My inside sources tell me you can take a "PAID" vacation week during Christmas/New Years break, right?
I don't have the luxury or seniority horsepower to get Christmas or New Years off! Been that way for 20+ years.
So, if I want those holidays off....I need to CSO, which is also an unpaid holiday off. You at least get to spend time with family while I go and save the airline. Not worth the measly $400 I make working the holidays! So, who's really getting screwed here.....hmmmm!
As far as .55 for line pay......seems the company recognizes the value of the line mechanic by at least offering $1.80. That's $1.25 more than you or the union value the line.
If your jealous of the Line making an extra $1144 for working 24/7 and 365 days a year......come work and live in Chicago.
I like Chicago, but I don't like people that live inTulsa or any other city determining my purchasing power. I wouldn't go out of my way to take away wages or benefits offered to you by the company just because it's not offered to me. Like I told Buck....I can care less if TUL makes $10, $20 or $30 more than Line.....I don't work there. Look, if TUL can market itself to where they can command $40 an hour, good for you, but I know the Line can demand up to $50 an hour and probably get it because there are carriers paying that rate.