worst possible time. That's why I want to go short contract and get my raise when the company is making money again.

This guys a real winner huh....
When are we going to collectively realize that snap back is not going to happen right now? The sooner we accept that and move on we can secure a contract that isn't another huge step backwards. APA and APFA are dreaming with their wage demands. I think this is the best we're going to get right now. We all have the sh*t luck of negotiating at the worst possible time. That's why I want to go short contract and get my raise when the company is making money again.

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