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TWU-IAM Association thread

For Bob.

Baggage Handler (Aviation/Airline) Salary
Very much a male-dominated career in the United States, Baggage Handlers earn an average of $12.05 per hour. Pay generally varies between $9.23 per hour and $22.33. Compensation for this group is mainly affected by career duration, but the specific employer and geography are influential factors as well. Although a strong majority have medical coverage and the greater part have dental coverage, close to one-fourth claim no health benefits at all. Job satisfaction is high and work is enjoyable for most Baggage Handlers. The data for this synopsis comes from respondents who took the PayScale salary survey.

A former baggage handler for Delta Air Lines claims in a new lawsuit that he was fired from his job of 26 years for union organizing and public comments about low pay for Delta’s ground workers.
The suit, filed Thursday by Christopher “Kip” Hedges in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis, asserts that the Atlanta-based airline violated provisions of the federal Railway Labor Act that prohibits company interference in union activities.
Hedges, a baggage handler and ramp worker who started with Northwest Airlines and was once a top union official, claims he was fired last December for publicly stating that “a lot of Delta workers make less than $15 an hour.”


Maybe Bob would also like to ask Kip or Kev about the 35% PT Ready Reserve system at Delta. Plus the other 30% PT regular rate? Would Bob be in that top 35% so he could get HIS?

Maybe Bob would also have to wonder what might happen if 2 out of the 4 major airlines were non Union? What might happen if he had that ability to take his current contract and throw it ALL in the garbage.

