TWU negotiations.........what?

Interesting letter from Steve Luis....
we are bringing back this T/A for your consideration
because AA management claims it is their best offer.

Are you kidding me. :huh: :huh: He actually bought that line from the company. :p Hey Steve, I have some oceanfront property for sale in Nevada if your interested. It is a bluff Steve, until the real best offer happens during the 30 day cooling off period. :lol: :lol:
Best offers come at the eleventh hour on the 29th day of the cooling off period. We are nowhere near that point. Who is he trying to scare or intimidate? A PEB or Congress will force us with a binding agreement? Never happened and It won't happen with the TWU at AA. He sold out the membership by being appointed a VP, it is so transparent what he is doing. His orders came from the top to sell this T/A. A real union would have never brought this crappy contract back to the membership to vote, but then again we do not have a real union anymore.
Please use the following when any of the yes men speak. I doubt the needle will pull to the left at all.


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Best offers come at the eleventh hour on the 29th day of the cooling off period. We are nowhere near that point. Who is he trying to scare or intimidate? A PEB or Congress will force us with a binding agreement? Never happened and It won't happen with the TWU at AA. He sold out the membership by being appointed a VP, it is so transparent what he is doing. His orders came from the top to sell this T/A. A real union would have never brought this crappy contract back to the membership to vote, but then again we do not have a real union anymore.

Be careful for what you ask for:

Always helpful to review history.

For those who say you always get a better deal the last day......

"Northwest did return to the bargaining table, but only to offer a worse deal for the union. It's offer to retain 2,750 union members on the eve of the strike dropped to just 500 when negotiators met again last month"

"The (mechanics) in particular have just had delusions of grandeur," he said. "They think they're irreplaceable, and they're not."

But at least Northwest had a "real" Dr Phil says....."How's that working out for you?"
Be careful for what you ask for:

Always helpful to review history.

For those who say you always get a better deal the last day......

"Northwest did return to the bargaining table, but only to offer a worse deal for the union. It's offer to retain 2,750 union members on the eve of the strike dropped to just 500 when negotiators met again last month"

"The (mechanics) in particular have just had delusions of grandeur," he said. "They think they're irreplaceable, and they're not."

But at least Northwest had a "real" Dr Phil says....."How's that working out for you?"

BAD Comparison, NWA had plans on replacing or eliminating its AMTs two years before the STRIKE. NWA was never or never did negotiate in any kind of good faith. They hired picket line crossing AMTs to replace the real skilled AMTs and in smaller numbers. We at AA are not in the same situation. If AA shutdown overhaul and replaced us with picket crossers...,,,,well there would be no AA as we know it today. This will not be allowed by AA. If they did plan on following the same road as NWA then AA would have offered us nothing and asked for the house back.
this is another 5 year concessionary contract no matter how anybody tries to spin it! I have seen Bob Owens Local 562 president and VP Gary Shaible explicitly explain why they voted "NO" on the T/A. I would like to see the Presidents who voted "yes" put out to the members explictly what was in the T/A that explains why they voted yes. Hiding behind the mediator and letting the members decide is a weak position for an elected president who allegedly negotiated for over 2 years with the company. Then why have a negotiating committee if a President takes a neutral position or abstains in a vote.
I would like to motion that we change the term "negotiations" to "concessionations" this would more accurately reflect our contract negotiation committee.
Be careful for what you ask for:

Always helpful to review history.

For those who say you always get a better deal the last day......

"Northwest did return to the bargaining table, but only to offer a worse deal for the union. It's offer to retain 2,750 union members on the eve of the strike dropped to just 500 when negotiators met again last month"

"The (mechanics) in particular have just had delusions of grandeur," he said. "They think they're irreplaceable, and they're not."

But at least Northwest had a "real" Dr Phil says....."How's that working out for you?"
Northworst used the mechanics as an excuse to file bankruptcy along with their suitor Delta to gain a cost advantage under the old BK laws just before there was a change on 31 October 2005. Strategic filings like this by corporation, while once standard operating procedure, aren't that common anymore. While the newer laws aren't that restrictive, they are somewhat less friendly to strategic filings.

NWA couldn't allow their mechanics back on the property as it would have fouled their plans to be acquired by Delta so, contract offers were progressively worsened to ensure the mechs would strike and be gone from the property.

Northwest had an "association" with no common sense and ran by an old fool for their representation. Del Femine was determined to strike a major airline as a show of his "power" - that supposed "power" never did materialize to the detriment of NWA's mechs. They were lied to as to the status of the company by their so-called "representation".

Is that a "real union"? No more so than the group of liars we have in elected office now.

Will we collectively wise up and install a competent group of officers this time? It's doubtful - but we'll vote for our buddies.
Mediator Jack Kane's other case...


Cooling-Off Periods/Strike Activity:

Case Nos. Carrier Org. Status Mediator(s)
A-13454 Spirit Airlines ALPA Ends 6-12-10 at 12:01 AM Kane

I guess Jack Kane's okay with going to the wire and strikes. They never had to vote on anything before a strike. Who's lying to us?
Mediator Jack Kane's other case...


Cooling-Off Periods/Strike Activity:

Case Nos. Carrier Org. Status Mediator(s)
A-13454 Spirit Airlines ALPA Ends 6-12-10 at 12:01 AM Kane

I guess Jack Kane's okay with going to the wire and strikes. They never had to vote on anything before a strike. Who's lying to us?
I have been noticing a number of recent personalities on this board posting in favor of the company position. This is a war for your mind. You know what they are doing. I don't give a damn if they know my IP. It is time to slow things down.

The company needs to know there are hundreds or thousands of us who will make things happen. It is not all about a strike. Now that we have decades of experience and the capacity to save the company millions of dollars - EACH -with efficient operations, decisions, troubleshooting etc. we unfortunately need to convey that denying our knowledge will COST millions of dollars per technician.

The strike might or need not be a walkout. It is a walk-on. I wish the TWU would level with the public. Tell the public that we regret the current situation. It is an internal matter regarding our careers.
- I live near a lot of corporate execs from another industry and told a few of them they ought not to pay for corporate travel on AA more than 30 days out due to the current FA request for a 30 day cooling off period. Our TWU should do that publicly.

Our strategy is due to coalesce NOW. We need to vote down the current T/A in large numbers in the midst of a very strong pro AMT effort of safe ops. The time for a "work safe" campaign is NOW. We need to insist on protecting prepaid medical benefits we have worked for so we have the option of leaving earlier than age 65.

A 5 & 5 with protections for existing AMTs will go a long way toward securing the DnB position of AMR.

Do you need to hear that any more clearly? I will soon add a topic called the OTS Report.
Subcategories will include tail numbers and a way to let the company know waves of people are sick ;) of their methods.

More to come soon.

This is not a TWU sponsored idea fAActory. Trust me on that.
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What to look for on your walkaround....
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