Of course those who are in it are going to sing its' praises since to secure their payouts in retirement it needs to continue to have participants and hopefully gain even more. that's not to say though at the moment the fund is not solid? The basics on it 's website show assets of 10.9 Billion and 190,000 participants.
From it's website.
"As a participant in the National Pension Plan, youre in good company. At the time we are publishing this SPD, more than 190,000 participants are earning pension benefits or are qualified to receive pensions from the National Pension Plan. Currently, benefits totaling more than $445,000,000 are being paid each year to over 80,000 retirees and beneficiaries. More than 1,750 employer locations nationwide contribute to the National Pension Plan".I highlighted the part in red because that's where I would want to do my research if I was interested in joining in. Who are those company's and what is there projected growth rate over at least the next 10 years? Are those all viable companies in today's economy? What is the average age of fund participants and is the fund gaining new participants and at what rate? But also the fact that the fund needed to cut benefits a few years ago to remain solvent into the future must be a concern even if the entire market tanked back in 08.
My personal preference would be a tiered 401k match on every hour worked. Something like what the FA's currently have but with no drop off date so a member can maximize his benefits over 50 till we retire. It is 100% fair since every member from the second he or she walks in the door is going to get older. Of course the member has to match the percentage given or else it's on them that they aren't getting their full value. To that end if someone feels they would never be able to put any money in to get the match, that's where maybe the IAMPF would be the better option for them?
On your last sentence. I've never been a fan of the hard sell when it comes to MY money.