Guys like you Bob are why I didn't want that vote. I don't think there are really a lot of you out there but there could be just enough to make me nervous. Then again maybe you know what you are talking about? I'm sure that the High School you graduated from probably had a Rocket Science class?
True in 2010 in DFW there was not a concerted "vote no" effort. Zimmerman I believe took a half-hearted stance on it and did not circulate much info on it. Most of what I saw was the anti-TWU/Pro AMP/AMFA guys telling us to vote no. The negotiations process took a big step backward though when we had almost a complete change out of officers. The members wanted a new direction however I don't think we wanted them to sh*tcan the entire 2010 TA but to rework it. The new group took the local elections as a mandate to throw everything out and start over. Most people I spoke with liked many aspects of the TA but were unhappy mainly with the retiree medical (which was not going away contrary to what the vote no coalition said), the higher ratio of OSMs, the pay differential between base and line AMTs, and wanting more VC back. Instead of using the rejected TA as a basis the new group wanted to create a new TA which never happened.
I believe I already stated that one of the biggest lies was the retiree medical going away. It never went away in the TA only the funding of it did. Swamt has noted that the TA plan of using SK time is already in use at other airline/union CBAs and while I would rather have it fully funded by the company the TA retiree medical option preserved the plan for us old guys who did not have much time, created a SK bank accelerator for those in-betweeners, and larger SK bank for those under 45. So saying there we gave up retiree medical in the 2010 TA was an absolute lie.
Blaming the Int'l for not following the process is also a lie. The Int'l discussed with the officers that the NMB stated quite clearly that no granting of release would occur and that the mediator would put negotiations on ice. While many may claim we don't know that was true one only has to look at UA/CO and see that the mediator has not let them go and has said that he sees little reason to schedule more dates with the way things are going there. Like it or not, the NMB leans heavily towards keeping the parties at the table especially with bigger airlines. Current NMB behavior favors keeping the airline operating in the public best interest and does not seem to care about labors' interests. With all that being said it was a lie to state that rejecting the TA and asking for a release was going to better our situation. We were not getting released for years if ever and that played in to the company's favor. They got our services at reduced cost each year inflation rose and our comp became devalued due to stagnation at the table. But I forgot, the new officers were going to get us full retro too.
WeAAsles said:
Guys like you Bob are why I didn't want that vote. I don't think there are really a lot of you out there but there could be just enough to make me nervous. Then again maybe you know what you are talking about? I'm sure that the High School you graduated from probably had a Rocket Science class?
Lets face it, the "Union" experience has not been a good one for most in AC Maint and apparently some bag handlers. Given the track record of the TWU I can honestly say I would have voted no union if given the choice.
That's why we never got a ballot. Too risky for the unions. They tell us we will get a ballot and on the other hand convince the nmb otherwise. And guys still refuse to sign or even get involved.
Hey, I just "celebrated" my 31st year!   We have been lied to in some form since I started......
Thank You - and here you go...
From the President’s Desk         
 To All,
The long awaited decision from the NMB has come. The Class and Craft has been determined and the Association is the new bargaining agent. The TWU has always held the position that the membership would have the opportunity to vote; however, the NMB had the ultimate authority and certified the Association. This decision expedites the process of negotiating our next contract.
For the last several weeks I have been in negotiation discussions with the other TWU local Presidents preparing to meet with the IAM. I want all of you to know that it is my desire to get this contract done as timely as possible.
C/S and DAT:
I also met with the company last week to review a new policy on C/S and DAT (day at a time) vacation. The roll out date is flexible but the company would like to roll it out August 01, 2015. The C/S would have to be done with another person instead of yourself; you could shift trade in eight (8) hour increments, this would include doing a double shift that would count as two (2 days worked.
The company has not yet revealed how the 4/10 shifts will be able to utilize the C/S policy but I fully expect a policy that is uniform and fair to all. The company has informed the union that they are currently evaluating 4/10 vs 5/8 shifts.
The C/S policy is similar to the line and it is used extensively as a way to get more days off. In addition, you would also be able to give days away to get time off as long as others have signed up to work. Basically, that person would be picking up extra hours.
Other work groups at American Airlines have been utilizing this type of C/S policy for quite some time and it's reported to me by other TWU Presidents that all shifts participate so they all get more time off. I have been in constant dialog with the company pushing for a policy that provides some relief for our members. I believe this policy ultimately provides more opportunity for that.
The DAT policy would be vacation used from your yearly vacation allotment; these would be designated as DAT days during vacation selection each fall. It would provide a maximum of one hundred (120) hours to be designated as DAT's. This is what is in the current IAM/USAir contract.
Prior to these changes going into effect the company has assured me that all will receive the needed training.
Please keep in mind that vacation is contractual and negotiated; the company determines our C/S policy. Going forward I'd like to see the C/S policy negotiated into our agreement as well.
As more information becomes available, I will distribute accordingly.
Thank you,
Dale Danker
One has to wonder how much Pre-Negotiation-Negotiations are happening. As long as I get my 7% above Delta's $42 
The devil is in the writing. Read it carefully and also what is not written. Our CS policy is not a problem in general. The few abusers can be dealt with its just that the new boss in town does not like anything American Airlines way of doing things anymore regardless if it works or not. Only exception I can think of is the non Rev boarding process. Commuters and folks who need to be with families are going to be hit the hardest. Guys with second jobs are going to have to make a decision on which job they want if the new rules threatens their other job.
1AA said:
The devil is in the writing. Read it carefully and also what is not written. Our CS policy is not a problem in general. The few abusers can be dealt with its just that the new boss in town does not like anything American Airlines way of doing things anymore regardless if it works or not. Only exception I can think of is the non Rev boarding process. Commuters and folks who need to be with families are going to be hit the hardest. Guys with second jobs are going to have to make a decision on which job they want if the new rules threatens their other job.
What station are you at now? You say our cs policy is not a problem. Where I'm at my friend there is no cs policy! So that is a problem! I welcome this change. For commuters and folks that need to be with families here we have been hoping for a cs policy that is equal to our co workers have enjoyed for many years. Its a great thing if you have none. Many here in TUL have never been allowed to share in this program. Long overdue! 
What station are you at now? You say our cs policy is not a problem. Where I'm at my friend there is no cs policy! So that is a problem! I welcome this change. For commuters and folks that need to be with families here we have been hoping for a cs policy that is equal to our co workers have enjoyed for many years. Its a great thing if you have none. Many here in TUL have never been allowed to share in this program. Long overdue!
I work the line. Tulsa always had weekends off so no pressure for cs policy to be in affect or to have one. Things changed and Tulsa still has no cs policy in affect. Maybe it's long overdue for Tulsa. Line stations can not function with no cs policy in place. All line stations have different needs. Blanket policy is not the answer.
Rogallo said:
So was 7 day coverage.
it still is by dock or location. some are not under 7 day coverage. My gut feeling is is coming soon for everybody. I think thats the reason to have a new cs policy is being brought in. 
1AA said:
I work the line. Tulsa always had weekends off so no pressure for cs policy to be in affect or to have one. Things changed and Tulsa still has no cs policy in affect. Maybe it's long overdue for Tulsa. Line stations can not function with no cs policy in place. All line stations have different needs. Blanket policy is not the answer.
I've worked at 4 different stations. I certainly agree line stations have much different staffing needs. Is this new policy for the line or just Tul.