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TWU negotiations.........what?

The truth is real simple.

The TWU holds secret negotiations and keep relevant information from the members on a regular basis.
There is no champion willing to take on that establishment and expose the truth and the facts. This includes Bob Owens.

Therefore Bob is just as much an agent in the continutation of the problem as those he demeans here on a regular basis.

Maybe my use of the word "fear" was off base when describing Bob, but there is some reason why he is unwilling to expose the facts.
If not fear of losing his position, then what reason?

IIRC he has more than once stated that he doesnt want to be thrown off the committee because representation of his local members would be diminished.
That sounds like fear to me. There is a difference between fear and being coward. Bob is no coward, this I know. But he does fear being removed as a result of sharing the facts, the truth, and exposing specific facts that prove the TWU sucks and needs to be replaced.

What I dont understand is why the 8 for release wouldnt ban together and expose the 9 opposed.

If the release issue was really the tool that would end this standoff as Bob claims, then why not take a stand and allow the membership to see that the TWU farce regarding the "I VOTE NO and AUTHORIZE A STRIKE" • I VOTE TO REJECT AND AUTHORIZE THE NEGOTIATING TEAM TO TAKE WHATEVER ACTION NECESSARY UP TO AND INCLUDING A STRIKE on the ballot, which the membership majority chose as our path, was not only a farce, but their appears to be a group of 9 and some International Reps, that once again could care less what the membership directs the leadership to do.

Instead they ALL appear like a giant cat in a litter box covering their collective turds.

I edited your post for you Informer to reflect the actual statement on the 2010 ballot. You can thank me later 😉
Thank You, but does not change my point.

I believe it changes your point in its entirety. You spoke of direction by the membership to authorize a strike and hinted that the group of 9 was a farce and could care less about what the membership directs them to do in negative context. I have to disagree with your opinion. I believe the group of 9 is right on track to what was directed by the membership. Besides, there is no evidence of impasse at this point...
I believe the group of 9 is right on track to what was directed by the membership. Besides, there is no evidence of impasse at this point...
So is an impasse when the union quits getting closer to the compAAny's position as they move further away?
I believe it changes your point in its entirety. You spoke of direction by the membership to authorize a strike and hinted that the group of 9 was a farce and could care less about what the membership directs them to do in negative context. I have to disagree with your opinion. I believe the group of 9 is right on track to what was directed by the membership. Besides, there is no evidence of impasse at this point...
Thats a joke , ............Right?
I believe it changes your point in its entirety. You spoke of direction by the membership to authorize a strike and hinted that the group of 9 was a farce and could care less about what the membership directs them to do in negative context. I have to disagree with your opinion. I believe the group of 9 is right on track to what was directed by the membership. Besides, there is no evidence of impasse at this point...

Well I think you are the only one I know that thinks the membership directed the negotiators to participate in more secret negotiations, secret vote tallys, and after previously asking for a release and having the NMB in agreement with the company that a strike vote has not been taken in response to that request, and then when the NMB exclaims "not enough progess" to continue mediation, voting not to ask for a release and then begin informal negotiations. Are you that gullible....really?

You honestly think that is what this membership meant when voting NO on the TA?
You probably believe voting three times NOT to build the new Local 514 Union Hall really meant to authorize construction with huge cost over-runs too?

The more I hear you out, the more I understand why you blindly follow the TWU, and defend the undefendable. I define that as IGNORANT.
That is the only viable explanation left.

You need a new TWU t-shirt with a slogan on it that reads:

"I support the Nine - Their opinion matches Mine"
Right under the TWU Logo with a Dunce Hat on top.

Print those up and see how many wear them.
Thats a joke , ............Right?

Nope. No joke Red. Its right in line with what the "NO voting" majority authorized the negotiating committee to do moving forward. Now, lets look at what the intent was by breaking down the statement on your 2010 ballot. The statement as written said. "I vote to reject and authorize the negotiating team to take whatever action necessary up to and including a strike."

Part #1) "I vote to reject and authorize the negotiating team to take whatever action necessary "

You'll love this part Red B) This means the "No voters" authorized the negotiating committee to whatever action they deem appropriate to reach an agreement. Even if it includes leaving you in the dark, if they so choose, or serving Exlax tainted cookies to the companys negotiators as they negotiate a deal.

Part #2) " up to and including a strike."

Progress has been made and to date the parties are no where near impasse.
I support the Eight - Make AA Negotiate

Which side are you on?
Does it really matter?
lol....You go gett'em Tiger :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is one other option to get your chit back. Apply for Supervision and get out of this P.O.S. Union. I know several that have lately, and all got everything back and more. One told me "Can't beat 'em, Join 'em"
Yes, but now the bootlicking and bluffing has been exposed. Just as I suspected would happen.

NOW.....Time to man up.

Agreed. Bob, Larry, and the other's who wanted to be released need to join together and lobby for a different union, even if it gets them terminated from their twu elected positions. The line has been drawn in the sand, and if they don't cross it after the international excepts a concessionary ta, then we know they are in this for personal gains, and are no different than the High Speed Steel bootlickers.

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