You really sound like you're afraid of negotiating. Are you like that when you shop for a car, or buy a house? You keep calling two thirds of the AA AMTs "know nothings" for voting that 2010 TA down. Fact is, nobody knew our negotiating team was going to let us down - again - that includes you. Now here you are, already shaking in you boots that the AMTs will vote down the first offer. Calling people "know nothings", as if that is going to somehow convince people to change their minds, and vote yes. I expect the company will offer the right amount of money to get us where we need to be; however, that is where the TWU international steps in, and starts the horse trading. By the time the international gets done with the company's offer, AAs AMTs will be relegated to the bottom of the industry for pay and benefits for another 5 years. That will be courtesy of the spineless yes voters like yourself.