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TWU Negotiations A Failed Strategy

american pie for the M&R 384 million, now we are going to ask to double that pie plus a little more lol. Do we have a meeting with AMR negotiators on DEC 13 ? this must be part of the better informer union, first i'm hearing about it.

Weekend pay you have to be kidding you work a 40 hour week. Last checked I think I get .01cents for 2nd shift. What's the BASE PREMIUM?

who is RLG and overland?
RLG and Overland Resource are two management firms on the property in TULE trying to figure out how to turn an overhaul and rework facility into a production line and are being paid, without a doubt, millions per year for their supposed assistance.

Few items/aircraft come through with the exact same problems/condition as would be required by the 'Henry Ford' type production line, but in the interest of collecting money from the company these two firms try like hell anyway to convince our (mis)management they're worth their salt.
I suspect that saving the profession is going to cost some folks their jobs and their futures. If it ends up being mine, I will be seeking revenge.

Seek revenge? The working class in the U.S. by its willingness to put up with so much crap in the past and today, has proven to be a mere paper tiger. Careful how you tread, brother; while you may be just venting justified frusration, this forum is monitored by the corporate ermpire. Your own words, as benign as they miay seem to me, may be used against you. 😛h34r:
revenge lol that guy form eastern and twa are still doing deals, and the eastern people paid dearly
as usual are local tells us nothing

The Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee has a meeting scheduled with NMB Mediator Jack Kane next week Monday November 15, 2010 in Hurst Texas. The meeting will entail debriefing Mediator Kane on the rejected tentative agreement, specifically the memberships reasons for rejection along with discussions on scheduling future bargaining sessions.

We will update the membership as soon as new information becomes available

In Unity
... snip
I know there are a lot of hardcore union guys here, but times have changed, with the republicans on the rise and the economy still stagnent, the government will not be union friendly for a long time.

Where did you ever get the idea the government is union-friendly now?

Corporate Amerika owns both major political parties. Democrats and Republicans alike are going to do as their masters, the highest bidders, demand. That government 'system' has a name - "Fascism", where corporate interests control the governments agenda, similar to Mussolini's Italy pre-WWII.

The government, regardless of the party in charge, is not worker-friendly. Even though we may have the votes, we simply do not haven't the money to grease the proper palms as does corporate Amerika. To think otherwise is rather naive.
Our crew talked with Larry Pike for about an hour on Tues. He explained the SIX member 'POINT' Team of the negotiation committee and their present focus. This team has put together another proposal that will cost AMR $900+Million a year, where the last p o s T/A had a cost of some $384Million a year. Larry has asked to meet with the NMB PRIOR to a 13 DEC mtg with AMRs negotiators. Larry wants to keep M&R AHEAD of the APFA & APA in the negotiations merry-go-round. This new proposal is a modified 2001 TWU-AMR contract with a few new side dishes, like a BASE PREMIUM for AMTs & OSMs, increased 2nd & 3rd shift differtential pays along with a WEEK END pay. Back are the PAID Lunches, PENALTY Hour and Overtime LUNCH/ Missed Lunch pay. The FIRST item on that agenda is JOB PROTECTION (READ: NO SPIN-OFF of Heavy Maint.)!! I did NOT hear about a 'ME TOO' Claus for pay increases!
'Nuff for now!

Talk about fantasy land. You're already being told that AMR is at a $600m difference from the rest of the industry, and now you want to make that a $1.2b difference?...

Good luck with that, guys. I just don't see it happening unless there's a huge carrot for the company, e.g. dropping the ASM cap on Eagle entirely or getting rid of the DBC and going with a 401K.
After patiently watching and waiting for the TWU to accomplish a conclusion to negotiations that would meet membership needs. A review of the strategy is in order.

I am sure you don't have to be reminded that we are all still looking at a bi-weekly paycheck that is 17.5% less than pre-restructuring agreement of 2003 or better yet referenced as the James C. Little's "Without Further Ratification" agreement after claiming a re-vote is required to have a credible agreement. In addition we have been looking at continuous raises in medical premiums along with refused or exluded benefit coverage which is further eroding your pay and quality of living status and we are all still enjoy less Holidays than Management and other Union personell on AA property.

Let's review the negotiations strategy to date.

