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TWU/IAM Members: How Long Will Negotiations Take?

How long do you think it will be before the Association presents a contract proposal to any of the w

  • By the first week of 2016 (within about 30 days)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-60 Days

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • 60-90 Days

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 90-120 Days

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 4-6 Months

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • 6-9 Months

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • 9-12 Months

    Votes: 6 6.0%
  • 12-18 Months

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 18-24 Months

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 24-48 Months or longer

    Votes: 40 40.0%

  • Total voters
bob@las-AA said:
I knew it wouldn't take long before some ungrateful  would post something like this.
As I said Bob I'm happy with the bump in pay. However there are many unresolved issues in our contract. I for one am not going to ignore the glaring issues that remain for a few shiney pieces of silver. We all work too hard to give the union or company a pass. As for your name calling, it says alot about you.
It's not just the company (They are big part) This ASSociation is another major stumbling block. Our seniority should have been solved by now. The committees  have agreed twice, the TWU international has bought off on it twice, but the IAM international has said no twice. When asked to put it to a member vote the IAM has said no, send it to mediation. 1/3 of the membership is dictating to 2/3. I say its about time the TWU say enough, we want no more ASSociation lets go to NMB and see who has 51% of the member representation and the other has 30 days to get enough cards. We no longer have a vote on anything concerning our futures. Between the company going to an all out stall and the IAM sending everything to arbitration we will be lucky to see anything before 2018
This is one of the biggies that I said this asso. should not have happened. The TWU and the IAM should have had a run off election between them.  I wonder if you guys could get enough sigs on a petition to send to the NMB and ask for a change, or at least se if there can be a run-off still.  You know new leaders were voted in at AMFA National, and the new leaders will be much more open to helping you guys alot more than the last leaders were.  The replaced leaders were all about them and not the membership or AMFA as a whole to grow and expand. Give the new guys some time to get in and settled down, and maybe approach the new AMFA leaders to reach out and help you guys in another card drive.  
It's more difficult this time around. We don't know how the IAM guys feel about signing cards. The IAM will tell them all kinds of negative things. They will say the association is your best bet. The usual scare tactics of change. I believe that the next drive has to have not only Tulsa onboard but the IAM guys or else it will be a waste of time.
1AA said:
It's more difficult this time around. We don't know how the IAM guys feel about signing cards. The IAM will tell them all kinds of negative things. They will say the association is your best bet. The usual scare tactics of change. I believe that the next drive has to have not only Tulsa onboard but the IAM guys or else it will be a waste of time.
During the IBT raid vote the members at US voted to keep the IAM over the IBT. AMFA (The airline mechanics only union) only received 8 write in votes. 8.

That reality and the reality that with the raises everyone is far more comfortable then they were in September should tell you that maybe it's time to take up a new hobby?

The window of opportunity has closed.
WeAAsles said:
During the IBT raid vote the members at US voted to keep the IAM over the IBT. AMFA (The airline mechanics only union) only received 8 write in votes. 8.
That reality and the reality that with the raises everyone is far more comfortable then they were in September should tell you that maybe it's time to take up a new hobby?
The window of opportunity has closed.
of course they voted the Iam . The Iam played scared tactics on the iampf. If you vote AMFA you will loose your iampf . Your hate for AMFA is strong as much as your hate for us amts . And if they were write in votes then AMFA was not on the ballot . So take your hate and shove it and worry about your own work group you twu/Iam Pollyanna
conehead777 said:
of course they voted the Iam . The Iam played scared tactics on the iampf. If you vote AMFA you will loose your iampf . Your hate for AMFA is strong as much as your hate for us amts . And if they were write in votes then AMFA was not on the ballot . So take your hate and shove it and worry about your own work group you twu/Iam Pollyanna

Hate? What in the World are you talking about? I've told SWAMT that I hope he gets a contract that hits a massive home run. I've congratulated you guys on your raises and have commented multiple times that I don't want to fly on a plane unless it was worked on by you. I guess you've conveniently ignored all of that? Again congratulations on your raises. They were well earned and deserved.

On the other issue. Uh no, wrong. The IBT got a lot of votes for that raid. As a matter of fact they got 1,418 or 42% to the IAM tally of 1,903 or 56%.

