More misinformation from you.
If you are not an IAM Member any longer they will not be allowed to participate in the plan and accrue future earnings, that is in the plan, and if that happens, the money the company contributes to the plan stops and they keep any future payments, until a new CBA is negotiated.
So please explain to the board how AMFA can enforce the pension when the plan's terms are quite clear and legal and the pension have put letters out to all the US IAM members stating that.
See Fleet at US have a remedy if they are not in the plan anymore, M&R dont.
Steve Sleigh who is the fund director and a lawyer put out the official letter.
So you know more than the Plan, its director and the actuaries?
You can only be in the plan if you are an IAM Member or in a Coordinated Bargaining Unit.
So dont let the facts get in your way.