TWU negotiations.........what?

Stop dancin' and answer the question. Why can't the atd/ twu membership elect or recall our international leadership?

The question of, "WHY can't I get what I want?"

Generally those seeking (why can't I get what I want) can't do it alone, so to make a change it takes a concerted effort with many seeking the same thing. I don't know that anything you prescribe has ever been tried or an avenue for a remedy to suffice those seeking a change in what personally troubles them as a member of the TWU. I would think something of substantial change would take at least a year of constant perseverance to gather enough support in order to give it enough merit to become considerable in it's proper arena.

The only thing I remember of such high profile for change was when M&R opted to separate from Fleet for contract negotiations. This was a hot topic of discussion for about a year before the vote was taken on the issue...
The question of WHY can't I get what I want?

Generally those seeking (why can't I get what I want) can't do it alone, so to make a change it takes a concerted effort with many seeking the same thing. I don't know that anything you prescribe has ever been tried or a remedy to suffice those seeking a change in what personally troubles them as a member of the TWU. I would think something of substantial change would take at least a year of constant perseverance to give it enough merit to become considerable in it's proper arena.

The only thing I remember of such high profile for change was when M&R opted to separate from Fleet for contract negotiations. This was a hot topic of discussion for about a year before the vote was taken on the issue...
What? I once had a girlfriend who argued like this>
I'm doing my best to be nice here Odie...What's your problem?
How come the twu membership can't elect or recall any International officer? How come Marlene gets paid 140K per year and she is not elected? How come 30% of our dues money is thrown out the window? How come their are so many back door secret letters of agreements? These are my problems>
I guess I'm old school, lead by example. If your leaders are not accountable, then they are not leaders. The twu doesn't care if YOU have unity or not, all they care about is your bi-weekly contribution. I hope everybody on your dock has the same unity as you, and has signed an AMP card.
I think you missed my point. The TWu leaders get very concerned when there is unity on a dock, or better yet throughout a base. They prefer not to have the sleeping giant awoken and talking about real issues and getting on the same page. That's why I push unity regardless of what our leadership is paid or what they do. That is a seperate representation issue compared to acting like unionist at all times. Unity doesn't happen overnight or will it instantly happen with a change of union.
The question of, "WHY can't I get what I want?"

Generally those seeking (why can't I get what I want) can't do it alone, so to make a change it takes a concerted effort with many seeking the same thing. I don't know that anything you prescribe has ever been tried or an avenue for a remedy to suffice those seeking a change in what personally troubles them as a member of the TWU. I would think something of substantial change would take at least a year of constant perseverance to gather enough support in order to give it enough merit to become considerable in it's proper arena.

The only thing I remember of such high profile for change was when M&R opted to separate from Fleet for contract negotiations. This was a hot topic of discussion for about a year before the vote was taken on the issue...

"Generally those seeking (why can't I get what I want) can't do it alone, so to make a change it takes a concerted effort with many seeking the same thing. I don't know that anything you prescribe has ever been tried or an avenue for a remedy to suffice those seeking a change in what personally troubles them as a member of the TWU. I would think something of substantial change would take at least a year of constant perseverance to gather enough support in order to give it enough merit to become considerable in it's proper arena."...

As you and the TWU well know...TULE swings the vote in every single contract ratification. Which of course, is why the out stations absolutely hate TULE(even AFW mechs). TULE, with the exception of an insufficient percentage(to actually join the outstations in making that change you speak of)anymore is largely comprised of (unlicensed)good ol boys from T-town, who before hiring on, would give there first born to get in the gate at that base. They will forever pledge there allegiance to the TWU, and are generally the ones strutting around in TWU jackets(as if it's something to actually be proud of).
This "union" knows exactly what it is doing with the members in this company and where there strength lies(there favorite word). The "Pharoah" has been beating down the Israelites for so long, most of the downtrodden have just about given up. That's pathetic for a so called union to have beaten a group of members into where they want them. There's still an insufficient number of mechs that have had it and are card signers, but the TWU still has the scales tipped in there favor there(and know it). What a bunch of snakes. What a bunch of back stabbing, corrupt, conniving cast of characters. (not you Bob)

I used to work for AA in TULE and still maintain a residence there. I also still keep in touch with several mechs there.
If it weren't for TUL, the AA mechs would've dropped kicked the TWU a long time ago & gone AMFA . The TWU also knows that...
The question of, "WHY can't I get what I want?"

