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The Failed Presidency of Jim Little

Bob Owens

Sep 9, 2002
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Dear President Little,

So, another company comprehensive counter-proposal has gone down in smoke; the third in nearly a year. When other Unions beat the war drums, the Jim Little-led TWU is probably off to Disneyland to celebrate another defeat.

As bad as Sonny Hall was (everybody had a lawsuit against that wretch), you undoubtedly hold the mantle of the worst TWU president. Management at AA has consistently stonewalled negotiations, bargained in bad faith, and shown an utter contempt for workers, while the Jim Little-led TWU has entertained the company in every enterprise to diminish the livelihood of workers.

On August 15, 2007, just prior to the official launch of the negotiations, you exerted your prestige as International President to personally appeal to CEO Arpey for a "non-traditional compensation" for long suffering TWU members. In this letter, the reference "Dear Mr Arpey" was crossed out with you imputing by hand "Dear Gerard," suggesting a intimate relationship, and attempting to capitalize on it.

Rather than reciprocate, the company deliberately chose to tie-up Union resources and time with a meaningless discussion that would become a 2-year offer with 2 meager lump sums and no true sense of "non-traditional compensation." When collective bargaining formally opened that November, there was no remorse from you after the betrayal of your goodwill inquiry. Instead, you referred to management as "partners" and set an unrealistic goal of a ratifiable agreement by the amendable date, April 30th.

The amendable date arrived with no offer from AA even after Dennis Burchette's stirring "bring a toothbrush" speech for a marathon session on April 30th. The company required an extension as the allotted time since November was inadequate to bring forth a proposal. When the company finally revealed their comprehensive proposal weeks later it turned out to be a 2-year concessionary contract with 2 meager lump sum payments, eerily reminiscent of the "non-tradition compensation" counter-offer. Hardly the outgrowth of the additional time.

It was evident to all the participants that Management was stalling. Yet, the ATD leadership immediately recommended returning this abomination to the membership for ratification. The ATD leaders, however, explained they weren't necessarily endorsing it - - just allowing the membership to vote on the package. Gee, another profile in courage from the ATD. Their sole purpose is leadership but following the company's bad faith they provide a fast track to ratification.

Even though this counter-proposal was rejected by the negotiating committee, you again used your clout, behind the scene, for a chance to allow the beleaguered fleet service group to ratify this contract, which would have only benefitted the recipients of a quick deal (i.e.: the company and the TWU leadership). Fortunately, the repugnant company represented the membership more keenly by pulling the offer off the table than you did by championing the concessions.

Months passed with no real progress. The TWU distributed "no contract-no peace" buttons and bought ad space in major newspapers briefly. Was this the first step in a more militant stance? No, it was just a window dressing. The Jim Little-led TWU was actively joined at the philosophical hip with management to produce the quickest deal possible despite all the company's bad faith efforts.

On August 15th, 2008, the first anniversary of the "Dear Gerard" letter, your hand picked AA system coordinator, Dennis Burchette, secretly held a quorum with a few 'yes' men after most of the negotiators adjourned to go home. They dismantled the original proposal by producing an offer that came closer to AA's economic package. This was still considered to be too rich by company standards. They, however, assured the TWU that a counter-offer would be made on September 4th. Not surprisingly AA asked for another extension and not surprisingly it was granted by the ATD leadership. The ATD officers have signed a non-aggression pact with management as they steer the negotiations.

On September 6th, I e-mailed you expressing my dissatisfaction on the ATD's performance, and stating any proposal the company conjured up at this point would resemble their last offer. The company's proposal on September 18th was obscene! As the Jim Little-led TWU lowered their expectation to come closer to the company, management failed to reciprocate and lunged further away from the TWU, even after oil prices plummeted $50/gallon from their high. The 2 lump sums, off course, were still the cornerstone, but the contract duration was increased to almost 3 years, and the coup de grace was that new hires wouldn't be afforded a pension. The company presented an unacceptable offer knowing the fickle nature of the Jim Little-led TWU.

AA stubbornness didn't catch anybody by surprise, especially you. However, your overriding concern is harmony with the company and the collection of dues to support the 6-digit salaries of you and your henchmen. Men like John Conley, who didn't simply blunder at a pro-business symposium by blurting defeatism, but was actually stating TWU policy under your leadership. Or the wiley Dennis Burchette who acts like a mix between Doc Holiday and Eddie Munster with your blessing.

So, where do we go from here? Do we continue to wear our "no contract-no peace" buttons while participating in every cost saving work-together program the company dreams up, in the finest tradition of Jim Little? One thing is certain - - TWU members will never advance with you at the helm. Consequently, I'm asking for your immediate resignation.

G Santos
Member-in-Good Standing
Air Transport Local 562
From yet another fan of our beloved leader;
Dear Jim
I would like to tell you about some ugly rumors going around here at JFK, and as big supporter of you, and your un-elected position that lacks of accountability, I need some help here.
Here is what it says on the TWU web site under your name; and it's cut-and-pasted here.
"He became a member of TWU in 1971 after hiring on in Fleet Service for American Airlines after service to the nation as an AMT and Crew Chief for the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command."

"Prior to American, he worked as an Overhaul Mechanic for Central Aviation Inc. and for Pan Am World Services as an Instructor. He holds an Aircraft Dispatcher Certificate and a NYS Teachers Certificate."

Well here's the problem, someone here confirms that you were working back then in 1971 for fleet services as a cabin cleaner, as he stated that you were on his crew. It then seems you then left to become a member of management. That last little nugget of information seems to be missing from your list of qualifications. I'm a bit confused as I'm sure they taught you many interesting things on how to deal with pesky Union members.

