Let's end the address conspiracy here. Have you ever seen a seniority list from another airline?
No I haven't. Thats usually confidential and the airlines simply do not hand them out. If you have a link to the SWA seniority list please post a link.
Let's look at what the TWU had managed to do in BK. We avoided pay cuts, we kept the majority of our work in-house, and we protected future work.
So the loss of the pension and huge increases to Medical arent paycuts? For the first 30 years I was told that those benefits were pay, the most important part. The fact is we already gave the paycuts prior to bankruptcy, we were already at the bottom, in fact we gave up so much outside of BK back in 2003 that carriers in BK had to go back and get more just to try and catch up to what we gave up outside of BK. UAL had a TA for a straight 13% cut in April of 2003, and prior to filing they were at the top of the industry, but it was rejected by the creditors because we gave 25% without going BK. We gave up Holiday pay, vacation and sick time. ending up with by far the worst contract in the industry. Sure our hourly wage may have been a few pennies higher but the lost vacation, Holidays and sick paid for it many times over.
We didnt protect future work, we allowed the company to outsource as long as they spend 65% in house. Just look at AFW and the planes that are now going to China and south of the border. (Where is that language keeping the outsourced work in the US that you have claimed is so important?) So AA could buy the parts and materials and ship the stuff to a 3P for installation. If the parts and materials cost more than the labor then they could outsource all of the OH labor. There is no limit on how much OH they cann outsource. The fact is that they didnt go for more outsourcing because they already have the ability to outsource more than they need to. capacity is tight for NB OH, and WB is much better off.
It is complete BS to compare a contract negotiated 9 years out of BK to AA's current BK and the wages we have now.
Wrong. BK abrogation is there to provide
relief from onerous contracts, not to provide debtors an advantage over everyone else.Comparing to others is exactly what you do in BK. Our pilots, Flight attendants, fleet service clerks and other workers did not end up at bad off compared to their peers as we did.
So, getting back to BK, you say the judge doesnt care that all he wants to do is give the company whatever they want? And you are OK with that? Okay because it gives you an excuse to help the company get what they want or just OK because uit doesnt affect you? Do you think its right that a Judge can abrogate our contracts and force Unions in the airline industry to work under terms they didnt agree to? You think that by trying to raid WN thats its going to help us in the future when the Airlines can simply do the same thing again?
Oh, thats right, you dont believe in fighting, you believe in giving AA whatever they want and hoping that by working for less they will keep more people paying dues. The fact is that 99% of the labor movement rejects the arguement that its better to lower wages so employers can hire more workers. in fact that very same concepy is part of the Republican party platform.