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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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737823 said:
For AA stations yes. AA people shouldn't have USAIR people especially retirees representing them.

Why do you think PMAA Passenger Service Agents voted in a union to have voice they will have a voice........ Why do think PMAA Passenger Service Agents voted in a union because they got tired of seeing their jobs outsourced....... CWA has stopped this at PMUS and all you want to do is shut the door on PMAA and say every thing is OK with the agents. The Lopsided vote tells different
Give me specific examples of AA outsourcing jobs. Red coats have been there for years, they only assist passengers with the kiosks and cannot perform ticketing and other agent functions.

737823 said:
Give me specific examples of AA outsourcing jobs. Red coats have been there for years, they only assist passengers with the kiosks and cannot perform ticketing and other agent functions.

The freight agents for one. They were let go during the BK with no options for filling or bumping any positions in the system. Some with over 20 years of service to AA are no longer a part of the company. Others are agents who are now home based rather than going somewhere to work and they took a substantial hit to their paychecks. You would think that since AA is now saving money by not leasing and paying utilities to accommodate for a facility that those agents should at least have kept their former pay rates?

Now at the ticket counters Back when I worked here in MIA between 03 to 05 ALL the counters were handled by blue coats. Before the merger what I saw at the counters were 4, 3 staffed by reds and 1 staffed by blues. The jobs are not just being lost by low cost personnel but also by those self serve kiosks. The company is saving money and outsourcing work at the expense of direct customer contact. That encroachment is getting bigger everyday.

It will be up to the union to negotiate to limit the amount of automation and protect people to be able to perform work. You probably like the idea of the ease of the kiosks but their was a time that others pumped the gas and wiped your windows for you. Try to find a full service gas station today?
There are full service has stations in MA, in fact some REQUIRE you to use full service. In Oregon by law all gas stations are full service. I rarely visit gas stations anymore because I have gone electric and never looked back. No funding extremists and terrorists overseas.

737823 said:
Robbed don't know about USAIR but at AA our last 762 was retired in May. Pretty sure those aircraft are being phased out and won't remain in the fleet. Of course a lot can change between now and next summer.

700UW said:
So why dont you come clean about who you really are and what you really do?
737823 said:
There are full service has stations in MA, in fact some REQUIRE you to use full service. In Oregon by law all gas stations are full service. I early visit has stations anymore because I have gone electric and never looked back. No funding extremists and terrorists overseas.

Tangent from the topic but I avoid self service kiosks everywhere I see them. I prefer the direct relationship and to keep an individual working even if it would be more convenient for me to do it myself.

I also don't like scanning my own items because I feel like I'm working for the store. I don't work for CVS so I don't want to learn how to scan my own items.
WeAAsles said:
Tangent from the topic but I avoid self service kiosks everywhere I see them. I prefer the direct relationship and to keep an individual working even if it would be more convenient for me to do it myself.
I also don't like scanning my own items because I feel like I'm working for the store. I don't work for CVS so I don't want to learn how to scan my own items.
Do you clean off the table when you eat at a fast food restaurant? If you do, it should feel the same. I do agree with what you said, as I also avoid the self serve checkouts for the same reason. And yes, I through my trash out at a fast food joint....
700UW said:
You are truly clueless on how things work or you are just adding more of your typical flamebait posting.
Yep lets have someone represent someone who has no experience, AA would eat them for lunch.
Why aren't you on the negotiating team, we know you have all the IAM paraphernalia and propaganda anyone could wish for!
scorpion 2 said:
Where's the conspiracy other than your post? Just because the APA and APFA have a me-too clause doesn't mean diddly. We had 1.7% of our total equity allocated as me-too so who got what in order to kick in the me-too? You wont and cant answer this question without exposing the twu lie. Look at how many chances you have had to bring substance to this and your response is to declare conspiracy. Come on at least make up something that kicked in the me-too before you go spouting black helicopter crap!
Well, the lie incorporates the Creditors Committee and Judge Lane, not to mention all the other Creditors who needed to approve the Equity. This conspiracy theory is running deep.......
Vortilon said:
Should I pack my bags for a guilt trip?  BTW if you were AMT, AMFA is the only way to go. 
Give me a scenario where "preferential hiring" works for an AMT.
Seriously, just for shitz and grins, I just asked 25 or so guys in the ready room if they have even heard of preferential hiring - nobody, nada, not one person.
So, exactly where on the importance list do you suspect most AMTs would put that issue during contract talks?  My guess, somewhere around bulletin board placement.
Single agenda? no, my goal would be to have a union that is laser focused on bettering pay and benefits for AA AMTs - that leaves out the TWU or IAM.  They are only concerned about taking care of the international parasites, and righting every liberal perceived social injustice - at the expense of actually getting us a better contract!
Since the "25 or so" guys you asked in the ready room don't care about the Preferential Hiring that would help Members get back on the job or back home, then I guess it shouldn't mean anything to those that it helps. After, a union isn't about helping others...it's just about what it can do for you and those other "25 or so" guys in the ready room.
For others, it is important that there is assistance for those guys to get back on the job and not have to wait for a JCBA or a representational battle that a few seem to cherish.
....And by your comments, it seems you're a Conservative.....if that's accurate, then it really explains many things.
737823 said:
Give me specific examples of AA outsourcing jobs. Red coats have been there for years, they only assist passengers with the kiosks and cannot perform ticketing and other agent functions.

All cargo agents are gone, sky caps do most of the baggage check-in on the curbs, kiosks do some of the check-in in the terminal and the red coats are expanding their grab.....AA agents are mostly behind the counters...that's all they have left.
southwind said:
Why aren't you on the negotiating team, we know you have all the IAM paraphernalia and propaganda anyone could wish for!
Why are you mentally challenged and cant comprehend?
Pay your bet.
NYer said:
All cargo agents are gone, sky caps do most of the baggage check-in on the curbs, kiosks do some of the check-in in the terminal and the red coats are expanding their grab.....AA agents are mostly behind the counters...that's all they have left.
And who does this work at USAIR? They have vendors too. As does UA. They always have and always will. You guys keep saying the agent jobs are under attack and being outsourced but that simply isn't the case. In the bankruptcy a few small stations lost mainline agents but the reality was they saw vey few mainline flights to justify keeping mainline agents.

700UW said:
So since the CWA represents the PMAA the CWA should just appoint PMAA employees into leadership roles with no experience?
You are truly just a pot stirrer who flamebaits.
I see it's ok for you to name call when you get cornered.  WHY is that?
Double standard don't you think?
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