Indeed.Rogallo said:His motivations are crystal clear.
Sounds to me like you have a personal issue with Gary Peterson. Maybe you should sit down face to face with him and sort out your differences.Overspeed said:GQ,
Definitely not a hypocrite. I posted here many times in the past that no one from the union should be posting on a public forum about internal issues. How many officers have posted about the negotiations weren't going the way they wanted so what did they do, they posted here to broadcast all the disarray on the committee (Bob and Chuck).
I look in the mirror and I see someone who is frustrated with the lack of leadership from within the TWU. Bob is the leadership. I'm not an officer or a rep so I wouldn't know most of what I do if it weren't posted here on this forum. So yes, I complain about having union meetings at the terminal or on company premises for that matter. The officers should only be engaging members on the field to find out what it is they need to show up at a meeting.
If the local can't get it's members to even come in a little early or stay a little late then Bob's hope that we all lock arms and shut the place down if we don't get the uber-deal he says we can get then guess what, we aren't getting it. And the company knows we are in disarray and individuals. When one set of reps (DFW and ORD) is fighting the company and the other is working closely with them (MIA) they don't have to read this blog, Wroble knows he has us right where he wants us.
I believe that Knapp and Rojas are our best bet to getting some kind of unity in 591. I've heard from MIA that Knapp knows how to get his officers on the same page and that's what we need. GP is out for himself and GS still wants AMFA. Knapp and Rojas can make the union we have work for the members.
Overspeed said:Bob,
The terminal? Why are you having union meetings on company property? Doesn't that mean management can hear whatever you are saying?
Bob Owens said:Its in the terminal but not AA property. The room is rented from the Miami International Airport Hotel on the airport. Unfortunately, with people like you in the Union management hears everything anyway.
OUCH! I felt that one under my seat from my keyboard.Bob Owens said:Its in the terminal but not AA property. The room is rented from the Miami International Airport Hotel on the airport. Unfortunately, with people like you in the Union management hears everything anyway.
Nice map!La Li Lu Le Lo said:How many does it take to cost millions of dollars worth of damage and kill people?
Maybe you should reference the map.
A resident of "Tornado Alley".
An airport terminal is not AA's property.Overspeed said:Bob,
The terminal? Why are you having union meetings on company property? Doesn't that mean management can hear whatever you are saying?
The money spent on legal actions has produced what for the membership? That the Int'l was right they can determine the number of locals, that you can't keep an Int'l rep from bring present at negotiations? Soon we will probably find out that the local can't stop the Association as well. And what about the big FAA violations? I would have though by now if there was severe or even significant issues we would have seen some parked aircraft.
So that is a short list of bad financial decisions made by the 591 board, what about the financial decisions that did work? Well passed bylaw changes without membership approval to raise your salaries. Oh and authorize UBC for the you and the rest of the Fantastic Four to be paid out of our membership dues your full wages to hide in the union office without membership approval.
The membership is very apathetic and its getting worse not better because the changes made weren't what the members wanted, it was what you thought we wanted. It makes you feel good and the rest of us think even less hopefully with all the bickering, fighting, and jockeying for power.
All that money wasted on BS lawsuits should have gone in to hiring our own economists, not you Wall Street Bob, to put together a real good JCBA proposal. Review the language and tell us how to make it better.
It has already been pointed out that you really don't understand the management games that are being played in each of the stations. Stations are being played against each other. If the DFW allegations were correct why did MIA pick up the work without a hiccup and turn the aircraft faster? Didn't GP coordinate with Rojas and Knapp? It is quite obvious there are deep differences with how the local should be run on the board. The 591 board is deeply divided. GP was out here telling us Mishak should be removed for his comments for God's sake. Shouldn't GP and the rest of the board dealt with a lack of unity internally before taking potshots on the floor at other members? Or is it this board's policy to blame everyone else for their lack of leadership skills.
The Truth Will Set U Free said:Bob
Let me say this I am in no way just picking on you. You just happened to be the only one on the Board that has the Balls to come on here and let everyone know who you are. I have also done the same thing. Why dont you ask the other Board Members to do the same so they can answer for some of the stuff that is going to keep coming out.
I guess they may have something to hide. Or maybe they just like keep there secret deals SECRET.
Or maybe they could just Give Miami OUR Local Back and I would keep my Big Mouth closed.