I would begin with the Dennis Burchette claim during the CNBC aired video special regarding the TWU Working Together and the now infamous "Pajama Party". I remember vividly his claim that we were going to fill the company pockets with money and once filled, he was going to reach in there and get us some of the cash. I remember the TWU/AA hats that proclaimed $500 millions in savings "and I helped". I remember a chicken sandwhich.

Shortly after we were delivered the polo and t-shirts with the TWU 2008 Contract Negotiations Logo. We were asked to wear them on Wednesday's and show unity and strength. Then Burchette runs off to another appointment to the TWU International which be blew once again. Leaving behind the Working Together Union busting scheme that has left an already docile union with nothing more than threats and bluffs to try to gain advancement for the membership.

Then of course we have two (2) Steve Luis meetings on the ramp in Tulsa telling us how we were not going to use old union tactics to get a contract and that we all needed to work our very hardest and very best to prove we were worthy of a great contract. We were going to get third party work and become a world class MRO provider. Luis, another Cheer Leader of Working Together left much to be desired in Union Leadership.

I believe the initial TWU Contract Proposal equated to restore plus 10%, and that was over 2 1/2 years ago. But at this time we were in double secret negotiations and nobody in the membership actually saw this proposal.

Then we had the rally at Headquarters where by the TWU faithful burned over sized fake bonus money and screamed and yelled their displeasure with management bonuses.

We watch full page ads ran in national and local newspapers decrying the failed shared sacrifice claim made by AA Management.

Then we enjoyed the Presidential Election with TWU claims that Obama and the Democrats would grant us a favorable NMB Mediator. Millions in dues money pumped into campaigns and we still wait for that favorable NMB. Waiting so long that many Democrats now thrown from Office.

Next we witnessed the request/bluff for a 30 day cooling off period. With the company simply responding that the TWU has not even taken a Strike Vote before requesting such action. We were all made fools in front of the public. The TWU bluff was called and we were backed into a corner of failure.

Then we watch our negotiators attend an 11 day super negotiation session in which only 5 days in Luis and Company bring back an inferior agreement that is rejected by 2/3rds of the membership. As a fear tactic the International attaches a Strike Vote to the ratification in an attempt to sell that which was inadequate. Local President of the largest AA System Local 514 calls members C.A.V.E. men and tells them to keep their pie-holes shut as the movement against ratification began.

Then we had Local Elections and had to start over with new negotiators.We paid for them to attend a couple of strategy sessions and they exclaim they are ready to contact the NMB. They are so embarrased they refuse to tell you that the NMB rejected further sessions until after the first of the year.

Now we have the TWU meeting with other unions on the property comparing notes and talking.

This list of faillures will soon be longer than the long list of concessions made by the TWU over the last 25 years.

At some point, this membership has to have had their fill, they must stand up and tell the TWU Leadership and AA Mangement that enough is enough. Until that time, expect more rhetorical and meaningless manuevers while they hope each of you forget the above history of the failed strategy.