Next is your service to the nation as an AMT and Crew Chief, well people are bringing up the fact that if you did work as an AMT, then why didn't you use that vast experience to get your A & P license. I'm sure you were informed by the Air Force that you could bypass the whole A & P school if you had this behind you. In order to squash is nasty rumor, could you please send us a copy of your DD-214 (Service record).

Next is the 'Overhaul mechanic for Central Aviation Inc', well I looked this company up and it turns out to be a company in Watertown Wisconsin and their description is "Painting and paper hanging contractor airport services ". Oh my! this is going to be a little difficult to defend, but at least it was on an airport, even if was just painting hangars. We could change this description to "Worked as an environmental aircraft storage facilities surface protection applicator and shade changing technician". Gosh, even I'm impressed.

Next is 'Pan Am World services as an instructor', is this the company that built hangars and runways? Well you were well qualified for that in the painting department. Unfortunately they have disappeared and that makes it hard to check on this qualification, so we still have the 'nay-sayers' on that one.

I'm not sure about the dispatcher certificate, but the NYS Teachers Certificate, this is just something one has to send in an application for.

I'm afraid the qualification that you stated you had when you were under oath at Brother Owens and Brother Shalk's disposition, is the one that I'm having the hardest time defending. This of course is the one when you stated that you had a Bachelors and Masters degree from Columbia. When the lawyer for Owens and Schalk asked you "if this was Columbia University in New York". Under oath you then stated, no it was from "Columbia State University, in Louisiana". I believe it was Brother Owens that found out that this was a 'diploma mill'. What can I say in your defense, I need help. Perhaps we could say that you did think that the course was awfully short.

So if you would send us a copy of your DD-214, before they get it via the 'freedom of information act', this will at least help to verify that you are indeed qualified to lead in you role as an un-elected, head of our Union.

Yours fraternally

Mike Allen

Local 562
Jim Little has lied his way to the top spot in the TWU. He has done incalculable damage to airline workers along the way while enriching himself. He lied to the members of Local 562 the very first time they met him when asked what made him qualified to speak for us-that was the first time I heard his claim of having batchelors and masters degrees from "Columbia". He lied to the workers of TWA, he lied to us all when he claimed that he would get us everything back in 2006 with the "early openers". Now he simply omits even mentioning the concessions as if they never occured. A leader who lies to his members is unfit to lead.
Jim Little has lied his way to the top spot in the TWU. He has done incalculable damage to airline workers along the way while enriching himself. He lied to the members of Local 562 the very first time they met him when asked what made him qualified to speak for us-that was the first time I heard his claim of having batchelors and masters degrees from "Columbia". He lied to the workers of TWA, he lied to us all when he claimed that he would get us everything back in 2006 with the "early openers". Now he simply omits even mentioning the concessions as if they never occured. A leader who lies to his members is unfit to lead.


I figured that, like almost everything else, there's an online reference to New York State Teaching Certificates and the holders so I looked up and scanned the results.

Check it out. Can you guess the name that did not show up in the database?

I figured that, like almost everything else, there's an online reference to New York State Teaching Certificates and the holders so I looked up and scanned the results.

Check it out. Can you guess the name that did not show up in the database?

I'm not defending the guy for being a bad union leader, but it could be missing from the NYS site because his certification was temporary and/or has expired.

NYS will issue a preliminary certification to those who possess the correct credits and pass the state exam. Years ago they automatically permanantly certified you if you finished a qualifying masters program. In the last 10-15 years they changed the rules. Now you can't be permanantly certified unless you hold a teaching position, pass state reviews, and are in (or have completed) an accredited masters program geared toward your certification subject.
I'm not defending the guy for being a bad union leader, but it could be missing from the NYS site because his certification was temporary and/or has expired.

NYS will issue a preliminary certification to those who possess the correct credits and pass the state exam. Years ago they automatically permanantly certified you if you finished a qualifying masters program. In the last 10-15 years they changed the rules. Now you can't be permanantly certified unless you hold a teaching position, pass state reviews, and are in (or have completed) an accredited masters program geared toward your certification subject.

Little Jimmy is certainly welcome to post a rebuttal on this site if he so desires showing proper documentation and credentials.

Further, if the credential has, in fact, expired, why does his bio on the TWU's main website refer to his holding (present tense) a certificate? The correct terminology would be "held".

Until he shows otherwise, it's simply one more lie from an unaccountable twit.
Further, if the credential has, in fact, expired, why does his bio on the TWU's main website refer to his holding (present tense) a certificate? The correct terminology would be "held".

Until he shows otherwise, it's simply one more lie from an unaccountable twit.

true enough.
Looks like Little is going to have to change his bio AGAIN!
Yeah Im a sellout! Whatta ya gonna do about it? You can't touch me, I'm a made man! I took my oath of Omerta at the sacred shrine of the golden toilet! I got mine! Over 200K a year. Not bad for having a fake degree!
Look, this is the deal. The MAN set up this phony labor movement in order to suppress any real rabble rousers which could effect the bottom line. I'm just playing the man's game. You should join me!
The champagne is cold, the women are hot. I'm the KING. KING LITTLE! :up:
Be fair, now. I can remember when the TWU was a good union, and we did well working for AA.

Dif'rent times, my boy. The TWU of Mike quill is long gone. This is my day. I make the rules ! I own the contract! I'M THE KING! You can't touch this! :lol: :lol: