And where is NWA today? The fact is that NWA did not get as many mechanics as they needed, their operation suffered and they were scooped up by Delta. One third of one percent became scabs, that puts your number in perspective. My intentions are to keep your premiums in place and more, but you were already a yes vote so I know I cant count on your support.You were happy enough with what was brought back. You fought to replace the TWU for years yet you voted in support of the TA. Sad to see how your fustrations have made you so bitter. You would rather see us all fail just so you can say you were right. Was your push for AMFA motivated by a desire to make workers lives better or something else ? You seem to dislike those who you sought to organize.
You honestly believe NWA was scooped by Delta because of a shortage of Mechanics? Was America West and Continental short on AMT's too Bob? What about TWA were they short on AMT's? You have some strange way of twisting everything into an AMT world, and seem to never accept that other issues of the industry are relevant to any issue. Many of your post read as if you live in a different reality than most rational people discussing this industry, and even Pollitics.
That will cost you one day. Hopefully is dones't cost the rest of us too.
Voting YES on TA...
$580 per month raise, and I wasn't losing retirement medical. I votes Yes because it was satisfactory and my Wife was ill. Yes leave my part as is, including no further outsource of heavy overhaul, incease the signing bonus or get retro to pay for your delay and you can count on me to vote YES again Bob.
Most AMT had no problem with voting yes when the skill premiuim increased $1.55 more for THEM and left the rest of the skilled falling behind. It wasn't an issue for them at all, and even your Local I believe was a yes vote on that. Funny how that double standard exist when they are on the short end of the deal.
My motivation for pushing AMFA was mostly two fold. One no longer affiliated with the AFL-CIO and two remove the pitiful TWU from AA property. I liked the idea of all AMT's being in one union and still do. I liked the idea of experience recognition and still do. I liked the idea of elected National Officers and still do. I have no idea if that would make workers lives better or not. Many have a different defintion of better life than me or you. You pushed AMFA too, you were even removed from Office. Now you still work daily under an oath of alligience to that and are now in the inner circle of the problem. Does that make your motives questionable?
What I dislike is a group of workers that first blamed the Bus Drivers in New York City, then they blamed the Fleet Service Clerks, then they started blaming Tulsa. Now most claim they work in the elements, and under extreme pressure on the line so screw Tulsa and their weekends off and low cost of living. Don't tell me you have not read that type of BS here and heard it within your local. Every photo I have ever seen from your Local Bob actually shows a pretty damn nice hangar to work in. Does that roof leak and the doors not close on that one? Those class II stations likely have it worse but they are about history now. At any rate,the more you line guys open your mouths blaming Tulsa and screaming for a spin-off, the more I fear placing the membership in charge of the union. I know you personally have defended Overhaul, I have read it, but you are not the majority either.
I apologize for being bitter Bob. Unlike you, I do not play both sides of the fence. I WAS bitter when organizing AMFA and I AM bitter NOW.
How do you take an oath of allegiance to that which you know has been harmful to workers? I remember how you made fun of my Power Ppoint presentation back then too, so our relationship ins't really much different today than it was then. Sad to see how now that they gave you a little feeling of authority, you now defend that which you tried to remove. Do you really believe that because they placed you in a position of decision making that the TWU is better now and we will all benefit greatly? Fact is since I was bitter then and I am bitter now, you are the one that appears to have a different outlook today not me. My feelings have not changed much Bob. Have yours?
I suspect you are in for a real treat before these negotiations are over. We'll talk again then for sure. Best case scenario is other airlines and other unions of the industry improve our pay. But that was built into the TA to keep us moving with them anyway. Are you going to get a number one pay guarantee insead of a number two?
What do you figure the value of you and me still owning a defined pension that is still being funded is worth these days? What's that worth in dollars Bob?