TWU negotiations.........what?

They threw this out to us all ready it went over like a lead ballon

AMFAMAN said it best relief now before they file

And BTW I will leave your acorns alone

No question things will get interesting. In fact, I doubt there will be any changes in the proposal. All the company and union are going to do is change the date on the current contract and then announce that it is the best contract in years. Oh yeah, hurry and approve it before the company changes its mind.
<_< ------ So, what your saying is you feel the best we can except is a freeze, "without" a pay off in the end?? ------ Oh! I really do think we all know we'll get it in the end! With the price of oil at $120@ barrel, and going nowhere but up!!! That's a given! :mf_boff:
<_< ------ So, what your saying is you feel the best we can except is a freeze, "without" a pay off in the end?? ------ Oh! I really do think we all know we'll get it in the end! With the price of oil at $120@ barrel, and going nowhere but up!!! That's a given! :mf_boff:
I believe the acronymn for this is: BOHICA
<_< ------ Let me throw something out there. I know this will be controversial, but I'm curious to the reaction! ------ O.K. What would you think of this? A two year freeze in pay and benefits, but at the end of that period, full restoration of the 2003 contract, (snap back clause) plus, an across the board, ten per cent increase, in pay, and benefits!???

I would not trust the company or union to do this after two years.
Heard a good rumor today that a new union is being formed for the mechanic and related workgroup. I hear the name is going to be the "Fraternal Union of Repair Professionals." :up: :up: :up:
The local is saying 2001 and then some.
I believe that we will get half way to 01 and then minus some.In my 19 years here we have gotten 1.5% a year. With nothing some of the years. So that is what I really expect . They have the most predatory work rules in the business and they will never give those up. They may trickle out a little cash only to be eaten up by higher health benefit cost.
Great news, so what will FURP's position be on Executive bonuses?

As a suggestion, the execs could have their bonuses but only the same percentage of gross pay as the mechanics would receive, paid for by company funds and not stolen from the shareholders with no "gross-up" added for either execs or union personnel.

Love the name for the proposed new union - where do I sign up?
The local is saying 2001 and then some.
I believe that we will get half way to 01 and then minus some.In my 19 years here we have gotten 1.5% a year. With nothing some of the years. So that is what I really expect . They have the most predatory work rules in the business and they will never give those up. They may trickle out a little cash only to be eaten up by higher health benefit cost.

"2001 and then some" sounds great, but I suspect the company would not agree to anything on this order without knowing they'd be able to "hold a gun to our heads" and get it all back at some point before the contract was amendable, and with the TWU's blessings to ensure the survival of the "union's" upper ranks at the expenses of the rank and file as was the case in 2003.
<_< ----- Someones smoking funny weed here? Reality check!-------In my opinion, I wouldn't be surprised to see another contract for at least another year. Every day without a new contract, they're saving money. I know this wasn't the case with AA in the past, but these aren't typical times either! This was an old TWA ploy! And it seems AA has picked up on a lot of our old bad habits! :down:
<_< ----- Someones smoking funny weed here? Reality check!-------In my opinion, I wouldn't be surprised to see another contract for at least another year. Every day without a new contract, they're saving money. I know this wasn't the case with AA in the past, but these aren't typical times either! This was an old TWA ploy! And it seems AA has picked up on a lot of our old bad habits! :down:

Little Jimmy and the Totally Worthless Union went to court after the contract vote in 2003 to get the court's blessings that he could accept a contract after the first vote with no further input from the rank and file. Remember - the rank and file wanted a revote after Carty's reason for the "deadline" was exposed. Little Jimmy accepted the contract "for us" and then went to court to get backed up, blessed, and sanctified.

My thoughts/fears were that shortly after any dog of a contract was put to a vote it would be accepted by Little and his court-verified power, considering the noise he had made about wanting a contract early in the year. I'm afraid that since the court granted the devil "new" powers, he may well decide to make use of them at our expense, as usual.
Little Jimmy and the Totally Worthless Union went to court after the contract vote in 2003 to get the court's blessings that he could accept a contract after the first vote with no further input from the rank and file. Remember - the rank and file wanted a revote after Carty's reason for the "deadline" was exposed. Little Jimmy accepted the contract "for us" and then went to court to get backed up, blessed, and sanctified.

My thoughts/fears were that shortly after any dog of a contract was put to a vote it would be accepted by Little and his court-verified power, considering the noise he had made about wanting a contract early in the year. I'm afraid that since the court granted the devil with "new" powers, he may well decide to make use of them at our expense, as usual.
<_< ------ Goose, you have had a point! But I'm wondering how long the membership will put up with this? I believe if Little tried this again there would be a riot!!------ Frustration level is maxed out! Even here at MCI! Their bringing in more work than we possibly can handle! When you have to pull a crew of men off one Aircraft, just to get another one out on time, something is defiantly wrong!!! We're like Smokey the bear! Running from one forest fire to the next! :down: But, as I've heard from my brothers across the system, "they can do that!" :down:
<_< ------ Goose, you have had a point! But I'm wondering how long the membership will put up with this? I believe if Little tried this again there would be a riot!!------ Frustration level is maxed out! Even here at MCI! Their bringing in more work than we possibly can handle! When you have to pull a crew of men off one Aircraft, just to get another one out on time, something is defiantly wrong!!! We're like Smokey the bear! Running from one forest fire to the next! :down: But, as I've heard from my brothers across the system, "they can do that!" :down:

If the International accepts another vote on behalf of the membership there will be no riot. There will be a new union representing AMTs and Class at AA. Fact.

"In my opinion, I wouldn't be surprised to see another contract for at least another year. Every day without a new contract, they're saving money." We will have retro checks after any contract is possibly signed. Fiction.