Generally those seeking (why can't I get what I want) can't do it alone, so to make a change it takes a concerted effort with many seeking the same thing. I don't know that anything you prescribe has ever been tried or an avenue for a remedy to suffice those seeking a change in what personally troubles them as a member of the TWU. I would think something of substantial change would take at least a year of constant perseverance to gather enough support in order to give it enough merit to become considerable in it's proper arena.

The only thing I remember of such high profile for change was when M&R opted to separate from Fleet for contract negotiations. This was a hot topic of discussion for about a year before the vote was taken on the issue...

sounds like Matt Lorenzi at 567 talking a whole lot of crap and saying nothing......
So typical, offer a post showing true bias and prejudice to what Unions face daily in representing their members...

Your DEMOCRACY....LMAO :lol:

Democracy? Who's democracy? The twu version or AMP's version?

The twu version doesn't allow the membership to vote and elect/recall international officers.

The AMP version does allow the membership to vote and elect/recall national officers. PLUS there are Term Limits which helps ensure accountability. PLUS national officers are tied to the very contracts they negotiate... members take a pay/benefit cut so do they.

The twu version? LMAO? No, not really, it's more like crying because true democracy is transparent and depends on accountability and your version falls short. WAY SHORT.

Now since cio has decided to return to the shadows perhaps you might wish to answer the question odie asked you?

Democracy? Who's democracy? The twu version or AMP's version?

The twu version doesn't allow the membership to vote and elect/recall international officers.

The AMP version does allow the membership to vote and elect/recall national officers. PLUS there are Term Limits which helps ensure accountability. PLUS national officers are tied to the very contracts they negotiate... members take a pay/benefit cut so do they.

The twu version? LMAO? No, not really, it's more like crying because true democracy is transparent and depends on accountability and your version falls short. WAY SHORT.

Now since cio has decided to return to the shadows perhaps you might wish to answer the question odie asked you?


Amp is nothing more than an Internet website and has proven nothing other than a bunch of miss-guided individuals that really don't understand what a Union is all about.

Ken show us in the TWU contract where the National Officers are not tied to pay based on the membership pay?

Like Amp and the TWU constitutions, if you negotiate wages up or down then the pay changes for the Officers. The big difference is, the TWU has successfully negotiated pay rates for several groups they represent and several of the officers have stepped up in pay grade. It is obvious to me you did not deserve the last position you held with the TWU and you don't understand our Constitution!! Every Officer in the TWU is accountable and their is an avenue to have them removed.

I see where the TWU has successfully won representation at another Airline and will be the first unionized group.

In Solidarity

I hope everyone enjoyed the Holidays!!!
Amp is nothing more than an Internet website and has proven nothing other than a bunch of miss-guided individuals that really don't understand what a Union is all about.
Not only does AMP have a website, we also have a steering committee, organizers, a P.O Box, and a shtload of green cards! Here's the site
Thanks for your support CIO
Not only does AMP have a website, we also have a steering committee, organizers, a P.O Box, and a shtload of green cards! Here's the site
Thanks for your support CIO
then file already
I see where the TWU has successfully won representation at another Airline and will be the first unionized group.

The 400 stews at Allegiant will just about double the amount of additional member won over the last 10 years including the 29 railroad bartenders. More impressive though is the fact that during that same time period airline employees rejected the TWU by a minimum of an 11 to 1 margin. That puts the TWU at a greater disapproval rating then even the 111th congress, which they supported. :lol:
Amp is nothing more than an Internet website and has proven nothing other than a bunch of miss-guided individuals that really don't understand what a Union is all about.

Ken show us in the TWU contract where the National Officers are not tied to pay based on the membership pay?

Like Amp and the TWU constitutions, if you negotiate wages up or down then the pay changes for the Officers. The big difference is, the TWU has successfully negotiated pay rates for several groups they represent and several of the officers have stepped up in pay grade. It is obvious to me you did not deserve the last position you held with the TWU and you don't understand our Constitution!! Every Officer in the TWU is accountable and their is an avenue to have them removed.

I see where the TWU has successfully won representation at another Airline and will be the first unionized group.

In Solidarity

I hope everyone enjoyed the Holidays!!!


Ah! Your attempt to defend the undefendable is amazing. I speak about TRUE democracy... not democracy light, quasy-democracy, make believe democracy or smoke and mirrors democracy. Which we all know the twu practices.

AMP is only an "internet union" with a "bunch of misguided idividuals that really don't understand what a union is all about"? You really should have stayed in the shadows your ignorance is anything but bliss.

Let's proove your ignorance once again.

"AMP is an internet union." Wrong!

AMP is an organization that is founded on democracy and accountability. AMP is an organization that looks to promote those within our Craft & Class to better protect our profession. AMP doesn't look at the members as a cash cow/dues collecting bodies. AMP's Constitution is something that was created FOR the membership to control the union. AMP is a belief that is shared by THOUSANDS who want democracy and accountability from those who they elect. Simply because AMP has not been certified doesn't make AMP an "internet union". Actually AMP's web site has more information posted for those who want "change from within" and understand that this "change" doesn't include the twu.

"Bunch of misguided individuals that really don't understand what a union is all about." WRONG!

Those on the AMP Steering Committee are educated and skilled individuals who don't hide behind lies and half truths. Your attempt to erode AMP's core value by saying those who not only created AMP but the THOUSANDS of individuals who have signed AMP Authorization cards are "misguided" shows how desparate you are in deflecting the twu's short comings. And as far as knowing what a real union is all about we do know. A REAL union is controlled by the membership where those who are ELECTED are held ACCOUNTABLE by the membership. Pretty simple concept.

"Ken show us in the TWU contract where the National Officers are not tied to pay based on the membership pay?"

Show ME where twu international officers in the ATD took a 28 1/2% cut in their pay and benefits when I took mine. Show ME the percentage pay raises twu international officers got while the membership burdened the shared sacrifice.

"Every Officer in the TWU is accountable and their is an avenue to have them removed." Be honest now, you laughed your arse off when you typed this as the international dictated it to you over the phone. An alias and hiding in the shadows is a perfect cloak for you to employ while writing jokes like this.

"Avenue to have them removed"? This "avenue" is littered with pot holes. I don't want an "avenue" for democracy and accountability I want transparancy! I want it spelled out in black and white and the AMP Constitution does this.

Fact: Your "avenue" doesn't allow the MEMBERSHIP to have a vote in electing international officers.
Fact: Your "avenue" doesn't allow the MEMBERSHIP to have a vote in recalling international officers.
Fact: Your "avenue" allows cronyism and unaccountability.
Fact: Your "avenue" is driving our Craft & Class into ruin.
Fact: Your "avenue" is the WRONG road to take.

"I see where the TWU has successfully won representation at another Airline and will be the first unionized group."

Funny, I see the twu losing representation at this airline.

"In solidarity"? Not if it means from behind an alias.

Not only does AMP have a website, we also have a steering committee, organizers, a P.O Box, and a shtload of green cards! Here's the site

And it's just about 6 months old. Cards start rolling off as expired in another 6 months, so it's getting close to the time to crap or get off the pot...
Resigning a card requires no crapping. Just patience.

You forgot credibility. The momentum you had with the anger of the first TA five months ago helped get those cards signed. If they see a year go by without any action, I wouldn't count on it being so easy to get the replacement cards signed.

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