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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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TRAVIS said:
Bob unless it's in fine print some were,( In other words hidden from the members) No.. But you can opt not to add too the fund with your own money to the IAMNPF, So No the money can not be put in a 401k or IRA that was meant for the PF. And we do not get company match on our 401k that was given up for this BS IAMNPF, We also gave up Profit Sharing. The rope just gets tighter around our necks as they use any means to keep us tied to the PF. They Will Not Even Get Us A Good Wage To Have The Money To Invest In Another Form Of Retirement As That Would Loosen Their Grip On Our Necks.
So in other words if we get rolled into the IAMNPF we not only take a cut in pay compared to the 401K match but we can forget about ever seeing profit sharing. Thanks for the info. Whats the penalty each year before 65?
Well, then the Me Too was a larger conspiracy by the TWU in that they also had the APA and the APFA also have a Me Too agreement for themselves. The beauty of this conspiracy is that the TWU was able to "trick" their Members with the help of co-conspirators in the APA and APFA.....That was just brilliant.
That conspiracy theory, scorpion, is not even slightly believable. At least you have it try.
Where's the conspiracy other than your post? Just because the APA and APFA have a me-too clause doesn't mean diddly. We had 1.7% of our total equity allocated as me-too so who got what in order to kick in the me-too? You wont and cant answer this question without exposing the twu lie. Look at how many chances you have had to bring substance to this and your response is to declare conspiracy. Come on at least make up something that kicked in the me-too before you go spouting black helicopter crap!
WeAAsles said:
Ok. Ever get the feeling that someone "might" know something that you haven't been let in on just yet?
Isn't that status quo?
Don't keep the membership informed/involved but blame them for voting the next turd contract?
You a$$holes have been doing that for years...
Time for some transparency.
B) xUT
TRAVIS said:
Bob unless it's in fine print some were,( In other words hidden from the members) No.. But you can opt not to add too the fund with your own money to the IAMNPF, So No the money can not be put in a 401k or IRA that was meant for the PF. And we do not get company match on our 401k that was given up for this BS IAMNPF, We also gave up Profit Sharing. The rope just gets tighter around our necks as they use any means to keep us tied to the PF. They Will Not Even Get Us A Good Wage To Have The Money To Invest In Another Form Of Retirement As That Would Loosen Their Grip On Our Necks.
Dealing with these a$$ clowns, you won't find out the 'back room' deals until it's too late.
Remember, side letters are not necessary released to the membership...
Day B smarter than U N'Chit!
Been there, no T-shirt, just a corn holing...
Bob Owens said:
So in other words if we get rolled into the IAMNPF we not only take a cut in pay compared to the 401K match but we can forget about ever seeing profit sharing. Thanks for the info. Whats the penalty each year before 65?
I will get the info as soon as i can, starts at 62 I think and there is a cut in the amount you can draw for early opt.
dfw gen said:
throwing the flag you have no idea what your talking about they were removed for lotalty to jim little.
Exactly.  It had nothing to do with the membership removing them...
Bob Owens said:
So in other words if we get rolled into the IAMNPF we not only take a cut in pay compared to the 401K match but we can forget about ever seeing profit sharing. Thanks for the info. Whats the penalty each year before 65?
You will find all your answers in this link at the bottom BOB also this link if full of BS and half truths.  http://www.iamdl142.org/
I have to laugh at the one about AMFA pay at SWA as they try to show how much they have gotten the members as in complaisance to AMFA( and we are still 15k less a year.) It is insulting to think the IAM thinks we can't think for our selfs or are just blind to their BS and flat out LIES.
Note.. look hard for the way they control your A&P.
NYer said:
Good to see you're capable of having a conversation without losing your cool and using name calling to make a point. It also shows the type of person that is trying to "persuade" others that AMFA is the way to go.
Either we agree with you or we're "commies." That's a pretty childish way to make a point.
You may not hear anyone speaking of the Preferential Hiring because they weren't at work to speak about getting an opportunity. Of course, those that were able to get positions, in any title group, are unimportant to those that have a single agenda and it often deals with themselves to the detriment of anyone else.
Should I pack my bags for a guilt trip?  BTW if you were AMT, AMFA is the only way to go. 
Give me a scenario where "preferential hiring" works for an AMT.
Seriously, just for shitz and grins, I just asked 25 or so guys in the ready room if they have even heard of preferential hiring - nobody, nada, not one person.
So, exactly where on the importance list do you suspect most AMTs would put that issue during contract talks?  My guess, somewhere around bulletin board placement.
Single agenda? no, my goal would be to have a union that is laser focused on bettering pay and benefits for AA AMTs - that leaves out the TWU or IAM.  They are only concerned about taking care of the international parasites, and righting every liberal perceived social injustice - at the expense of actually getting us a better contract!
737823 said:
This is the airline industry Afterall people are always moving around. You still haven't answered how a USAIR retiree who worked at SRQ and has been gone nearly a decade can represent AA employees.

Not a LAA the majority of stations don’t have or very little mainline employees a good number of jobs and stations are outsourced
Very little opportunity at LAA to transfer and you want to shut that door says a lot about you
You tell me Is he an elected reprehensive by the membership
Do you know Ellis Ryan & Georgina Felix? No clue if they are elected or not, seems to me they should have an active employee not a retiree. You know Eula Smith from Charlotte 3641? Again why should AA MIA employees be represented by a USAIR retiree from SRQ? He covers all of Florida and SJU how is he on the ground "representing" people if he is based in SRQ?

What work is outsourced at AA, you tell me.

So since the CWA represents the PMAA the CWA should just appoint PMAA employees into leadership roles with no experience?
You are truly just a pot stirrer who flamebaits.
700UW said:
So since the CWA represents the PMAA the CWA should just appoint PMAA employees into leadership roles with no experience?
You are truly just a pot stirrer who flamebaits.
For AA stations yes. AA people shouldn't have USAIR people especially retirees representing them.

737823 said:
For AA stations yes. AA people shouldn't have USAIR people especially retirees representing them.

You are truly clueless on how things work or you are just adding more of your typical flamebait posting.
Yep lets have someone represent someone who has no experience, AA would eat them for lunch.
Well if CWA got in before the merger who would have represented them? You constantly remind us all about your vast experience and given your experience how did things turn out for the membership at USAIR?

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