If the company can offer better terms in their Last Best Offer and then to choose to implement a worse agreement if it is voted down, that's absolutely pathetic! If they have a last best offer, that should be it. Don't threaten us with voting yes by offering a worse agreement if it is voted down. If you make an offer, stick to it. I might not have a billion dollars in the bank, but at least I have some moral high grounds. This is a yes voter on the T/A last year to definately a NO voter on this POS. I will be fine without working here and at least will have some dignity intact, and I haven't resorted to bankruptcy.
Exactly. This whole process is supposed to be that the company is only supposed to ask for what is necessary for the reorganization of the company, not whatever it feels it can get away with.
How is eliminating PVs necessary for the reorganization of the company when pretty much All of AAs competitors have DATs or other similar forms of Personal day flexibility?
How is rewriting all the OT rules necessary for the reorganization of the company?
How is terminating an employee for not accepting a transfer necessary for the reorganization of the company?
How is reducing vaction another week necessary for the reorganization of the company?
How is setting up an interview process for CCs necessary for the reorganization of the company?
How is eliminating letters of agreements on Holidays necessary for the reorganization of the company?
How is it a necessity that we accept less than half the Holidays at half the rate?
How is it a necessity that we allow the company to pick who gets OT, who goes on Field Trips?
How is it a necessity that we allow the company to define what a mechanic is?
How is it a necessity that we allow the company to take money thats in a seperate trust outside the company from our accounts?
How is it a necessity that we accept the worst 401k plan in the industry?
How is it a necessity that we pay more for Medical than any other airline worker?
How is it a necessity that we have no job protection language?
How is it a necessity that we allow AMR to run an unlimited parallell operation?
How is it a necessity that we accept the least amount of vacation in the Industry?
How is it a necessity that we accept the least amount of sick time?
How is it a necessity that we accept the least amount of IOD time?
AA says we need to do this because they need to make $3billion a year in profits.
How is it a necessity that we accept the lowest wages in the industry, what AA is offering us in 2018 is less than what UAL and most other are making now.
How is it a necessity that AA needs to make $3billion a year in profits to remain in business when in over 75 years of existance they have never made such profits, in fact no airline has?
The fact is that according to their business plan AA does not have to touch ANY labor agreement. Their plan says they will make $3billion in profits with the $1.25 billion in labor cuts. So by eliminating the leases on airplanes they dont fly and other changes they were able to make in BK
they would be making $1.75 billion a year in profits without touching any of the labor agreements. $1.75 billion, thats more than half of what the entire industry posted in 2010!