AMFA received 8 write in votes or 0.2%

As also another matter of fact "No representation" got even better numbers at 21 votes or 0.6%

You may not like the reality that stares you in the face but that doesn't make the reality any less real.

I will give you everything you say, concerning a union election for the representation of the mechanics.
However what were you activities during the AMFA drives? Did you make any attempts to prevent or stay out of the way?
Buck said:
I will give you everything you say, concerning a union election for the representation of the mechanics.
However what were you activities during the AMFA drives? Did you make any attempts to prevent or stay out of the way?
I've never once not ever stepped in the way of what you guys might want. I'm not a mechanic and it's not my place. BUT I absolutely have spelled out the truth on this Forums page when anyone tried to ignore it or paint a picture that wasn't true, particularly when those lies are regarding my Union. 

I even tried to say that the selling point should be more in the ideology rather than trying to say what their accomplishments were. I think IMO you guys have always been trying to sell it totally the wrong way.

Just some guys opinion take it or leave it.
WeAAsles said:
During the IBT raid vote the members at US voted to keep the IAM over the IBT. AMFA (The airline mechanics only union) only received 8 write in votes. 8.
That reality and the reality that with the raises everyone is far more comfortable then they were in September should tell you that maybe it's time to take up a new hobby?
The window of opportunity has closed.
AMFA was not campaigning over at USAIR during that drive. If one decides to write in another union so be it.
WeAAsles said:
During the IBT raid vote the members at US voted to keep the IAM over the IBT. AMFA (The airline mechanics only union) only received 8 write in votes. 8.
That reality and the reality that with the raises everyone is far more comfortable then they were in September should tell you that maybe it's time to take up a new hobby?
The window of opportunity has closed.
It must be the fashionable ear rings you wear, they seem to adversely affect your hearing. Base opinions of baggage handling engineers are not wanted in our AMT class and craft decisions. Take your own advise in taking up a new hobby, such as ramp issues and speaking to coherrent questions for Dougweiser.
AMFA votes at other carriers and/or card drives do not involve you or your TWu voting block of rampers. As much as you try to be, your not in the know here. You only know what your told or read. I would surmise your time would be much better spent over ramper issues. Your self involvement in AMT and related subjects shows you have little contol over your own inside the worthless TWu dictatorship

You failed to be elected for TWu office, a new hobby perhaps?
1AA said:
It's more difficult this time around. We don't know how the IAM guys feel about signing cards. The IAM will tell them all kinds of negative things. They will say the association is your best bet. The usual scare tactics of change. I believe that the next drive has to have not only Tulsa onboard but the IAM guys or else it will be a waste of time.
I agree with you that it will be harder than before this asso was forced in.  Just wanted to let you guys know that there will be new leaders in place with open minds and plans to grow AMFA as a whole.  It would take alot for the guys to start another drive at AA but, this new contract may be the trigger, we will wait and see.  With the seniority issue being one of the major road blocks, and now in the hands of an arbitrator, which is scary, we will all see how that turns out. Kinda funny how the IAM who was in charge at the time, and soon (Aug. 2016) the TWU starts to take over control of the asso. and before the TWU can take over the IAM decides to throw over to an arbitrator, so now the TWU cannot come in and make any changes from what the IAM was pushing to lean further in the TWU's favor of how they handle seniority integration. Just curious to how long this arbitrator will take to make a decision.  Does anyone have a time frame? Or is it all in the mediators hands until he makes his decision?  Good luck to you guys, enjoy the bump in pay and hope you guys get an industry leading contract when it is all said and done.
swamt said:
Just wanted to let you guys know that there will be new leaders in place with open minds and plans to grow AMFA as a whole.
It's about friggin' time! IMO
Rogallo said:
It's about friggin' time! IMO
Why another 3rd party union? Why not do like the stews or pilots if you are going to get rid of the mx association. I doubt any lus mx would leave the protections of the association as the association has been all good for lus.
Tim Nelson said:
Why another 3rd party union? Why not do like the stews or pilots if you are going to get rid of the mx association. I doubt any lus mx would leave the protections of the association as the association has been all good for lus.

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