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Fleet Service Update


Jan 5, 2003
Reaction score
October 31, 2005

Negotiations update,

The negotiating committee met with the company this past week for continued negotiations for pay and benefit increases. Several proposals were passed between the Union and the company. Last week was Shirley Kaufman’s final week as the lead negotiator for the company. Our next negotiating meetings on November 9th and 10th will be with Al Hemenway. Al comes from US Airways. Local 580 realizes that the time is now for getting a contract. We will do our best to accomplish this task. This has been a trying period for all of us and we would like to thank you for your support and patience.

The Negotiating Committee

Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU Local 580 Executive Board understands that the members across the system are anxious to receive answers to numerous questions surrounding the merger of America West and US Airways.

Some members are of the opinion that TWU should accept the IAM contract in lieu of continued contract negotiations. TWU will not accept the IAM contract for the following reasons:

1. OUTSOURCING: Up to 650 Union members in 15-20 field stations could lose their jobs to outsourcing if we were under the IAM contract.

2. CONCESSIONS: The IAM contract is a concessionary contract forced on the IAM by US Airways management.

3. NEGOTIATIONS: TWU Local 580 is currently in Section 6 contract negotiations with a company that is NOT in bankruptcy. Since the company is not in bankruptcy and there are also no ATSB loan constraints, Local 580 is in a positive position to gain significant increases for its members involving pay and benefits.

With the information listed above and numerous other issues that Local 580 has with the IAM contract, the Executive Board believes that the IAM contract should not be considered as an acceptable choice for the membership. TWU Local 580 will continue vigorous negotiations to secure a non-concessionary contract that benefits and protects the entire membership.

The TWU Local 580 Executive Board would like to thank you for your continued support. You can expect continual updates as we go through this process together.
is a field station something like ABE whereas it doesnt have but 1 mainline jet a day?
that means that my job could be in jeapordy then if they are/will cut Piedmont station as well as MDT?
Specific people were retained by HP/US for a REASON.

This announcement is one of many.

The Palace was proficient at exploiting division, which is all I see at the combined work groups.
Should we be signing cards saying we want a vote? Let's get TWU in here! We have had enough of IAM!
There is a card at http://local580.twuatd.org/TWU_ATD_RepElectionForm22.pdf

You may want to look at the TWU pay scale first.

The ramp faces the same issues as the mechanic group the chance at replacing the IAM with another union. If the TWU can show 35 percent or more to the NMB there will be an election to decide if the merged fleet service group changes its representation leadership.

If the TWU does succeed they would become the new servicing agent on the IAM contract in effect you keep the contract but dump the IAM as your rep. Now the Big scare tactic the IAM AGC's will throw at you is you will lose your union if the 50 percent plus one is not made in a vote. Nothing would make my day as seeing the IAM AGCs who makes 99,000 or 3 times the amount of pay as a FT ramp worker who make 33,000 a year scramble around trying to convince us we need to keep them. We never see these guys only when its important to Protect there A$$! I cannot see the workers falling for there BS again so if the cards come in to the Breakrooms I forsee many many workers signing cards fully knowing the risk of decertification with a run off vote.

If the AGC.s all cut there pay beneifits 40 percents tommorrow I still think the workers would still sign a card they have had enough of the IAM! Most agree our backs are up against the wall with this dead end contract . The IAM does not deserve another dam dollar paid to them for this sorry A@# excuse for a contract. They blame everyone now the Company the BK Judge and even the workers the represent but they IAM reps never except reponsiblity for what they lost thu poor representation.

If the TWU reps come to my city I'll have my pen ready fully knowing the risks

IAM strenght in numbers - what a joke!