Just Saying....
After reading you post. I walked away knowing that finally some really for once has their eyes open and not looking through those proverbial “Rose colored glasses.” I’ve been looking at the master list of members at AA for Title lll only just for a comparison on just the voting power of the 3 largest stations we have.
DFW, MIA and ORD controls 59.4% of a vote if all other stations vote in the opposite direction. And 83.4% for stations with more than 100 FSC population or the top 10 stations. I for one find this just slightly out of balance. I have only 3 years in this company but quickly became acutely aware of the inner workings of this so called union and find this group of chest beating primate posturing overgrown chimps, our negotiators, a group that is so far out of touch with the real needs of this membership. They should all be removed. I was bumped out just this last April and was faced with the task of bumping someone junior to me or taking the streets. I being the adventurous one felt it necessary to explore how the other stations live. But to make a long story short I took a smaller station and was recalled 2.5 months later. In that time I was in this new station I had found out some surprising things. Other people shared the same thoughts I have. We need new leadership where it counts. Darrin Pierce, maybe a fine person, but the gift of gab is strong with him. I had a chance to talk with him and what drives him to say what he does, frankly scares me. And I quote “guys please just put it in my hands …..just put it in my hand.” The days of old are long gone and if this membership, all groups, don’t wake up and smell the day old coffee, we will never get back to where we once where. NEVER. I’m 47 years old and just hope and holding out for full time and I hope I can make it till I’m 55.
Thanks for your time
Bob Brooks
After reading you post. I walked away knowing that finally some really for once has their eyes open and not looking through those proverbial “Rose colored glasses.” I’ve been looking at the master list of members at AA for Title lll only just for a comparison on just the voting power of the 3 largest stations we have.
DFW, MIA and ORD controls 59.4% of a vote if all other stations vote in the opposite direction. And 83.4% for stations with more than 100 FSC population or the top 10 stations. I for one find this just slightly out of balance. I have only 3 years in this company but quickly became acutely aware of the inner workings of this so called union and find this group of chest beating primate posturing overgrown chimps, our negotiators, a group that is so far out of touch with the real needs of this membership. They should all be removed. I was bumped out just this last April and was faced with the task of bumping someone junior to me or taking the streets. I being the adventurous one felt it necessary to explore how the other stations live. But to make a long story short I took a smaller station and was recalled 2.5 months later. In that time I was in this new station I had found out some surprising things. Other people shared the same thoughts I have. We need new leadership where it counts. Darrin Pierce, maybe a fine person, but the gift of gab is strong with him. I had a chance to talk with him and what drives him to say what he does, frankly scares me. And I quote “guys please just put it in my hands …..just put it in my hand.” The days of old are long gone and if this membership, all groups, don’t wake up and smell the day old coffee, we will never get back to where we once where. NEVER. I’m 47 years old and just hope and holding out for full time and I hope I can make it till I’m 55.
Thanks for your time
Bob Brooks

If the company gets their way you will never see full time. They want Title III to be college kids who come in, work a few years and move on. They dont want people to make it a career. Maybe you should try and give Darren some support and you may see FT before 55.
Where did you ever get the idea the government is union-friendly now?

Corporate Amerika owns both major political parties. Democrats and Republicans alike are going to do as their masters, the highest bidders, demand. That government 'system' has a name - "Fascism", where corporate interests control the governments agenda, similar to Mussolini's Italy pre-WWII.

The government, regardless of the party in charge, is not worker-friendly. Even though we may have the votes, we simply do not haven't the money to grease the proper palms as does corporate Amerika. To think otherwise is rather naive.

In this last election, the unions spent as much money on the campaigns as the corparations have. The dems got trounced, the biggest union to donate money was the union representing the federal employees. Now the fed employees pay and benefits are under attack by the republicans. There will be no love for any of us.
I thought I'd heard that union spending actually outpaced corporate and soft money spending...
Drink some more coolaid if u think that. Our whole society whorships at the alter of money ,
and sadley Unions don't have enough money or clout. We have been in a race to the bottom for about 40 years.
the Bush years are called the lost decade for a reason.
Dunno. The article below claims that unions alone spent more money in California than the GOP did.


Then there's this from the Wall Street Journal:

Dunno. The article below claims that unions alone spent more money in California than the GOP did.


Then there's this from the Wall Street Journal:


Even though I despise the union taking money from my paycheck under threat of termination for failure to pay dues and often spending that money on issues and candidates I do not agree with, I don't believe the link you posted ever states that
"unions alone spent more money in California than the GOP did".

It does claim "And in the past two election cycles, liberal interest groups outspent Republicans by a considerable sum."

But E I am afraid are many more fools in the liberbal interest groups than just unions.

Back on topic for a second...

I would still like to know if Bob Owens or anyone else can predict how much this cycle of "Save the Profession" is going to cost me as it pertains TWU/AA Negotiations? How do you save a profession that has demonstrated that 1000+ A&P Licensed AMT's will cross the picket line of a union on strike within the profession? Nobody seems to want to ever want to answer that question. So instead some keep claiming that every little battle over a change that equates to a concession for newly hired AMT's is battle to save the profession. On one hand they claim AMT's are quitting or refusing re-call notices, then on the other hand they fear the new AMT will chosse to hire in at less than adequate pay and benefits so we must engage in a fight to save the profession.

Why not the newly hired AMT decide what the profession is to her or him? Or are really just engaged in another battle to save the profession based on bluffs and in the end we all end up with less?

Just sayin...