WeAAsles said:If you took in the numbers for the amount of work you had just prior to the bankruptcy, meaning the OH work in TULSA you would find that you were at the top of the industry in total compensation being gained against AA.
If that work had been given up in 2003 and equaled to the rest of the industry your per hour base (the survivors) would have been more than Delta, Northwest, United, Continental and USAIR. Do those jobs hold any value to you?
I would love to know if the majority of those who voted no for that association poll are line mechanics? Are any of those pollsters OH mechanics? Are you?
What are you talking about? We gave up all the concessions the company wanted in exchange for keeping more people on staff in Tulsa, and they were eventually laid off anyway. Not gonna fall for that crap again.
This is why baggage handlers should not have anything to do with M&R negotiations.